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Bronner Tells Usa Today Bankruptcy Could Occur

Depends on where you place the emphasis on "a mid-September bankruptcy filing".

If the emphasis is on "mid-September", then it seems reasonable to think that the timing is due to upcoming pension payments, loan covenants, or both.

If the emphasis is on "bankruptcy filing", presumably to inflict the infamous "painful clause" on certain labor groups, then late-August or even October would do just as well as mid-September.


All of your points are valid, but you are only partially correct. There is more to the story.


This more properly belongs on the UAL board, but I thought I'd stick it here lest anyone think that the IAM would "roll over" so easily....

IAM Asks Bankruptcy Court To Appoint Trustee For United
By Adrian Schofield
08/12/2004 11:10:26 AM

Aviation Daily Article

USA320Pilot said:

All of your points ar valid, but you are partially correct. There is more to the story.


Enlighten us.... please.

I wish I could, but I signed a non-disclosure and confidentiality statement and I now have to be careful of what I say.


Having no "inside sources", I see it as a "why to file BK" vs "what would be prudent things to do IF we do file BK".

To use the 330's as an example, I presume it would be foolish to file BK just because it would be nice to conserve cash by not having to do the heavy maint. on them - the cost of BK would outweigh the cost of the maintenance.

However, if the company was going to file anyway, the 330's might be something to be looked at.

USA320Pilot said:

I wish I could, but I signed a non-disclosure and confidentiality statement and I now have to be careful of what I say.




Based upon what I read here now and what I have seen the last few days leads me to believe the reason for mid-September would be supposedly driven by pension payments due to be made around the 14th or 15th of September.

Of couse, A320 better not even hint if I am right or wrong. That also would likely be a breech of his NDA.
Also, USAirways had enough cash in March to voluntarily prepay part of the loan in order to get it renegotiated. US is already very thin on cash and so is not in a position to be voluntarily prepaying debt, even if it is to renegotiate a loan and push back another possibility.
colorado_cowboy said:

People are leaving in droves because they have the option to do so. I wouldn't imagine their quitting just because their tired of the crap we go thru on a daily basis without having another job lined up.

Im personally doing everything possible to get out of this hell hole but unfortunately just up and quitting without getting another source of income first isn't an option. Right now I have 2 different companies doing background checks on me and the minute I get the call that I have a start date from either company Im outta here.

Here on the west coast theres still some people who believe that U filing BK again isn't going to effect them that much other than it might cost them a couple of bucks an hour in wages. The people Im speaking of are cleaners and we both know what the company's plans are for that classification.

We are in agreement here and exactly what I was saying...peace brother.

Funny you should mention HELL HOLE. I work in what we call the HELL HOLE at times on the 37's. But yes, the entire place has become just that, a real living hell hole where no sane person really wants to go everyday.
Cav Get your facts straight. I am an employee BROTHER! You lose all creditablity when you do nothing but gripe and complain yet still stay at this "hell hole" I think you enjoy the drama... If you didnt . you would leave this low paying horrible morale butt kicking company, and go to one of the millions of higher paying jobs out there. See its your choice Brother, you control your destiny, no one else. As long as you continue to whine, you have no creditablity as far as im concerned
You are so right, Cav, this job has become something like a trip to hell everyday we go to work. Constant staff shortages, constant complaints from customers, constant complaints from management that the Kiosk's are not being shoved down the throats of the customers. I dread everyday the drive to work. It should not be this way. But I am hanging on to collect my unemployment benefits when this nickle and dime operations finally shuts down.
usfliboi said:
Cav Get your facts straight. I am an employee BROTHER! You lose all creditablity when you do nothing but gripe and complain yet still stay at this "hell hole" I think you enjoy the drama... If you didnt . you would leave this low paying horrible morale butt kicking company, and go to one of the millions of higher paying jobs out there. See its your choice Brother, you control your destiny, no one else. As long as you continue to whine, you have no creditablity as far as im concerned

Don't feel bad, fli,

Cav accuses everyone of being management that either disagrees or isn't as hostile.
firstamendment said:
Don't feel bad, fli,

Cav accuses everyone of being management that either disagrees or isn't as hostile.

First, I am now ignoring fly child as he is irrelevant.

Read my posts smart guy, I don't accuse anyone of anything I just state my opinions and whether they are well received or not I couldn't care less.
Maybe Bronner is willing to put up more cash to see us through if agreements are reached .... Not very many CWA'ers really care if the job only pays $7.00-$13.00 an hour.
cavalier said:
First, I am now ignoring fly child as he is irrelevant.

Read my posts smart guy, I don't accuse anyone of anything I just state my opinions and whether that are well received or not I couldn't care less.

That is painfully clear.

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