WSurf said:
Hmm, thats stupid. PDT has a AQP program already set up for the CRJ, they could have those planes flying in 90 days. But now they (Group) are pouring tons of money into PSA's Jet Training & crazy cash into MDA start up. PSA is a month behind in there training, from what I hear.
I know I don't have the answers but to say that PDT couldn't handle getting jets is a JOKE.. Is it really that much difference between CRJ's and Dash's. Our Training, MX, have always been top notch, with us and ALG being 2 of the more reliable parts of Group that HELLO, makes money!! Makes sense to put RJ's there. But then again making sense is one thing US Airways lacks.
Simple put all the RJ's at the 3 wholly owns.. Hire the furloughed pilots, start getting rid of the contract carriers. Make Group one list! And build from there!!
Just to correct a couple of your points.
"But now they (Group) are pouring tons of money into PSA's Jet Training"
No more than what would normally be required. The new training facility in DAY was mostly supplied by the city. The first few CRJ classes are being handled in Canada by bombardier while the PSA instructors are re-writing the manuals.
"PSA is a month behind in there training, from what I hear."
The training is not a month behind. Training is running on time. Aircraft deliveries are behind by approximately 1 to 2 weeks. The original training schedual was then adjusted for aircraft deliveries.
"with us and ALG being 2 of the more reliable parts of Group that HELLO, makes money!!"
Statisticaly, all three WO's have been very close for the past two years, some months bad, some months good. I hope that this sentence of yours is not a jab at your peers at PSA, most of whom are trying a lot things behind the scenes to help our brothers and sisters at PDT and ALG.
I think you'l find the only reason PSA got jets first (and I mean first as in NOT THE LAST, PDT and ALG will be getting jets. It doesn't make sense for you guys not to) is due to the fact that we've changed fleet types many times over. I think they just found it easier to put the first orders here, at a WO thats gone through this before. Let us work the bugs out, then equip PDT and ALG. I could be wrong but thats the way I see it.
And as for OneList, I would love it but I don't see why Dave would do it. Whatever it cost him to keep us apart is alot cheeper than turning 300+ pilots at each WO into 900+ Unified pilots who have been slaped in the face for way too long.
Take Care