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Dr. Bronners Sympathy

seeking the truth said:

No hostility, just pointing out the facts. Think about this, if it were your money in this sea of red ink, would you remain "unseen" or make yourself visible to the employees and be open and honest with them. Tell them things they might not want to hear, but at least they'd know where you stand ? In my opinion I would take the latter, but it's probably too late now.
PUHHLEEESSE.... This guys been calling the shots the ever since he stepped on the property. Everything he's done has either been for himself, the RSA or the state of Alabama.

He doesnt care about Pittsburgh, he doesnt care about Charlotte and most of all he doesnt care about U!
Well, who does ;like to lose...?

Seems to me that he does not want to have Airways fall apart for a variety of reasons, all valid.

Afloat, he could use his leverage to bring many jobs to AL, (res center, a/c mnx, even HQ).

Afloat he could seee a dramatic return if we could transform. From what he bought the stock at, it would be worth a mint to the AL employees fund.

Afloat he would prove wrong all the naysayers that cringed when he made the investment onto our company (part of the reason no one else is going to step up this time)

Part of US Airways cost problems is that we are centered, based, maintained, and ran from some of the most expensive parts of the country. The Northeast is just plain expensive to live and work in. Not much argument there.

For example, here in GA, I just bought a nice 3bdr2 bath for 130K. That is how I can affoard to get by on what I and my wife make since the cost of living is so much cheaper. And I live in what is considered one of the more expensive areas of the state too.

Figure in the savings the company would see working out of AL, figure in the lower cost of living so that these concessions that have to happen would not seem so painful...

Just another thing to point out. Granted, some people would like to move out of the NE as much as losing a foot, but PIT is closing

So you can see some of the man's thinking behind the moves he made, and the payoff he was hoping for from his investment. This transplanted yankee cannot say I blame him a bit.
After seeing the latest offer to the pilot group, I finally acknowledge that UAIR is dead. I recommend that folks begin the grieving process early, then get on with finding another airline for travel or employment. I now think that the labor groups should hold their ground and let Dr. Bronner take UAIR into chapter 11 again, if for no other reason than to get rid of him and his team. Maybe they don't make it; maybe they do, who knows. One thing is for sure, the tactics of management since Dr. B got to UAIR has demonstrated his true intentions, as well as just how much sympathy he has for the hard working folks at UAIR (exactly ZILCH!)
I agree, break MDA off, and start all over from scratch... 😉
Rico said:
For example, here in GA, I just bought a nice 3bdr2 bath for 130K. That is how I can affoard to get by on what I and my wife make since the cost of living is so much cheaper. And I live in what is considered one of the more expensive areas of the state too.

Figure in the savings the company would see working out of AL, figure in the lower cost of living so that these concessions that have to happen would not seem so painful...

Just another thing to point out. Granted, some people would like to move out of the NE as much as losing a foot, but PIT is closing

So you can see some of the man's thinking behind the moves he made, and the payoff he was hoping for from his investment. This transplanted yankee cannot say I blame him a bit.

The Devil Went Down To Georgia

The devil went down to Georgia
He was looking for a soul to steal
And he was in a bind
'Cause he was way behind
And was willin' to make a deal.

When he came upon this young man playing
a fiddle and playin' it hot
the devil jumped up on a hickory
stump and said,
"Boy let me tell you what:

I bet you didn't know it
but I'm a fiddle player too,
And if you care to take a dare
I'll make a bet with you
Now you play a pretty good fiddle boy
But give the devil his due
I'll bet a fiddle of gold against your soul
'Cause I think I'm better than you."

The boy said, "My name's Johnny
And it might be a sin
But I'll take your bet, your gonna regret
'Cause I'm the best that's ever been."

Johnny you rosin up your bow and play your
fiddle hard 'Cause hell's broke loose in Georgia
And the devil deals the cards
And if you win you get this shiny fiddle made of gold
But if you lose the devil gets your soul.

The devil opened up his case and he said,
"I'll start this show."
And fire flew from his fingertips

As he rosined up his bow
And he pulled the bow across the strings
And it made an evil hiss
Then a band of demons joined in
And it sounded something like this

When the devil finished Johnny said,
"Well you're pretty good ol' son!
But sit down in that chair right there
And let me show you how it's done!"

Fire on the mountain, run boys run
Devil's in the house of the rising sun
Chickens in the breadpan, picking out dough
Granny does your dog bite? No, child, no

The devil bowed his head
Because he knew that he'd been beat,
And he laid that golden fiddle
On the ground at Johnny's feet
Johnny said, "Devil, just come on back
if you ever wanna try again.
I done told you once,
You son-of-a-####,
I'm the best that's ever been!"

He played:
Fire on the mountain, run boys run
Devil's in the house of the rising sun
Chickens in the breadpan, picking out dough
Granny does your dog bite? No, child, no
Haha 😀

So you know all the words to every Charlie Daniels songs eh...?

You must be a "redneck woman" then 😉
Rico said:
Haha 😀

So you know all the words to every Charlie Daniels songs eh...?

You must be a "redneck woman" then 😉

If I'm a women it would turn a straight male gay.

Sorry, but it just seemed appropriate at that moment, and if you read the first few word even more so!

U employees sure like Daniels.
***yawn...tapping finger whilest hearing that same ole tune,

Don't believe a minute of the sob stories..

Like I've said ,$$$$$$$$$was there (or is) for them and NONE FOR US>>>

Hit The Bricks Pal!!

I'll take my chances for the truth to prevail..COMPRENDE??? :down:
Rico said:
Haha 😀

So you know all the words to every Charlie Daniels songs eh...?

You must be a "redneck woman" then 😉

I was actually invited to your state, twice, to work at Lockheed in Marietta but declined not because it's a bad state, but my personal situation would make moving very difficult, if things were different I would probably be there working on the new military fighter.
golden1 said:
***yawn...tapping finger whilest hearing that same ole tune,

Don't believe a minute of the sob stories..

Like I've said ,$$$$$$$$$was there (or is) for them and NONE FOR US>>>

Hit The Bricks Pal!!

I'll take my chances for the truth to prevail..COMPRENDE??? :down:

I certainly do my furry faced friend and all the best to you.

My furry faced friend can be seen under my screen name…his name is Lance
oldiebutgoody said:
One thing is for sure, the tactics of management since Dr. B got to UAIR has demonstrated his true intentions, as well as just how much sympathy he has for the hard working folks at UAIR (exactly ZILCH!)


US Airways is not the personal playground or
permanent career that everyone banked on
for years. It is a business pure and simple
and if the business is not making a profit,
then his investment is a failure. Dr. Bronner
invested RSA funds with the intention of
making a profit and all of the moves that have
occurred since RSA took over are designed to
produce a profit, NOT to please the employees.
If you find that diffucult to understand, then you
really need to resign and let the rest of us
work to keep the company a going concern.
I hope you never have to run a business
because if you do, you will lose every dime if
you let your employees determine the cost
of doing business.

With union wage and productivityconcessions,
the Transformation Plan can be implemented in
full force bringing about the long awaited
efficiencies that can't be implemented without
concessions. When the full plan is in place,
the money will roll in, RSA will make a profit,
and the company will return some of the profit
to the employees. Without concessions, Bronner
will pull the plug and take as much as he can get
in BK.
I only hope that I'm your boss in your next career (yes, it appears you'll be needing one). If you're in management at UAIR, You'll likely NEVER work in this industry again. Your talents are well known, along with the rest of Bronner's henchmen. I only say this because I know the folks that work at UAIR, and know the potential they had BEFORE Siegel and Bronner elected to wreck this place by concentrating almost solely on cost reductions rather than enhancing revenue and using their presence in the NE to their advantage. Yes, these guys (and their management teams, i.e. YOU) are inept and deserve NOTHING from the employees.
By the way, It would be a stretch on your part to intimate that I have anything to do with UAIR other than to know many of the fine people employed there (who, by the way, deserve WAY more than YOUR type of management).
Also, if other share holders (including many ALPA members) allow Bronner OR RSA to keep ANY equity in this company after the next chapter 11 I would be VERY surprised. Lawsuits would surely kill UAIR, even if the squeezing by RSA doesn't.
oldiebutgoody said:
I only hope that I'm your boss in your next career (yes, it appears you'll be needing one). If you're in management at UAIR, You'll likely NEVER work in this industry again. Your talents are well known, along with the rest of Bronner's henchmen. I only say this because I know the folks that work at UAIR, and know the potential they had BEFORE Siegel and Bronner elected to wreck this place by concentrating almost solely on cost reductions rather than enhancing revenue and using their presence in the NE to their advantage. Yes, these guys (and their management teams, i.e. YOU) are inept and deserve NOTHING from the employees.
By the way, It would be a stretch on your part to intimate that I have anything to do with UAIR other than to know many of the fine people employed there (who, by the way, deserve WAY more than YOUR type of management).
Also, if other share holders (including many ALPA members) allow Bronner OR RSA to keep ANY equity in this company after the next chapter 11 I would be VERY surprised. Lawsuits would surely kill UAIR, even if the squeezing by RSA doesn't.


Even people and newspapers outside of U as onlookers are saying this exact same thing and why the resistance from labor. Spin you need to read: I'm Ok Your Ok

Not everyone is wrong and you are right as the book so clearly reads.
SpinDoc said:

US Airways is not the personal playground or
permanent career that everyone banked on
for years. It is a business pure and simple
and if the business is not making a profit,
then his investment is a failure. Dr. Bronner
invested RSA funds with the intention of
making a profit and all of the moves that have
occurred since RSA took over are designed to
produce a profit, NOT to please the employees.
If you find that diffucult to understand, then you
really need to resign and let the rest of us
work to keep the company a going concern.
I hope you never have to run a business
because if you do, you will lose every dime if
you let your employees determine the cost
of doing business.

With union wage and productivityconcessions,
the Transformation Plan can be implemented in
full force bringing about the long awaited
efficiencies that can't be implemented without
concessions. When the full plan is in place,
the money will roll in, RSA will make a profit,
and the company will return some of the profit
to the employees. Without concessions, Bronner
will pull the plug and take as much as he can get
in BK.
Just accept it we are done. I know of no one who could afford to work at the wages they are asking. & like the other poster stated when you let the next possible employer know you were management at U they will want no part of you.
I'm no CPA, but how do you know that Bronner hasn't already recouped his initial USAir investment by drawing money out gradually since the day of his initial investment?
wouldn't that be called embezzeling? 😱

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