I want to clarify something from my previous post. I am in no way bashing the great majority of US F/As who do a great job day in and day out. Any company of this size is bound to have a range of employee performance, from those that simply see it as collecting a check to those who take tremendous pride in their work. Last Thanksgiving weekend I flew NW to LAX, and on a return leg an F/A wanted me to pick up trash on the seat next to me, even though it belonged to the passenger next to me, who had gotten up to use the lav. It was the aisle seat, and he could easily reach it. The biggest issue I had was not picking it up, but the attitude I got, no please, no thank you, just pick it up. As anyone knows, any airline is going to have good and bad. The trick here is that it was the only trip I have ever taken on NW, so what is my impression of them overall?
One of the big disadvantages, and therefore an issue, I see with unionized workforces is that they work toward the lowest common denominator instead of the highest. There is little incentive for anyone to do their best except their own personal pride and work ethic. That is a reason why I would like to see this secret flyer deal be implemented. It would give incentive through financial bonus to the cream of the crop, and weed out the cream of the crap. Bethune implemented something similar at CO with his cash bonuses for employees for being #1 On-Time, etc.
Also, the secret flyer program would give CCY the needed insight into what the customers see on the RJ operators. The very nature of their payscales and work rules leads to very short average tenures at these places. That is understood. The issue is can CCY providfe the necessary oversight to ensure a quality product to our customers if they insist on being so dependent on these operators? The results of the work on A/C 700 would seem to indicate otherwise.
Finally, I would never imagine to blame the F/A for doing what the company dictates. The problem with the "Service as Requested" flights are perception being reality for customers. Is it a big deal in the scheme of things to expect someone to sit and go without a Coke for a 45 minute flight? Reality says no, but the customer's perception is an issue if they fly a 45 minute flight on WN and get served something. Maybe it is time for CCY to address this issue.