robbedagain said:what is there to do in alabama anyways?
Moonshine and that order???

robbedagain said:what is there to do in alabama anyways?
As of friday, August 13th, it is worth aproximately $99 milion, you are correct though, 700, in BK, it's GONE!!700UW said:There is no $250 million to pull out, he invested $240 million for stock, he loses it.
PineyBob said:If 37% of the company is worth 99 million that means the whole thing is worth what 260 million?
Suppose Bronner decides to take the company C 11, then form an investor group and buys the remaining stock, takes the company private. The new entity would be privately held and since his group would only be buying assets not the people couldn't he just hire whomever he choses especially if the new company was an AL company?
Just curious, because this guy has a ego the size of small planets and IMO he ain't going quietly.
PineyBob said:If 37% of the company is worth 99 million that means the whole thing is worth what 260 million?
Suppose Bronner decides to take the company C 11, then form an investor group and buys the remaining stock, takes the company private. The new entity would be privately held and since his group would only be buying assets not the people couldn't he just hire whomever he choses especially if the new company was an AL company?
Just curious, because this guy has a ego the size of small planets and IMO he ain't going quietly.
usair_begins_with_u said:Bronner can get some of RSA's money back simply by selling the stock to a willing purchaser.. The stock RSA bought was an open market purchase... as an equty holder only, RSA is not responsible for any UAir's debt.. I expect something much like TWA/American if UAir is forced into BK again.. There is just way too much bad blood between mgmt and labor to ever save this company.. I blame siegal, gangwal and wolf for most of the damage there... I feel like bronner/lakefield never even had a chance. I dont know who is going to step up and buy RSA out, but at some price, Im sure it will be worth it to some OA.
Heinrich said:Moonshine and that order???