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Boycott NW Airlines

These guys live by seniority, it has become a way of life for them for decades. They have no concept of "Meritocracy". (I like that by the way.) I have tried to explain to them the pitfalls of seniority to no avail. How one could possibly put seniority as their chief career building strategy is beyond me.

B.O.B., It is people like you that are bringing unions down at an exponential rate. It is people like you that the public envisions when it speaks of unions. If unions wish to survive they had better change the publics image of themselves. I would think that the unions first step in reversing that image would be to get rid of people like you.

Well put. I know he is the reason I would never contemplate joining any union job. That mentality scares me. I want to know that I am being promoted because of my ability not because I happen to be there longer than the other guy. He reminds me of the school yard bully who has his "posse" to back him up. Cut him away from his "posse" and he wilts like a flower on a dry hot summer day.
Well put. I know he is the reason I would never contemplate joining any union job. That mentality scares me. I want to know that I am being promoted because of my ability not because I happen to be there longer than the other guy. He reminds me of the school yard bully who has his "posse" to back him up. Cut him away from his "posse" and he wilts like a flower on a dry hot summer day.

You know and I know that people in a non-union environment are not promoted by their ability. You promote a system of a$$ kissing why I promote a system that is more fair than bootlicking. With an "up with me" attitude like yours I would not want you on my team. A union member is a member of a team. Each team member works together to have a say in their employment conditions. With a boot licker if he doesn't choose to swallow the companies b.s. then he is forced to hit the gate.
proAMT, you just do not know how wrong you are. You believe people who are dedicated to their work are bootlickers and asskissers? There are people that go the extra distance and then there are people like you that just want to get by. It has nothing to do with bootlicking, some people actually enjoy their work and the company they work for. Just today there was a guy bragging that he had done nothing the whole day. Is this the type of person you want to be your lead someday just because he was hired ten minutes before you? Or is this you?
proAMT, you just do not know how wrong you are. You believe people who are dedicated to their work are bootlickers and asskissers? There are people that go the extra distance and then there are people like you that just want to get by. It has nothing to do with bootlicking, some people actually enjoy their work and the company they work for. Just today there was a guy bragging that he had done nothing the whole day. Is this the type of person you want to be your lead someday just because he was hired ten minutes before you? Or is this you?
Why are you so hung up on what the other guy is doing. What's stopping YOU from being a dedicated worker that wants to go the extra mile for the company.Go ahead knock yourself out, go the extra mile, help the company out. But don't expect the company to lift a finger to help you in your time of need, because they won't.

If you don't like how a company's unionized workforce operates(seniority system)then don't work for that company.
You know and I know that people in a non-union environment are not promoted by their ability. You promote a system of a$$ kissing why I promote a system that is more fair than bootlicking. With an "up with me" attitude like yours I would not want you on my team. A union member is a member of a team. Each team member works together to have a say in their employment conditions. With a boot licker if he doesn't choose to swallow the companies b.s. then he is forced to hit the gate.

There are always exceptions to the rule but in the nearly 20 years I have worked for AA merit promotions / raises seem to be the rule rather than the exception with lower managment. I'm only a level 2 so I hae no idea what goes on at the level 5 and above arena.

As far as ass kissing, ask opperations or MJK how much ass kissing I do. Those who cannot get by on ability kiss ass or join .... 😉
How can you be a level 2 after 20 years? We are hiring kids off the street at level 3. As far as the earlier post. Workers in Japan and Western Europe enjoy benefits we can only aspire to. We have more billionaires than ever, how come the average non union worker is paying $60 a week for health care? That is if you can get it. I see a lot of co.s hiring at the airport. No benefits, poverty wages, and a couple of months ago the INS came in and shut one down. Seems no one there was legal, even though they all had badges! The janitors just won a contract at Harvard, $21 an hour for a lead janitor. How are you doing after 20 years at level 2? This is not meant as an insult, but think about what you are saying.
proAMT, you just do not know how wrong you are. You believe people who are dedicated to their work are bootlickers and asskissers? There are people that go the extra distance and then there are people like you that just want to get by. It has nothing to do with bootlicking, some people actually enjoy their work and the company they work for. Just today there was a guy bragging that he had done nothing the whole day. Is this the type of person you want to be your lead someday just because he was hired ten minutes before you? Or is this you?

You think I'm going to listen to someone like you who thinks its ok to break unions and have us work for peanuts with little or no benefits? I told you before and I'll tell you again your wrong to be crossing the line. You jumped into a situation you shouldn't have and then you get on this board and try to justify your selfish actions. I have more respect for prostitutes than scabs. At least their honest about their occupation. Your part of the problem. I have a healthy disrespect for vermin such as scabs who attempt to destroy our American way of life. Scabs are an enemy from the inside taking action to threaten middle class American families. I don't mind your actions harming yourself but I do mind your actions when they affect families. Please continue to drag our profession to the gutter. Maybe instead of paying you $27 an hour they can find some high school kids or illegal immigrants to work for $10 and hour and can your butt. Everyone thinks they can fix planes. I say let them. Until there are numerous smoking holes in the ground deadbeats like you and your ilk will drive real AMT's away from the field. You couldn't pay me enough to consider working for NW airlines and around scabs like you. The latest contract offer is another opportunity for real mechanics to tell NW to take a walk. NW obviously needs their labor problems settled for one reason or another. I was under the impression that they believed the whole issue was over. I say tell them to take a hike.
How can you be a level 2 after 20 years? We are hiring kids off the street at level 3.

I know people who've retired with 30 years as L2's. Just like with FSC's and agents, they like the job they have, so why move up?

The non-supervisory jobs leveled as a 3 typically require either a degree or some form of subject matter expertise (i.e. a procedures analyst).

I also agree with Garfield that the ass-kissers & bootlickers are usually the folks who don't belong in their current job to begin with, and fortunately, they're usually the ones who get tossed out with the annual management layoffs. Sure, there are a few that still manage to survive from year to year, but their time will come.
You know and I know that people in a non-union environment are not promoted by their ability. You promote a system of a$$ kissing why I promote a system that is more fair than bootlicking. With an "up with me" attitude like yours I would not want you on my team. A union member is a member of a team. Each team member works together to have a say in their employment conditions. With a boot licker if he doesn't choose to swallow the companies b.s. then he is forced to hit the gate.
proAMT, Right on the money... :up:
Really like your signature block 89, definately the way I feel also. Some people live on their knees, I prefer to stand up and walk.
If you don't like how a company's unionized workforce operates(seniority system)then don't work for that company.

I won't work for that company, it is as simple as that. I am sure you are well aware of that so what is the point of your post. It appears that you are making a very piss-poor attempt at some reverse psychology here. You are not very good at it so I suggest you leave it alone.

Really like your signature block 89, definately the way I feel also. Some people live on their knees, I prefer to stand up and walk.

Really? So tell us when are you going to be done with your union therapy and throw those union crutches away? How much longer before you grow-up and be responsible for your own career development?

Your part of the problem. I have a healthy disrespect for vermin such as scabs who attempt to destroy our American way of life. Scabs are an enemy from the inside taking action to threaten middle class American families. I don't mind your actions harming yourself but I do mind your actions when they affect families. Please continue to drag our profession to the gutter. Maybe instead of paying you $27 an hour they can find some high school kids or illegal immigrants to work for $10 and hour and can your butt. Everyone thinks they can fix planes. I say let them. Until there are numerous smoking holes in the ground deadbeats like you and your ilk will drive real AMT's away from the field. You couldn't pay me enough to consider working for NW airlines and around scabs like you.

Did you eat my HAMBURGER?!!!!

proAMT called you "VERMIN" :shock: :shock: :shock:

Heck, EVEN I never called you VERMIN !!!

BUT, you know what they say,

"IF The shoe fits, WEAR IT" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let’s move it back on topic folks, or I’ll be the exterminator for vermin and bears alike.
Fair enough Paul.

I would like to ask how do you effectively boycott an airline that the public continues to fly even though it is going through such turmoil as Northwest?
proAMT, you just do not know how wrong you are. You believe people who are dedicated to their work are bootlickers and asskissers? There are people that go the extra distance and then there are people like you that just want to get by. It has nothing to do with bootlicking, some people actually enjoy their work and the company they work for. Just today there was a guy bragging that he had done nothing the whole day. Is this the type of person you want to be your lead someday just because he was hired ten minutes before you? Or is this you?
I have seen exactly what proAMT stated at AA.I worked for a dock manager who was probably the most knowledgeable AA management employee I have seen in 20 years.
He was passed over time after time for promotions because he was not politically correct or an ass kisser.
This manager was highly dedicated to the operation[Heavy C checks]and did not become this good by being a goof off.

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