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Boy, is this thread ever heavy tonight. I could be wrong, but what I am reading is that everyone, including our passengers wish for the Pain to go away and we all have a brighter day.

Everyone is feeling and living in their guts right now. Everything is uncertain. We as U employees have been living with uncertainty for so long and our devoted passengers have been doing the same, right by our sides. It is taking its toll and emotions and opinions are obviously in the for front as is to be expected in times like this.

I for one often feel I have some huge big old fat ugly thumb pounding on my head. That being the Management of this company who can not seem to figure out what the hell they are going to do that won't allow them to buy their golden toilet. <_<
usfliboi said:
Yours and my contract dont matter anymore. The company is near bk once again, do you feel your contract should matter anymore?
You are rushed to ICU because you are near death. The doctor takes one look at you and says: He doesn’t matter because he’s near death.

That makes as much sense.
usfliboi said:
Yours and my contract dont matter anymore. The company is near bk once again, do you feel your contract should matter anymore? I for one think our contratcs or our unions at this junction have any relevance. Time will tell, but if all you can think about is your worthless piece of papered contract, maybe you should be a lawyer. Face reality, its not about you or I Its about the needs of the many not the one or the few. If this airline falls almost 30,000 jobs will be lost in addition to the over 10,000 already lost at this company. What about that can you possibly argue with?
As a matter of fact I majored in Politcal Science (pre-law).

And the company is not near bankruptcy they have $700 + million in the bank.

And get your facts straight, there are 20,000 less employees not 10,000 since 9/11/01.

And contracts and unions do matter, do you think you would still be here if you did not have one? Well we all know you are not what you say anyhow.

Thank God, people like Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt and Churchill did not have your attitude.

Get a clue.

The history of America has been largely created by the deeds of its working people and their organizations. Nor has this contribution been confined to raising wages and bettering work conditions; it has been fundamental to almost every effort to extend and strengthen our democracy.
William Cahn, labor authority and historian

Employers and employees alike have learned that in union there is strength, that a coordination of individual effort means an elimination of waste, a bettering of living conditions, and is in fact, the father of prosperity.
Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt (D-N.Y., 1929-1932), in address before the New York Women's Trade Union League, 6/8/1929

It is time that all Americans realized that the place of labor is side by side with the businessman and with the farmer, and not one-degree lower.
President Harry S. Truman (1945-1953), 1948

There is no America without labor, and to fleece the one is to rob the other.
President Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)

If a man tells you he loves America, yet hates labor, he is a liar!
President Abraham Lincoln

We insist that labor is entitled to as much respect as property. But our workers with hand and brain deserve more than respect for their labor. They deserve practical protection in the opportunity to use their labor at a return adequate to support them at a decent and constantly rising standard of living, and to accumulate a margin of security against the inevitable vicissitudes of life.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, fireside chat, 1936
700UW said:
Now you are Miss Cleo?

You cannot speak for any union you cant say for any certainty that concessions will be taken.

Maybe one day you will learn to speak for yourself and not other labor groups.

And most important you dont get it.

Why would you negotiate any new concessions when the very same management cannot honor the language all ready agreed upon?

If you want to sign your paycheck over to US go ahead and do so, but dont tell any of us what to do.
No one on here can speak for anyone but themselves and maybe, just maybe one day all of you will realize that. Fliboi wasn't doing anything different than what was done in the opening post...so 700....what's the difference??
MrAeroMan said:
No one on here can speak for anyone but themselves and maybe, just maybe one day all of you will realize that. Fliboi wasn't doing anything different than what was done in the opening post...so 700....what's the difference??
The diference is that anything that is said by usfliboi or the airbus captain is sure to get a response from 700. It looks to me like he looks back to see what both of them have posted and attack every post they submit. It does not matter they post, they will get a nasty response back from him. :down:
You all seem to miss the point, he was not talking for himself, he said all unions will take concession, he said unions dont matter.

This person was caught in several untruths about who he is or what he does.

And for you PITMTC, go get some more chairs for the PIT hangar.

Read his post again!
from usfliboi
Yours and my contract dont matter anymore. The company is near bk once again, do you feel your contract should matter anymore? I for one think our contratcs or our unions at this junction have any relevance. Time will tell, but if all you can think about is your worthless piece of papered contract, maybe you should be a lawyer. Face reality, its not about you or I Its about the needs of the many not the one or the few. If this airline falls almost 30,000 jobs will be lost in addition to the over 10,000 already lost at this company. What about that can you possibly argue with?
It was his opinion and looks to me like he was voicing it. I'll ask again, why is it okay for some to voice their opinion but not okay for others, particularly those that you seem to disagree, to voice their opinion?
PITMTC said:
The diference is that anything that is said by usfliboi or the airbus captain is sure to get a response from 700. It looks to me like he looks back to see what both of them have posted and attack every post they submit. It does not matter they post, they will get a nasty response back from him. :down:
Your right 700 will be all over fliboi and and a320. Someone has to reply to all the LIES and misinformation these guys are spreading. I feel sorry that he has to waste so much time dueling theses idiots. :shock:
It is going to come down to this. If and when Management chooses to show the Union (labor groups) their plan once and for all the plan forward, then each and everyone of us will have a choice to make. More than likely it will be each and everyone's own individual personal choice, based on what our own personal life can live with. That is the bottom line. I expect no one to look out after me and I will look out after no one else. I did not come into this company and get hired on, thinking that I had any obligation to anyone but myself. No one pays our bills and lives our own individual lives but those intimately involved. I will, and I would bet most will vote on the issues that come before us based on what we can separtely abide with.
ktflyhome said:
It is going to come down to this. If and when Management chooses to show the Union (labor groups) their plan once and for all the plan forward, then each and everyone of us will have a choice to make. More than likely it will be each and everyone's own individual personal choice, based on what our own personal life can live with. That is the bottom line. I expect no one to look out after me and I will look out after no one else. I did not come into this company and get hired on, thinking that I had any obligation to anyone but myself. No one pays our bills and lives our own individual lives but those intimately involved. I will, and I would bet most will vote on the issues that come before us based on what we can separtely abide with.
Wow KT....I almost confused you with BoeingBoy!! 😉 :lol:
700UW said:
Actually mwiess,

Maintenance does not need a passenger to make an airline profitable. Delta Airlines made millions in profits last year by offering third party maintenance to other airlines.
Well we sure as hell need them. Every one of them that we can get!

A320 Driver B)
Now it's going to be really difficult to get into the Boeing cockpit with a swollen head like that huh Jim? 😀

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