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"back To The Basics"

local 12 proud

Mar 5, 2004
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dennis burchette must be having a hard time making end's meet on one paycheck, scary mary came around this morning and flooded the dock with "vote for dennis" fliers. exactally what does "back to the basics" mean? in my short carreer here at AA it's been concession after concession, except for the spike that AMFA got at northwest which was very short lived for us AA mechanics.....! no i think it should read "back to the SOS" but not to worry, soon we will be voting for a LOCAL 12 president. :up:
Mary probably doesn't support Burchette, she has been seen alot lately with one of her many X-Pard's. Harry Ashbaugh, the Basic Burchette's running mate.

Oh NO! Not another name change? :shock:
No one really know's what Back to Basics means what a stupid slogan, but it is from Dennis Burchett what can we expect from a guy who went from President of the local to the International and back to the box all within a year :shock:
I smell fear!!!!!

Dennis has more gutts and grit than you and dan have in one hand together in the bathroom stall!!!!!

As for Mary I believe you have stooped to new lows since she is well respected on the floor!!!! I think you all owe her an apology!!!!!! But since the Amfa pukes have no morals or ethics I doubt this will happen!!!!

The TWU Will Prevail!!!!! Have A Great TWU Day!!!!!!!!!!
cio, you admire a known wife beater and and call that gut's? no dennis is a mere coward who cares nothing about the membership, and only getting his duel payday reinstated, thats the best twu 514 has to offer?you guys are desperate indeed. yea mary is really respected on the floor where i work alright, thats why we laughed our butts off when she came around while everyone was on break and pasted our toolboxes with "back to basics bullcrap". we all had a chuckle as we tossed those fliers into the trash, right where the twu belongs! 😛
local 12 proud said:
dennis burchette must be having a hard time making end's meet on one paycheck, scary mary came around this morning and flooded the dock with "vote for dennis" fliers. exactally what does "back to the basics" mean? in my short carreer here at AA it's been concession after concession, except for the spike that AMFA got at northwest which was very short lived for us AA mechanics.....! no i think it should read "back to the SOS" but not to worry, soon we will be voting for a LOCAL 12 president. :up:
I must say that I am not a big fan of Burchettes, nor have I ever claimed to be but I see absolutley NO reason to insult Mary Gorrmans the way the you did. Mary has been nothing but an asset to Local 514 and she has helped more union members in one day than you will ever help in your lifetime!! You must have quite the self esteem issue with yourself to insult someone the way you did!! Let me guess, you grovel at Delle's feet too, don't you??

I, for the life of me, cannot understand the amfa's way of "playing" this "game". You use unconventional tactics (not to mention the newly discovered illegal tactics!!!) and personal attacks to try to push your cause. School yard tactics! And you want people to take you seriously????

There are many members who had signed an amfa card that are finally seeing the true colors of amfa! If you don't believe that than you are fooling yourselves. I personally have talked to some (more than a few) in TUL as well as AFW.
AMFA's track record is it's own worse enemy in this case!! And it seems they just keep screwing it up!!! What's next AMFA???
I can't see why anyone would want anything to do with Burchette. He promised us the sun and the moon. Jumped at a chance for International position and left us with a goober who sold us out the first opportunity he got. Burchette put his own self-interest ahead of the membership. Why would the membership want to return to something like that?
proAMFA said:
I can't see why anyone would want anything to do with Burchette. He promised us the sun and the moon. Jumped at a chance for International position and left us with a goober who sold us out the first opportunity he got. Burchette put his own self-interest ahead of the membership. Why would the membership want to return to something like that?
Well, would you look at that. . .a TWU supporter and an amfa supporter CAN agree on something.

So Proamfa, who would you like to see win out of those running?? Don't worry, this is NOT a loaded question. Just curious, that's all!
Personally, I have to give Mary Gormans respect for the hard work she accoplished but, as far as Dennis the freakin menace Burchette sell out piece of crap. Just keep him away from my home!!!

Making comments regarding the truthful numerous name changes and husbands that Mary has had is not an insult.

It is a fact of life.

Why is it that truth bothers you so?

Get a grip, will you.

It is not an insult to assume that she could be changing last names again soon, she has changed last names and husbands at least 3 or 4 times since I have known her.

She is even known as Mary "ten names" amongst my co-workers, and these are not AMFA supporters they are TWU faithful.

You can bury your head in the sand all you want, but being a good or bad union officer does not take away from the truth. Just as Burchette will always be known as a wife beater, so to will Mary be known for name changes.

BTW, her are her current husband both have ratted on myself and many other members for simply distributing union material. They cannot defend themselves without management. Yeah, I bet you do like that kind.

Worthless and deserving of ridicule in my mind. Just my opinion, and probably the same with the others she ratted out.

As for the hubby Kevin, commonly known as a "DLMF" by my friends.
twuer said:
Well, would you look at that. . .a TWU supporter and an amfa supporter CAN agree on something.

So Proamfa, who would you like to see win out of those running?? Don't worry, this is NOT a loaded question. Just curious, that's all!
I will be voting for Steve louis as the rest of the presidental canidates are not worth voting for.
I don't actually know Steve it is just that I do know the rest of the canidates. :lol: