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Beverage Service On Short Flights?

N628AU said:
I have flown WN many times from LAS to LAX, and the airborne time is about 40 minutes. I have never not gotten a beverage service, with only 3 FA's and a full 737. If the flight is over 35 minutes (saving 15 minutes for arrival and departure, where no drinks can be served due to aircraft manuevering), I think the only reason drinks should not be served is due to weather. IF WN can do it, so can US.
628au, you are correct. usairways in-flight needs a huge wakeup call. i find them the laziest f/a group around.
i have flown AA f100's with 2 f/a's and they do a full service on flights under 90 minutes. the 1st class f/a serves up front then goes to the back to help the coach f/a and they GET IT DONE.
Usairways needs to get some gost riders out there and see the miserable job that U does on "semi" short legs.
Sounds like someone has a personality disorder to me.
skyflyr69 said:
628au, you are correct. usairways in-flight needs a huge wakeup call. i find them the laziest f/a group around.
i have flown AA f100's with 2 f/a's and they do a full service on flights under 90 minutes. the 1st class f/a serves up front then goes to the back to help the coach f/a and they GET IT DONE.
Usairways needs to get some gost riders out there and see the miserable job that U does on "semi" short legs.
Yeah I once saw 2 F/A's do a full meal service on a 747 flying in combat over Hanoi if 15 minuets. I also saw the alien craft from area 51 at hanger 18.
Please come back to earth


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I too can attest that AA F100 First FA works coach after serving FC. Two FA on AA can do complete drink cart on a 50 minute flight. After completion the first FA goes back through first class (12 seats and does another round). Again if you are going to charge more for your coach product (note WN highest walkup is 299 compared to US 1200 or more) you have got to provide a better product. This is not ment to run down FA its just basic business economics.

Also re: short flights WN does fly many short flights. AUS-HOU, AUS-DFW HOU-CRP Providence-BWI, MDW-DTW just off the top of my head.
Back to my original point about consistency.....

I just flew on an ERJ from PIT that was flown by Mesa and block time was 70 min, actual flying time 40 min. Not an empty seat on the plane and the f/a rolled out the cart and served all 50 customers with a smile.

Return trip on trans-state ERJ back to PIT, block time 70 min, actual flying time 40 min. 35 customers on board and the only time the F/A walked down the aisle was when we were below 10K, on approach. I kid you not, the boy sat in his jumpseat, head back, eyes closed for the entire flight! I wanted to walk up and take his pulse to make sure he was still breathing! Not even an attempt to see if customers even had a request for something to drink.

The market I fly in is served by 3 different express carriers and I can tell you, without a doubt, that on every flight - no matter which carrier - you will get a different service. Why are we not demanding consistant service on similar sized airplanes. They are all 50 seat ERJ's and it is in a very competitive market.

If we can't even set a level of expectation for our customers then how is it we expect them to chose us for their travels? It is RIDICULOUS!
I've flown on many a flight from PHL to SYR on ML 73's and even if there are only 20-30 pax on board the FA's sit on their arses. Must spend all that time making up whining poems (ie Night before Xmas posts).

Mesa? Trans States?

Arent you in CCY? Go upstairs and tell them your story. Remind them that there are thousands of US AIRWAYS flight attendants (that were hired thorough a very competitive process, went through extensive and comprehensive training, commited to thier careers and the success of the company) currently unemployed that would be more than happy to provide a decent and appropriate service on "our " aircraft. The RJ affiliates hire anyone with a pulse that looks like they will last for at least three months. "Your screen name", they will be the death of this airline.
exagony said:
I've flown on many a flight from PHL to SYR on ML 73's and even if there are only 20-30 pax on board the FA's sit on their arses. Must spend all that time making up whining poems (ie Night before Xmas posts).
That flight is considered a "Service Upon Request" flight. In other words a no service flight. It is under 190 miles. TIME DOES NOT MATTER. It is ALL in the mileage. In trying to be consistent, it doesn't matter if there is 5 people or 50 people...it is still a NO SERVE flight. It may seem that the flight attendant is being lazy but they are following set procedures. If you get something one time and then not the next, that is where you will be saying..."well last time...."
It is very simple as the name suggests...."Service Upon Request". Ask for it if you want something. You might get a funny look, but they will get it for you.
Light Years said:

Mesa? Trans States?

Arent you in CCY? Go upstairs and tell them your story. Remind them that there are thousands of US AIRWAYS flight attendants (that were hired thorough a very competitive process, went through extensive and comprehensive training, commited to thier careers and the success of the company) currently unemployed that would be more than happy to provide a decent and appropriate service on "our " aircraft. The RJ affiliates hire anyone with a pulse that looks like they will last for at least three months. "Your screen name", they will be the death of this airline.
No, I am not a CCY employee and I have addressed the issue with the people I felt were appropriate. Obviously they aren't because nothing is ever addressed.
US really needs to employ a "secret flyer" program, similiar to what retailers use with "secret shoppers" to test service, not only on mainline, but also on RJ flights flown by the independents.

I have worked in some of these programs before, doing restaurant shops. It was a good deal for me, I got a free meal, and like $20 bucks for my time. It was very controlled. Each restaurant had a four page checklist with specific items to look for which ranged from food wuality to service to restaurant cleanliness. I am sure a little creative ingenuity could make something like this work.

I know of some companies that even give cash bonuses (one gives a $100 bonus) to their employees who hit a certain score during these shops. A program like this would be a good deal for all involved.
Twicebaked said:
That flight is considered a "Service Upon Request" flight. In other words a no service flight. It is under 190 miles. TIME DOES NOT MATTER. It is ALL in the mileage. In trying to be consistent, it doesn't matter if there is 5 people or 50 people...it is still a NO SERVE flight. It may seem that the flight attendant is being lazy but they are following set procedures. If you get something one time and then not the next, that is where you will be saying..."well last time...."
It is very simple as the name suggests...."Service Upon Request". Ask for it if you want something. You might get a funny look, but they will get it for you.
That's part of the problem. I've been on full Southwest 737's from Dallas to Oklahoma City (205 miles according to maps on us) and they have had drink service. 15 more miles can't make that big of a difference.
Twicebaked said:
That flight is considered a "Service Upon Request" flight. In other words a no service flight. It is under 190 miles. TIME DOES NOT MATTER. It is ALL in the mileage. In trying to be consistent, it doesn't matter if there is 5 people or 50 people...it is still a NO SERVE flight. It may seem that the flight attendant is being lazy but they are following set procedures. If you get something one time and then not the next, that is where you will be saying..."well last time...."
It is very simple as the name suggests...."Service Upon Request". Ask for it if you want something. You might get a funny look, but they will get it for you.
It may seem that the flight attendant is being lazy but they are following set procedures. If you get something one time and then not the next, that is where you will be saying..."well last time...."

1. Where in your "procedures" does it state that the FA's instead of serving the PAYING pax a drink that they are to read the latest People magazine or knit a blanket for their friends kid? You seem to be a stickler for "procedure" so please quote me out of the FA manual that states " under 200 miles no beverage service is to be given but you are to instead read magazines, knit blankets or pick your nose"

It is very simple as the name suggests...."Service Upon Request". Ask for it if you want something. You might get a funny look, but they will get it for you.

2. Why would I get a funny face? Its your JOB to serve the pax. They pay your salary. Maybe some of the furloughed FA's should be brought back to replace all the lazy "procedue bound" FA's still at U. God forbid you have to do your job. And don't cry the " I'm here for safety" politically correct bs. Most of the FA's can't lift a bag into an overhead on their own but they are their to save me? Unless you are 6-5 and a linebacker good luck!
This entire thread has gotten out of hand. Let's quit blaming the f/a's for following the companies service procedures. We didn't make the service, we just do what we are told to do. That's why I don't serve you a meal either, and I am not going to even if I have lot's of extra time. As far as reading or knitting goes, so what? If I have to sit for 20 minutes and stare at the guy in row 1 why can't I look at a magazine. I sense some real f/a envy going on here and some hatred too. And I may not be 6'5", but by God I can and will save your a** if I need to. I can do CPR, I can drag and throw your unconscious body down the slide if I have to. But I won't lift your 70lb bag up into the overhead compartment. You packed it, you lift it. The company won't pay my workers comp claim and I know you won't pay my salary for the next 16 years until I retire. I'll help you find an empty compartment.

Oh, and Piney, I have been around 25 years and for the last 8 I was trans-atlantic. On my flights at least once a month someone fainted or got airsick, or had a seizure or heart attack, or even tried to commit suicide by overdosing. It happens all the time, that is why we have Medlink, doctors on call 24 hours a day we can access from the air.
I want to clarify something from my previous post. I am in no way bashing the great majority of US F/As who do a great job day in and day out. Any company of this size is bound to have a range of employee performance, from those that simply see it as collecting a check to those who take tremendous pride in their work. Last Thanksgiving weekend I flew NW to LAX, and on a return leg an F/A wanted me to pick up trash on the seat next to me, even though it belonged to the passenger next to me, who had gotten up to use the lav. It was the aisle seat, and he could easily reach it. The biggest issue I had was not picking it up, but the attitude I got, no please, no thank you, just pick it up. As anyone knows, any airline is going to have good and bad. The trick here is that it was the only trip I have ever taken on NW, so what is my impression of them overall?

One of the big disadvantages, and therefore an issue, I see with unionized workforces is that they work toward the lowest common denominator instead of the highest. There is little incentive for anyone to do their best except their own personal pride and work ethic. That is a reason why I would like to see this secret flyer deal be implemented. It would give incentive through financial bonus to the cream of the crop, and weed out the cream of the crap. Bethune implemented something similar at CO with his cash bonuses for employees for being #1 On-Time, etc.

Also, the secret flyer program would give CCY the needed insight into what the customers see on the RJ operators. The very nature of their payscales and work rules leads to very short average tenures at these places. That is understood. The issue is can CCY providfe the necessary oversight to ensure a quality product to our customers if they insist on being so dependent on these operators? The results of the work on A/C 700 would seem to indicate otherwise.

Finally, I would never imagine to blame the F/A for doing what the company dictates. The problem with the "Service as Requested" flights are perception being reality for customers. Is it a big deal in the scheme of things to expect someone to sit and go without a Coke for a 45 minute flight? Reality says no, but the customer's perception is an issue if they fly a 45 minute flight on WN and get served something. Maybe it is time for CCY to address this issue.
N628AU -

I love the idea of ghost riders. They can evaluate everything from check-in to baggage retrieval. I would absolutely love this job! Sign me up! 😀

If I were creating this type of job, not only would my ghost riders evaluate Agents and Flight Attendants, but would also evaluate facilities. To me image is very important. So I would have them look at the sky cap stands, ticket counters, gates, airport signs and baggage claim areas. Once on board they would not only be looking at professional standards, but the condition of the airplane. Is it clean and well maintained?

At one of the airports that I recently traveled to, our image was poor at best. The sign at the skycap stand was being held to the podium with duct tape, the baording area was a mess. Used cups, news papers, wrappers and other garbage were strewn all over the place. What does this say to our customers? Why aren't the agents and station manager contacting the local cleaning service to tidy up? Why wasnt the skycap sign fixed? All of these things speak volumes about perception.

Great idea N628AU!

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