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Boycott NW Airlines

How can you be a level 2 after 20 years? We are hiring kids off the street at level 3. As far as the earlier post. Workers in Japan and Western Europe enjoy benefits we can only aspire to. We have more billionaires than ever, how come the average non union worker is paying $60 a week for health care? That is if you can get it. I see a lot of co.s hiring at the airport. No benefits, poverty wages, and a couple of months ago the INS came in and shut one down. Seems no one there was legal, even though they all had badges! The janitors just won a contract at Harvard, $21 an hour for a lead janitor. How are you doing after 20 years at level 2? This is not meant as an insult, but think about what you are saying.

Well, I maxed out as a agent (had over 9 years) went to level 1 (with raise) in a different position stayed there and got my 2 (with a raise) and stayed there for a while then came over to Cew skd as a 2 (lateral move with raise) and have stayed. I have no interest in a level 3 where I am at due to the BS that level 3's need to deal with and I have no interest in a tracking position (level 3 ) either. So for now I will stay where I am at. I am guessing for a few more years then I will move on (perhaps to a level 3). I am trying to stay with operational jobs due to the fact that I enjoy the flexibility that a 24hr operation offers. I enjoy my job (for the most part) and the compensation is adequate for what I do so I stay. When and if I decide I need/want more or am tired I will look else where.

I have seen exactly what proAMT stated at AA.I worked for a dock manager who was probably the most knowledgeable AA management employee I have seen in 20 years.
He was passed over time after time for promotions because he was not politically correct or an ass kisser.
This manager was highly dedicated to the operation[Heavy C checks]and did not become this good by being a goof off.

And I assume you have NEVER seen a union puke who does not know how to find is own butt get promoted to a job over s junior more qualified member huh? Give me a break. As previously stated there are exceptions to every rule.
Princess and others:

Most of you either don't understand it or won't admit it but there is now a global economy.

US companies must compete with companies from all over the world and so do US citizens.

Some of the problems with the US competing with people from other countries has been brought about by ourselves.

Most of us are "I want it all and I want it now" kind of people. We've done it to ourselves and in doing so we have priced ourselves out of many markets.

It seems as though I know when a teenager in my neighborhood turns 16. There is a new vehicle in the driveway.

I'm sure the parent is paying for the vehicle and at the same time is teaching the teen that "wants" are now "needs". What was once a luxury is now a necessity.
It's the first step in the "he who dies with the most toys wins" philosophy.

Another factor working against the US worker is work ethic.
People here are spoiled.

When I was working, I managed between 20 and 25 computer programmers.

At one time I had an opportunity to have several programmers from Singapore Airlines move here and work for me for about 2 years. They were SUPER workers. They took every assignment and ran with it. They were salaried but never looked at a clock. They worked long hours, weekends, whatever it took to complete the project and do it perfectly.

At the same time, I had a programmer from Great Britain working for me. She also worked on her own time to do the job and do it right.

So did all the rest of the people in my group.

They all had something that isn't seen much anymore - PRIDE in their jobs and what they did.

Pride in what you do is seriously waning anymore.

BUT, not in other countries. They haven't been corrupted by materialism.

They can do what is done in this country. But they can do it better, quicker and cheaper.

And in a global economy, they will win!

In my experiance they really only do it cheaper. At least up front.
I have seen quite a lot of the global economy as far as the software world is concerned and I find that offshore or H1B's arent any different from thier US counterparts as far as quality/speed. Some are good, some are bad. The only real difference is the price. I have seen it done better, quicker and cheaper. I have also seen it done bad, slower, and more expensive cause it was done so bad I had to fix it.
Really like your signature block 89, definately the way I feel also. Some people live on their knees, I prefer to stand up and walk.
proAMT, Thanks....It's good to here from a person with a Backbone...Keep on Keeping on.... :up:
Stupid is as stupid does! Union jar heads, wake up and smell the coffee. You loose alot of credibility when you talk so emotional and radicle.
WHOA WHOA WHOA!!! AS a Marine, I take great umbrage at the proud label of "Jarhead" being used in conjunction with such an awful slur as "union". Take it back right now, or I shall be forced to wave this stick with a sign on it at you!

Well put. I know he is the reason I would never contemplate joining any union job. That mentality scares me. I want to know that I am being promoted because of my ability not because I happen to be there longer than the other guy. He reminds me of the school yard bully who has his "posse" to back him up. Cut him away from his "posse" and he wilts like a flower on a dry hot summer day.
Have mercy, fair maiden, for you steal my heart more and more with each post.

You know and I know that people in a non-union environment are not promoted by their ability. You promote a system of a$$ kissing why I promote a system that is more fair than bootlicking. With an "up with me" attitude like yours I would not want you on my team. A union member is a member of a team. Each team member works together to have a say in their employment conditions. With a boot licker if he doesn't choose to swallow the companies b.s. then he is forced to hit the gate.
He's kidding, right?.....Right?..Oh dear god, he cant really be that stupid, can he?
I have worked in union environments and I have worked in non-union environments and believe me I prefer the union environment. I am obviously not alone. In Tulsa their are many so called "union brothers" who are die-hard Republicans. I call them hypocrites and challange them to find employment in a non-union environment. It seems they prefer the union environment also. I never understood how these people could support an ideology that is anti-union yet feel no remorse from sucking up the benefits and job security that a good unionized job provides.