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Bod Unrest

PineyBob said:
Clue is right on as are Chip & Bear IMHO,

Bronner will cut your nutz off for sport. He is all about two things

1. - Jobs and business for the State of Alabama

2. - Maximum return on RSA's investment

If you think for one minute he gives a fat rats arse about employees or customers or for that matter Dave Siegel check into rehab and send me whatever it was you were using cause it must be good stuff.

I am begining to think Bronner is the REAL enemy here not Dave & Ben!
Finally, we agree on something! Notice how cutthroat ALL the negotiations got once Bronner got involved! One more interesting thing that I believe needs investigated is the legalities of this guy assuming control of a company that his fund is invested in. To my knowledge he has absolutely NO experience in the airline industry (or any others, besides running his fund). I would be VERY surprised if he was the least bit competent or successful at this. 😱
Personally I don't have any clue why Bronner invested & loaned money to an airline. Maybe he only wanted to be able to chit-chat about the "airline biz" at cocktail parties.

If he shut the place down tomorrow, he'd probably get his money back & make a little profit. There is enough cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash, whatever on hand now to accomplish that (assuming there hasn't been a big drop since the end of 3rd qtr). The question for him (and the other lenders who provided the bulk of the $1 billion) going forward is how long they wait if things don't get turned around and they're looking at a loss.

As a fund manager (isn't that what RSA is?) Bronner has probably made his share of bad investments - all fund managers do. The question he has to ask himself is when to cut his losses if things don't improve.
PineyBob said:
BoeingBoy said:
As a fund manager (isn't that what RSA is?) Bronner has probably made his share of bad investments - all fund managers do. The question he has to ask himself is when to cut his losses if things don't improve.
That's what I'm wondering too! My gut tells me he is close to cutting his losses and as for the unions his attitude of "My Way or the Highway" seems to be in full bloom.

My thoughts are give them whatever they want and get Bronner to cash out (we know he is't in this long term), The rest of the leadership to me seems at least competent if not exceptional. IMHO riding out the turbulence is the best though unpalatble solution if you think Bronner is the REAL Pproblem

I have my reasons for feeling this way just that it would take me to long to articulate them and I would in fairness have to reveal some things I promised I wouldn't. No I'm not Chip's alter ego but i have to draw a line. And my word may or may not mean a thing to anyone else but it does to me. Sorry to be cryptic.
Bob...I remember when you were outraged about getting PM's from management saying they have no business telling you what to say or how to express yourself, I believe you even threatened legal action. I also recall when you were very hard on this management team. That is why I am sure you were indeed PMed because they PM people who are ruthless on them via these boards. Now as per this post you seem to magically be an insider....ok Bob. I am not insinuating anything, just pointing out facts.

I was PMed a lot, until they figured I was a lost cause and beyond being brain washed. Notice I didn't say you were PMed recently Bob. I am just pointing out facts about my PM history on these boards.

Merry Christmas

Chip Munn is the vocal Minority and can't speak for the silent majority. ALPA has no confidence in this management and I'd be willing to bet the farm that the majority of the other employee groups don't have confidence in the current leadership either. Chip hasn't publicly supported ALPA's stance against DAVE and NEIL and he won't. So Chip, do you support ALPA's stance? Please don't speak for anyone else but yourself.

The IAM had all ready called for Sleezegull's resignation when the airbus fiasco started, and let them sell us, our pay rates and concessions snap back when they do.
Chip Munn said:

PineyBob said: "Is it a majority of employees? Or a majority of posters on US Aviation that have no confidence in management?"

Chip comments: PineyBob, many employees are upset at the industry restructuring, but the silent majority understands what's occurring. Most of the people who post on this message board do not represent the opinions of the majority of employees.



Does ALPA fall into that silent majority? Are you trying to say ALPA is not educated and up to speed on US management--apparently they are not a part of the silent majority who "understands what's occurring."

Chip said:
Most of the people who post on this message board do not represent the opinions of the majority of employees.

Does ALPA represent the opinions of the majority of the pilots?

Can't say I'm anything less than confused by your contradiction with ALPA, unless you don't support ALPA in their stance.

Happy Holidays,

Bob, Bob, Bob,

Are you a worker under my IAM contract? Do you even have one?

There are Labor Protection Provisions that cover US selling assets, including parts of the airline or the airline in whole, the language was in our contract and strenghened during the two rounds of concessions to prevent the company from screwing us. And you know what the courts have said about MY contract, don't you?

Once again, like I have told you, why don't you stick to posting things you know about, and apparently my contract is not one of them. And yes Buffy will get paid, but we also have 635,000 members in ALL industries, not just airlines. So take your cheap shot and put it in your pipe and smoke it cause you have no idea what you are talking about once again.

The ALPA contract also has fragmentation/merger provisions. Could Bronner/Siegel violate them - of course. Could the union haul them into court - of course. What would be the outcome - who knows.


The IAM didn't "deliver" a concessionary contract - the IAM members voted for the concessionary contract. Of course, at the time they were under threat of "approve it or we'll ask the BK judge to void the contract."

At least among ALPA, IAM, and AFA, the pilots were the only group that didn't get to vote on the TWO rounds of concessions just before & during BK. Not sure about the other unions.

Now Bob you really show your ignorance, no union leadership is anything like Frank Lorenzo, I mean are you that ignorant?

Every union and non-union employee had to take concessions to save this company, Dave Siegel did not save it, the employees did.

My god, I thought you were half-way intelligent, but I guess I was very wrong.

You change your postings more then chins in the chinese phone book, if you had a mood ring it would explode.

You should really refrain from posting about subjects that you have no clue about, as it makes you look like total inept and immature person, I mean you are being to sound like a certain pilot and his lack of crediblity on the boards.

And no BOB, only Dave Siegel took a 20% paycut from $750,000 and he got a $750,000 signing bonus and he made almost $4 million last year. And managment gets their vacations back next year and the rank and file employees dont. You really need to educate yourself on what the facts are instead of posting inaccurate information which just appears to be a rant and tirade from you.

And managment got $6 million in bonuses while the employees took a $1.1 billion cut.

You really need to wake up and smell the coffee.

Forgot to add that we pilots just voted overwhelmingly that any contract changes must be submitted to a membership vote.

And that loss of our pension was concession #3 - not counting those before Siegel arrived.


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