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Bronner Tells Usa Today Bankruptcy Could Occur

Hey, by the way wasn't your pension covered under that S1113 letter??
That seems like a great deal, how can I sign up for that safety net?
Please enlighten me as to how this airline could run without MTC, Utility and Fleet Service...? As I've said before, take the first hit on your CBA and we will see what happens...
US Airways chairman David Bronner has said the new business plan will go forward "with or without employees" and there is a plan to do just that.

I do not want to see those who want to work at the company after the "Transformation Plan" has been fully implemented become unemployed, but if people do not want to adjust to the new realities of the marketplace they will simply be elimianted, according to Bronner.

For those who fail to participate, they can look forward to S.1113/S.1114 motions, imposition, no retirement, no severance, no medical/dental, no COBRA, no passes, no recall rights, no returns, and no J4J soft landing. For those in Charlotte and Pittsburgh, it will be only unemployment and competition with thousands of former US Airways workers all competitng for the same few jobs.


USA320Pilot said:
US Airways chairman David Bronner has said the new business plan will go forward "with or without employees" and there is a plan to do just that.

I do not want to see those who want to work at the company after the "Transformation Plan" has been fully implemented become unemployed, but if people do not want to adjust to the new realities of the marketplace they will simply be elimianted, according to Bronner.

For those who fail to participate, they can look forward to S.1113/S.1114 motions, imposition, no retirement, no severance, no medical/dental, no COBRA, no passes, no recall rights, no returns, and no J4J soft landing. For those in Charlotte and Pittsburgh, it will be only unemployment and competition with thousands of former US Airways workers all competitng for the same few jobs.


This is getting OLD, give us a break. PLEASE!! 🙁
USA320Pilot said:


USA320Pilot says: That's not correct.


That's "not unattainable, but it would be a first if we could meet that timetable," said Jack Stephan, spokesman for the Air Line Pilots Association. It is the only US Airways union currently at the bargaining table.

"But that's a tall order. All we can do is the best we can," Stephan added. "Much of it just has to do with (negotiators) being able to be in the same place at the same time."
US Airways chairman David Bronner has said the new business plan will go forward "with or without employees" and there is a plan to do just that.
ever think maybe the plans WITHOUT the employees is code speak for LIQUIDATION?? :shock:
People won't be willing to come to work at the proposed rates of pay. What don't you understand about that..? What makes you think a BK judge is going to rollover and give this management team anything they desire..?

Fleet Service & Customer Service never had pay raises from 1992 to 1999 and during that time you were getting them. Ever consider the sacrifice that others made during that time period ..?

Maybe you can load/board the aircraft and them fly it to is destination and then unload and clean it.

Stop asking us to ante up again and just give to company the 300 million they need, we will all be so proud of you for saving our jobs..

What about that idea 320...?
Nobody likes the propsoed cuts and every work group is being compared against their LCC peers. This whole thing sucks, but it's the reality of the situation.

Michael Glanzer's report speaks for itself and either the unions' participate in the new business plan or they will face "imposition" and undoubtedly see deeper cuts and replacement workers.

Nobody is forcing anybody to work here, therefore, for some of our naysayers, they could get their wish to say "no" and then leave the company with no transition benefits. It's their choice.


Being compared to a LCC is okay, as long as you compare to the same one and not switch every year. Show us the way 320, take those cuts and set an example.

I gave for 7 long years {1992 to 1999}, it's your turn to give and I hope it doesn't hurt too bad.

At the proposed rates, there won't be many around to pickup the pieces.
USA320Pilot said:
Nobody likes the propsoed cuts and every work group is being compared against their LCC peers. This whole thing sucks, but it's the reality of the situation.

Michael Glanzer's report speaks for itself and either the unions' participate in the new business plan or they will face "imposition" and undoubtedly see deeper cuts and replacement workers.

Nobody is forcing anybody to work here, therefore, for some of our naysayers, they could get their wish to say "no" and then leave the company with no transition benefits. It's their choice.



Do you still pay Union Dues?
The ALPA Union Constitution must be a POS to allow you to remain a member.

:down: UT
(See - I played nice...) :lol: :lol:
USA320Pilot said:

Interesting response since you said, "I DON'T CARE IF EVERYONE ENDS UP JOBLESS." Personally, I find that distasteful and I would never wish that on anybody.

Maybe I am wrong, but that is not a value I believe is appropriate. If you truly feel that way then quit and go somewhere else? Why be so angry and miserable?


Captain you don't know me from Adam, but reading all of your many posts we all know you too damn well.

I take full responsibility for any and all action I choose in my life, and I choose to let this company go down the tubes where it belongs with my consistent NO vote no matter what the consequences. This does NOT make me personally responsible for other people woes and if it did, then Dave Siegel and all the other clowns would be in jail right now!
cavalier said:
Captain you don't know me from Adam, but reading all of your many posts we all know you too damn well.

I take full responsibility for any and all action I choose in my life, and I choose to let this company go down the tubes where it belongs with my consistent NO vote no matter what the consequences. This does NOT make me personally responsible for other people woes and if it did, then Dave Siegel and all the other clowns would be in jail right now!

Hey Cav,
Could you print your signature thing about God and peace real big for all of us, but more importantly for YOU to see? There is no peace, mustless God in your statements. Your attacks on those that differ from you and your subtle threats to usa320 are out of line. I am shocked that our moderators continue to let you act in such a way. Maybe you are just over the line of what is acceptable but it is offensive. But then I forgot, you could care less what anyone thinks of you or your inappropriate hateful post.

Moderator, are you getting any of this? You have sent myself any others to the cornfield for less. :angry: :angry:
firstamendment said:
Hey Cav,
Could you print your signature thing about God and peace real big for all of us, but more importantly for YOU to see? There is no peace, mustless God in your statements. Your attacks on those that differ from you and your subtle threats to usa320 are out of line. I am shocked that our moderators continue to let you act in such a way. Maybe you are just over the line of what is acceptable but it is offensive. But then I forgot, you could care less what anyone thinks of you or your inappropriate hateful post.

Moderator, are you getting any of this? You have sent myself any others to the cornfield for less. :angry: :angry:

First don't let your anger get to you, its unhealthy. I am doing nothing wrong and if I was I would be thrown off. I state my opinions take it or leave it, like or lump it and what this forum is all about. The captain has issues, anyone that can think can see this, including the moderators. I am not calling him anything other than what he is, a fear mongrel which is also allowed to be posted because it’s his opinion.

Personally I have never been more at peace and in fact enjoying the ride, it's not everyday you can be part of history for the good or bad. I am simply amazed at the posters who actually believe that this once great company will continue onward providing a good living. The war was launched right after 9/11 by the Wolf Gang and has continued forward until now when the end is near and both sides will lose.
firstamendment said:
Hey Cav,
Could you print your signature thing about God and peace real big for all of us, but more importantly for YOU to see? There is no peace, mustless God in your statements. Your attacks on those that differ from you and your subtle threats to usa320 are out of line. I am shocked that our moderators continue to let you act in such a way. Maybe you are just over the line of what is acceptable but it is offensive. But then I forgot, you could care less what anyone thinks of you or your inappropriate hateful post.

Moderator, are you getting any of this? You have sent myself any others to the cornfield for less. :angry: :angry:

I feel the same way. Mistaken or not, I'm getting the image of a self-righteous blow-hard in serious denial, revelling in his own and others' misery, no matter how much he protests otherwise. Shouting louder and more often just makes that clearer. Why on earth endlessly repeat something we've all heard so many times?

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