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Big Announcement Coming Next Friday

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What is the topic exactly? Princess Di is still alive? Doug Parker will be booteted from Rio Dorito only to go onto Broadway and star in a revival of Les Misérables? UAL/US merger round #3982? A topic of TAKE A WILD GUESS! Get Jeane back out here, or do we have to call Dionne Warwick at the Psychic freinds network! Gees.
We are swapping terminals at LGA with DL. Mainline employees don't know what to make of this and EN employees at LGA are being forced into part-time from their full time positions. THIS IS FACT.

767's in my opinion should be parked with the rest of the metro jet a/c out in the desert. Their time is up, either scrap them or retire them.

Doug from Rio Dorito can you please tell us what to make of this or do we have to call Dionne?
will be interesting, but, after years of "big announcement" predictions that go nowhere....
We are swapping terminals at LGA with DL. Mainline employees don't know what to make of this and EN employees at LGA are being forced into part-time from their full time positions. THIS IS FACT.

Who is EN?
Saw this over on A.Net... More grist for the rumor mill (bold print is my doing)...

"Yes... a friend of mine who is a DL pilot heard a rumor that DL is seriously considering selling DL's ex-NW DCA slots that are leased to US to US themselves as part of a more complex deal between DL and US involving DCA and LGA slots.

As part of the deal, US would get:
-DL's DCA slots that they're currently leasing from DL (the former NW slots)
-Much-needed cash from DL

DL would get, in return:
-Most of US's LGA slots
-US's LGA terminal (adjacent to the DL terminal)
-US's E190 fleet to replace the DC-9s

DL's goal with LGA and JFK would be not only to be the #1 airline in NYC, but to build a "four corners" power hub strategy around ATL for the southeast, JFK/LGA for the northeast, LAX and SLC for the southwest, and SEA for the northwest (sign of a potential AS merger?). Like with NW, MSP and DTW would serve as Midwestern hubs (hence, CVG would be gone in 60 seconds). Also, MEM could serve as an ATL reliever.

Simple as that.
Saw this over on A.Net... More grist for the rumor mill (bold print is my doing)...

"Yes... a friend of mine who is a DL pilot heard a rumor that DL is seriously considering selling DL's ex-NW DCA slots that are leased to US to US themselves as part of a more complex deal between DL and US involving DCA and LGA slots.

As part of the deal, US would get:
-DL's DCA slots that they're currently leasing from DL (the former NW slots)
-Much-needed cash from DL

DL would get, in return:
-Most of US's LGA slots
-US's LGA terminal (adjacent to the DL terminal)
-US's E190 fleet to replace the DC-9s

DL's goal with LGA and JFK would be not only to be the #1 airline in NYC, but to build a "four corners" power hub strategy around ATL for the southeast, JFK/LGA for the northeast, LAX and SLC for the southwest, and SEA for the northwest (sign of a potential AS merger?). Like with NW, MSP and DTW would serve as Midwestern hubs (hence, CVG would be gone in 60 seconds). Also, MEM could serve as an ATL reliever.

Simple as that.
Is that an economical trade though the 190s to get rid of the DC-9s and besides what would happen to the crews etc..... side note EN started reducing full timers if they swap more than say 1 shift. they cant be FT if they swap days off or else they get dumped to pt with the benefs of pt it sucks but thats what they started recently soory for getting off topic but i used to be a en employee. as for slots is this a fair advantage if you will
I hope they factored in AFA scope into this mess....LOL Opps minor detail Over a certain % they take F/A with the a/c.
FACT- Employees at LGA were advised of the swap of teminals at LGA. Delta moves in our house and we move to their old house.
Heard through semi-reliable source that something is going to be announced on Friday regarding slot deals and such with Delta.
Steven Wolf will return from exile in Elba, and replace B.Ben Baldanza as CEO of Spirit. He will buy more E-190's than god can count, and although SWA is coming to kill us, U will likely buy TWA from AA, with the TWA pilots being stapled to the bottom of our list, since their airline is actually already gone. Consolidation is weeks away, as Barack Obama has made a UCT with China for additional new Chinese airliners which will be ferried in at night by the RC4, who will be freed and their sentences commuted for this top-secret operation. Crandall will return in glory to the helm of AA, and move to make a toehold in the now-abandoned PIT market. "United used to have a hub there, I have to checkmate them before they come back." A new mega-merger will be announced, with DL/NW merging with UA/CO, calling themselves Altair.

Both Elvis and my dog have both confirmed this. Elvis shares a crash pad in LGA with JFK, who actually faked his own death to get on the US Airways seniority list. Since he personally knows Babbitt, ALPA will be able to negotiate a $210/hr rate on the UFOs which will be taking over shuttle flying by 2010.

Rumors start to sound as foolish as this, yet we all still hang on them.
Oh can I touch you!?? All that, Jeane Dixon must have touched you!!!! I do believe. I do I do I do I do I do. Glad you scooped the Enquirer. Oh heck who am I kidding. The Enquirer would rather report on Palin or Obama than stupid USairways.
Saw this over on A.Net... More grist for the rumor mill (bold print is my doing)...

"Yes... a friend of mine who is a DL pilot heard a rumor that DL is seriously considering selling DL's ex-NW DCA slots that are leased to US to US themselves as part of a more complex deal between DL and US involving DCA and LGA slots.

As part of the deal, US would get:
-DL's DCA slots that they're currently leasing from DL (the former NW slots)
-Much-needed cash from DL

DL would get, in return:
-Most of US's LGA slots
-US's LGA terminal (adjacent to the DL terminal)
-US's E190 fleet to replace the DC-9s

OK, assuming this is true for the purposes of discussion....

Do I presume that US retains enough LGA slots to run the Shuttle? If not, what happens to the Shuttle?

As for the 190's I heard that the 190's have actually appreciated in value and therefore make a tempting item to sell. The question is what happens after that?
As always, tactical thinking only, the long strategy is non-existent. LCC still doesn't know what it wants to be when it grows up.
Which makes it even more difficult for any (stupid) would-be stockholder to know whether the airline would be a good, but risky, investment. The only folks who know anything are the insiders, both in the company and their darling financiers.
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