Back to the topic.
*Ed and his wife fly from CAK to PIT on Express. On the way there are only 7 passengers. The FA serves the beverage of thier choice, plus pretzels and still has time left over. On the way back there are 30 people and the FA does the service outlined for the route- an Express service (Coke, Sprite, Diet Coke, Water). Ed is angry. "I had a choice on the way. This stewardess is mean. I hate USAir. They're so inconsistant." Ed demands a Diet Sprite anyway, because hes special. If everyone did this, only a few people would get served.
The theory behind the quidelines is same service every flight- and everyone gets at least something. If any major airline knows a thing or two about short flights, its US Airways and its predecessors. Most airlines wouldnt dare ask thier FAs to get out of the jumpseat for some of the flights U serves on and has in the past (every junior FA has heard about the hot breakfast PIT to PHL from the senior mamas- its like the way your parents talk about thier barefoot walk to school uphill both ways).
*Times can vary on flights so service may seem odd. A flight may be blocked for 20 minutes but turns into 55 with ATC etc- now the crew seems lazy and mean because they did an Express service. The opposite is also true- tailwinds etc can cut short the time a flight is blocked for. Keep in mind crewmembers are required to be strapped in, in brace position for takeoff and landing and both the company and employee could be fined if FAs are performng non-safety related duities during this time. The same goes for taxiing- FAs are only supposed to be up for safety demo and cabin checks, and are not supposed to be preparing for service, getting pillows etc. Clearing predeparture drinks in First is considered safety related.
*Despite quidelines, aircraft type can be a factor. Pre-US, I used to work for a commuter airline that flew a very short route in the midwest. We only flew it once a week for maintenance, the rest of the time another affiliate flew it. They served, we didnt. They had a turboprop with two FAs. We had me, an RJ, and literally seventeen minutes runway to runway. The passengers would glare at me the whole time.
*At that same first flying job, I was an overenthusiastic 18 year old thrilled to be a flight attendant. I would convince catering to give me extra supplies and amenities from the mainline jets. On hour and a half RJ flights, I was doing a beverage with snack mix, followed by coffee, tea, or milk and a cookie, doing hot towels and even offering timetables (I know, what a dork- I was 18!!!) When the complimentary letters started flowing in and it was discovered what I was up to I got in trouble. The effort was appreciated but please just serve a drink for consistency sake- thus my luxury RJ service ended. 🙄
I share this story because in this current atmosphere, US FAs are risking thier jobs by going the extra mile- I saw a movie on the way to DEN recently and I'm not supposed to. A crew that was trying to be nice could get in trouble if a customer calls or writes asking why there wasnt one on the way back. This applies to service as well. This management is just looking for reasons to discipline and ultimatly reduce headcount.
*Someone said that the service codes are not on the trip sheets anymore- they need to be. Its US Airways responsibility to make thier service desires (or lack thereof) known, and to let thier plethora of affiliates know as well and ask them to enforce it (good luck).
*For those complaining about knitting and reading, what are the suggestions for what a FA should be doing on down time? Every job has down time. Some think they should be cleaning ("Can you get up? I need to look under your seat cushion for change.") Perhaps they should change into an evening gown and sing showtunes to keep the folks entertained? The pilots, who also arent busy at times could come back for a rousing rendition of "I've Got You Babe." Maybe they could offer to balace passengers checkbooks? Iron your shirt in the back galley? Badger people with offers of a second cup of Coke and those awful pretzels? Nope, being inconsisant again, Ed will expect that the next time.