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Boycott NW Airlines

Princess and others:

Most of you either don't understand it or won't admit it but there is now a global economy.

US companies must compete with companies from all over the world and so do US citizens.

Some of the problems with the US competing with people from other countries has been brought about by ourselves.

Most of us are "I want it all and I want it now" kind of people. We've done it to ourselves and in doing so we have priced ourselves out of many markets.

It seems as though I know when a teenager in my neighborhood turns 16. There is a new vehicle in the driveway.

I'm sure the parent is paying for the vehicle and at the same time is teaching the teen that "wants" are now "needs". What was once a luxury is now a necessity.
It's the first step in the "he who dies with the most toys wins" philosophy.

Another factor working against the US worker is work ethic.
People here are spoiled.

When I was working, I managed between 20 and 25 computer programmers.

At one time I had an opportunity to have several programmers from Singapore Airlines move here and work for me for about 2 years. They were SUPER workers. They took every assignment and ran with it. They were salaried but never looked at a clock. They worked long hours, weekends, whatever it took to complete the project and do it perfectly.

At the same time, I had a programmer from Great Britain working for me. She also worked on her own time to do the job and do it right.

So did all the rest of the people in my group.

They all had something that isn't seen much anymore - PRIDE in their jobs and what they did.

Pride in what you do is seriously waning anymore.

BUT, not in other countries. They haven't been corrupted by materialism.

They can do what is done in this country. But they can do it better, quicker and cheaper.

And in a global economy, they will win!
Jim, I've read your view on "Globalism"..The vast majority know we are in a global economy.

The question is Why ???
Americans are Lazy? NOOOO
Americans have a Lousy Work Ethic??? NOOO

The American Worker is SECOND TO NONE..

The simple fact is that MULTI-NATIONAL CORPORATIONS are taking advantage of CHEAP LABOR[often at Slave labor rates] across the globe.

This subtle "snake like" trend has been going on for decades. With the help of our own politicians..This movement transends political parties.[MORE POWER in LESS HANDS].

Globalism is here at the High Cost of American Sovereignty.

Don't know about you, I have Relatives that have fought and died for this once GREAT country.

This country that once was the Greatest country on the face of the earth, is being reduced to nothing more than a piece of the Globalistic puzzle. WHY ? Pure Greed !!!

If these Globalists that are now running the show are so intent on helping the world wide Global work force, Why aren't they paying these people a liveable wage for their labor ?

Another laughable notion the Globalists have come up with, "Yes, You will have to work at reduced wages, But the cost of living will also be reduced." Have'nt seen that Yet..

Please continue your defense of "Globalism", The next job that is lost overseas could be yours.. Seems most people don't care what happens to their neighbor, But they DO care when it happens to THEMSELVES.

Globalism has come too far to reverse it, But don't tell me it is here to benefit the population of the world. It is here for the select few that will continue to grow filthy rich off the backs of the cheapest labor they can find world wide...
Boycott Northwest Airlines,

Northwest Airlines has proven itself the absolute airline leader in the slash and burn department. Sure other airlines began the slashing but not to the extent that NW has been able to pull off. NW’s brazen actions have emboldened other airlines to follow their actions in a cascading effect of stripping their loyal workers of their pay, benefits, security. Other airlines are now gambling that their workers will not take the path AMFA took and give them the finger and walk out. They are contemplating throwing out their contracts and imposing conditions on their loyal workforce. The choice is simple-live on your feet or exist on your knees.

Sure, fuel prices are high but load factors are higher than they’ve ever been. Why must the loyal employees subsidize cheaper fares to the public at the expense of their family’s way of life? The airlines are using the fuel prices to get away with goals they have had for years. If we were all to stand together and get our message out to the public-companies such as NW would pay for their slash and burn, cutting and contracting out behavior. I believe that Northwest Airlines should be boycotted by anyone who cares about the American way of life. What has happened at NW is a cancer that is loose in this country. If we don’t make a stand somewhere we deserve what we (working people of this country) get.

I know all this sounds like idealist bull#### but to sit on our a$$es and not do anything at all is definitely the wrong course of action to take. Support the strikers at NW and support the strikers at any other corporation that decides to save money through slashing pay and benefits, and contracting out. Stand up for our way of life!
Boycott Northwest Airlines and tell your friends not to fly NW even if the are the only airline left with seats available this holiday season.

I'm not trying to fuel your fire, but we at US got abused to the fullest extent. We got screwed not once, but THREE times with concessions. The company even threatened to Liquidate just before the Christmas Holiday 2 years ago if we didn't agree to more concessions. Our pay for fleet work in some stations dropped over $8 an hour, plus we lost double time, vacation, holidays, and finally our jobs were Outsourced for ever. As much as you wish for a Boycott of NWA, the flying public could care less. They want to get from point A to B the cheapest most convienent way for them. Many Unions call for a Boycott of Walmart, but the stores are still packed with shoppers.
BOB- get rid of that emblem, you're going to jinx them. After how many months since the strike started, how many people have moved on, and how many people are still trying to burn the village?
I'm not trying to fuel your fire, but we at US got abused to the fullest extent. We got screwed not once, but THREE times with concessions.

The company didn't screw you, the employees screwed themselves! You have a union correct? YES! You get to vote either Yes or No correct? Yes, it's your choice. Just because the company says they will liquidate, doesn't mean they will. It's their ploy to get more $$$ out of you. Just look at the Continental Flight Attendants. They have said no and CO has yet to file BK. CO threatend they would and the f/a's called their bluff. Guess what...The bluff was bogus!!

Next time stand up and vote...

I don't know what that stands for but in my mind it must mean "Being an Old Baby".

Your veins must be full of pus, poison, alcohol, and acid.

You don't even sound coherent.

If I were recalling NWA people, your name would be left off the list.

I wouldn't want you working for me even if your only duty was to push the start button for a jelly bean making machine.

Everybody else is wrong but YOU!


I wouldn't want you on my team unless you were always in front of me.

I don't know what that stands for but in my mind it must mean "Being an Old Baby".

Your veins must be full of pus, poison, alcohol, and acid.

You don't even sound coherent.

If I were recalling NWA people, your name would be left off the list.

I wouldn't want you working for me even if your only duty was to push the start button for a jelly bean making machine.

Everybody else is wrong but YOU!


I wouldn't want you on my team unless you were always in front of me.

Oh, Shut up you company a$$ kisser!

I never said I was wrong. If you're a UNION member, you have a CHOICE! It's obvious you're not a UNION member.

BTW, in regards to you leaving me off the recall list. Hah! You wouldn't be allowed, since I would have a contract and recall rights (contractual). If you did that you would find yourself in deep s**t! I would file a grievance and you a$$ would be in a sling.
Oh, Shut up you company a$$ kisser!

I never said I was wrong. If you're a UNION member, you have a CHOICE! It's obvious you're not a UNION member.

BTW, in regards to you leaving me off the recall list. Hah! You wouldn't be allowed, since I would have a contract and recall rights (contractual). If you did that you would find yourself in deep s**t! I would file a grievance and you a$$ would be in a sling.

Honest employees use a union as insurance; it’s the bad apples that use it as a crutch. <_<
The company didn't screw you, the employees screwed themselves! You have a union correct? YES! You get to vote either Yes or No correct? Yes, it's your choice. Just because the company says they will liquidate, doesn't mean they will. It's their ploy to get more $$$ out of you. Just look at the Continental Flight Attendants. They have said no and CO has yet to file BK. CO threatend they would and the f/a's called their bluff. Guess what...The bluff was bogus!!

Next time stand up and vote...
Yes we had a Union, but you should know they are completly Powerless once the Company files CH-11. As I'm sure you know US filed twice, and had the BK Judge in their pocket both times. It was take this offer, or let the Judge cram another one that may be worse down your throat. You don't have to take my word for it, just wait and see for yourself how useless the Unions become in BK. Why do you think that NWA filed in the first place??? It worked so well for US that they did it again. Don't you think that NWA sat back and saw just how easy it was to go "Union Busting" while in BK...
As much as I hate to bust your bubble, your Contract as you once knew it is GONE. In BK they can have the Judge rip it up, and toss it out the window just like that. When all is said and done, your contract will be whatever the Company wants it to be, and you will be stuck still paying dues. Believe me, I lived thru it for 3 long years before losing my job permantly.
How low are you willing to go Jim? The service economy will soon fail because there won't be anyone who can afford to buy the goods and services that are for sale. ALL the good paying jobs are being outsourced overseas. Just look at this christmas season. I made a pledge that all the gifts I bought would all be made the USA. You talk about a pledge that was extremely hard to keep! Hardly anything is made in the USA anymore. Luckily I was able to keep my pledge. Do you realize there is only ONE fishing reel manufacturer left in the USA😛ENN REELS. An American made fishing rod is almost non existant, but I found one. This a just a small sample of the industries that have been completely outsourced to China. It's only a matter of time that you,JIM, get outsourced to China also.

I will be your pennies to dollars that the US products you purchased had materials that were manufactured abroad. Kind of like buying a Dodge or Ford built in Mexico or a Honda built in Georgia. Now ain't that a delema.

But other societies, including Asia but especially Europe, are considering the welfare of their own people before others.

Such as who?


I don't know what that stands for but in my mind it must mean "Being an Old Baby".

Your veins must be full of pus, poison, alcohol, and acid.

You don't even sound coherent.

If I were recalling NWA people, your name would be left off the list.

I wouldn't want you working for me even if your only duty was to push the start button for a jelly bean making machine.

Everybody else is wrong but YOU!


I wouldn't want you on my team unless you were always in front of me.

It stands for "Buy On Board".
Yes we had a Union, but you should know they are completly Powerless once the Company files CH-11. As I'm sure you know US filed twice, and had the BK Judge in their pocket both times. It was take this offer, or let the Judge cram another one that may be worse down your throat. You don't have to take my word for it, just wait and see for yourself how useless the Unions become in BK. Why do you think that NWA filed in the first place??? It worked so well for US that they did it again. Don't you think that NWA sat back and saw just how easy it was to go "Union Busting" while in BK...
As much as I hate to bust your bubble, your Contract as you once knew it is GONE. In BK they can have the Judge rip it up, and toss it out the window just like that. When all is said and done, your contract will be whatever the Company wants it to be, and you will be stuck still paying dues. Believe me, I lived thru it for 3 long years before losing my job permantly.

If the judge throws out the contract, then re-organize and work on a new one. If the compnay imposes new wages/rules because of the judge, then you still have a choice. Either stay and bend over for the company or quit! I will take option 2 and quit.
Just boycotting them because of SCABS like you doing half a$$ work on the a/c.

I will not non-rev on NW until all AMFA Mechanics are back to work.

Guess you won't ever be flying NWA in your life time 😀

BTW, is your base manager still laughing at the idea of 40% sby reductions? Next time my guess is they will dissapear.

Sweet dreams :lol:
Stupid is as stupid does! Union jar heads, wake up and smell the coffee. You loose alot of credibility when you talk so emotional and radicle.
As a result we're more able to concentrate more on the job when we are on the job. And because we have no concept of seniority our performance dictates our income hence we have the incentive to be better and harder working than the next guy. Meritocracy is the way forward...

Sorry to take it so way off topic, but a bit more background was in order.

These guys live by seniority, it has become a way of life for them for decades. They have no concept of "Meritocracy". (I like that by the way.) I have tried to explain to them the pitfalls of seniority to no avail. How one could possibly put seniority as their chief career building strategy is beyond me.

B.O.B., It is people like you that are bringing unions down at an exponential rate. It is people like you that the public envisions when it speaks of unions. If unions wish to survive they had better change the publics image of themselves. I would think that the unions first step in reversing that image would be to get rid of people like you.
If the judge throws out the contract, then re-organize and work on a new one. If the compnay imposes new wages/rules because of the judge, then you still have a choice. Either stay and bend over for the company or quit! I will take option 2 and quit.
Get a new one, that's actually funny. You can't get blood out of a stone, and that is what you are up against. Do you think that the company is going to strip your current contract, only to let you "Get a New One" together so they can let you have everything back? You are in for a very rude awakening I'm afraid. Let me know how getting a new one works out for you, or if you just decide to "Quit".
You have only seen the Tip of the Iceberg when it comes to givebacks.

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