My employer played an instrumental role in AMRs restructuring and has continued to provide the company liquidity.
"Continues to provide the company liquidity"
He says it like it's a charity. If you recall back in 2003 the company claimed that if they went below $1 billion in cash that they would be bankrupt, this was because of a covenant. The covenant was on a loan for $800 million. So in other words AA had to have $1 billion in cash to borrow and pay interest on $800 million. Now the figure is up to $3 billion.
Banks make money by lending money. They don't really make a product or provide a service, other than transferring numbers. By saddling companies with requirements that drive up their debt they drive up their profits. So by placing covenants that tie up a companies cash they benefit because it makes the company borrow more than it really needs to borrow, and it transfers profits from the carrier to the banks by doing so.
Like I said, they have an interest in getting us to agree to work for less. What the eggheads forget is that when morale plummets so does the quality of your product. With high load factors and diminished supply quality doesn't really matter so while Josh may complain as a passenger he knows, as the giant leach that his business is, that's not important right now. My guess is his employer provides these services to other carriers as well.
AA and other carriers have driven down labor costs,leaving companies such as Josh's more room to take profits out of the airlines. It really doesn't matter if the carrier ever shows a profit as long as they are making payments. Remember that, "as long as they are making payments". In fact it's better that they don't show profits, because once a carrier starts showing profits there is no longer a crisis, and the crisis is needed to keep employee demands low. If a carrier starts showing profits it increases the risk of a strike, and that means no payments. By keeping AA in the red it helps keep wages down at other carriers as well so from Josh's perspective low wages for us means lower ticket prices and more money going to his employer and more in his paycheck, a win win for him. Now you know why he is here.