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UAL777flyer, while you are here, remind us how IAM elections go when a BOD seat is the prize for the IAM officials.

It is not a T/A. It is a take it or leave it deal.))

-I like how allot of folks feel mechanics are just hired off the street and given a few weeks of training for their job. I wonder if they are thinking that all you need is a high school diploma and you are good to go.

-One thing I wonder is how the company's credit would be for outsourcing work.

Let me clarify; my bad!

I got the nice raise in April 99 when our first contract came into effect - from 17.33 to 19 and change (ironically, where we're going back to).

Since then, our raises have been about 4, 12 and 5 cents. The district kept saying, the big money is coming when UA fleet gets their new contract. Well, when our parity review came due in April 2002, UA had not come to terms, so we got the nickel. Now that UA has come to terms, we don't get it AND we didn't get credit for it towards our bogey number. That's calling getting it coming and going
chip my last post was to you was deleated,so all i can say to you without being censored is?????????. there was no profanity in my post.
Nobody likes this situation, but any union who does not vote for the agreement is voting for the company to not survive.

The airline will lose it access to capital, the loan guarantee, and the creditors committee support. Thus, the judge will have virtually no option but to fragment and liquidate the company. Therefore, 36,000 jobs will be lost and 11,000 furloughed employees will have no company to return to.

Again, if you want the company to survive, you must vote yes. It's that simple.
