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This Is What Amfa Thinks Of A Brother In Need!

Checking it Out

Apr 3, 2003
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This is a post from the-mechanic site, This is typical of how the amfa wantabes think of potential members. Instead of finding a way to help a fellow Brother they make fun of them. What a shame? Just think you could vote and sign a card to show your support for the person who wrote this! This is typical of the amfa wantabes, To hell with anyone else and it's all about me attitude!!!!

Received: 01/07/04 02:51:28 EST
Employer: AA
Location: AFW
Here at AFW I've recently been "impressed" by some of the hardcore EVIL TWU supporting "KNUCKLE HEADS" that came here from TULSA, because of the layoffs.
One guy wears his TWU POWER! shirt every day to work and says he would gladly take another 20% paycut to keep his job! This same individual is a native of Minnasota, and has told people he wants to get hired by NORTHWEST, so he can go back home! Imagine that! The guy won't sign an AMFA card, but wants to become an AMFA mechanic at NORTHWEST!

Another EVIL TWU LOSER here at AFW has said he is a best friend of DENNIS BURCHETTE and that the TWU is the best! This individual is living in his camper in the back of his truck at the Local 567 parking lot. This "goober" was a mechanic in TULSA, who took an OSM slot at AFW. This guy took probably a 50% paycut and still supports the EVIL TWU. What a DUMBASS!

I would like to see a proposal put forth to AA that will allow members the oppurtunity to trade with another member from the same classification at different stations. It will not accommodate everyone and could cause some senority issues. But I believe this could be worked out where members who are living away from there families to move back.

The two individuals in question are very well known on the west side of the hanger at AFW. The first one might as well have the word "SCAB" tattooed on his forehead. If we ever go on strike, whether it be TWU or AMFA, this guy will be the first to cross the picket line! I have no doubt that this individual has crossed a picket line before. The other individual is exactly as described. Any man who has SIX or SEVEN kids from THREE or FOUR wives and pays 3/4 of his paycheck in child support deserves to live in the back of a pickup truck. He is indeed a DUMBASS!
To hell with anyone else and it's all about me attitude!!!!

cio you say this about AMFA supporters but if I remember right didnt you twu boys call for a debate in the middle of the week so anyone not living in Tulsa would have to take a vacation day to attend!!!!
Scorpion please show us the days of the last several meetings amfa has held? I have already posted two on another thread to help you along. The times are scheduled so you can either attend before or after work. The organizers for the event from either side have the same oppurtunity to be paid. Remember the postings about all the money coming in to help with the card drive from amfa once they achieve 50%? Amfa should be more than willing to help offset the costs for you to attend? Amfa national was boosting about contributing a million dollars to the campaign this time at local 33 sometime last year in one of the meetings.

As for the post about how amfa feels about potential members, the first reply proofs my point.
Checking it Out said:
Amfa national was boosting about contributing a million dollars to the campaign this time at local 33 sometime last year in one of the meetings.

As for the post about how amfa feels about potential members, the first reply proofs my point.
Boosting? Proofs your point?

Getting a little desperate? How do we know that you didnt make that post?

Seems to me I remember you saying that members only have a 15 minute attention span.

Seems to me that I recall Sonny Hall telling officers at the Meaney School "What a thankless job they have taken on".

Seems to me that Jim Little claimed that the members "dont care".

So you come up with an unsigned deroggatory comment about a few individuals and lable AMFA with it. But its OK for you, Sonny and Little to say deroggatory comments about the entire membership?

I dont think that you "proofed" anything!
Checking it Out said:
Scorpion please show us the days of the last several meetings amfa has held? I have already posted two on another thread to help you along. The times are scheduled so you can either attend before or after work. The organizers for the event from either side have the same oppurtunity to be paid. Remember the postings about all the money coming in to help with the card drive from amfa once they achieve 50%? Amfa should be more than willing to help offset the costs for you to attend? Amfa national was boosting about contributing a million dollars to the campaign this time at local 33 sometime last year in one of the meetings.

As for the post about how amfa feels about potential members, the first reply proofs my point.
cio your a funny guy!

I like the way you throw in extra b.s. to try an confuse a silly point.
For one this isnt an info meeting like in the past so how does it compare to a debate of national reps, this was scheduled on saturday to make it easier for the membership to attend not just Tulsa local 514. I like the way you copied the AMFA info meeting schedules though. As far as money we dont need any stinking money to show up for our cause its just a good way to harass you twu boys cause its the only way you can get anyone to show up and debate.

Good luck with your mock debate sincerely scorpion

The two individuals in question are very well known on the west side of the hanger at AFW. The first one might as well have the word "SCAB" tattooed on his forehead. If we ever go on strike, whether it be TWU or AMFA, this guy will be the first to cross the picket line! I have no doubt that this individual has crossed a picket line before. The other individual is exactly as described. Any man who has SIX or SEVEN kids from THREE or FOUR wives and pays 3/4 of his paycheck in child support deserves to live in the back of a pickup truck. He is indeed a DUMBASS!
Judy with you being an Eboard member at Local 567, I surprised that you would want talk about SCAB’S. I am sure you of all people are aware that amfa Region I Coordinator Kevin W. Jurasinski ‘s company seniority date is 04-02-85, which was during Alaska Airlines strike.
Actually Bob, this is the typical mentallity of the majority of the Amfa wantabes here in Tulsa! You can go anywhere and see who is not carrying their load of work. And typically are the loud mouth lazy mechanics who huddle around their tool box making fun of everyone who does not agree with their narrow minded thinking. And these are the ones with the slogans of Integrity etc. on thier backs.

Me attitude amfa wantabes!!
Checking it Out said:
Actually Bob, this is the typical mentallity of the majority of the Amfa wantabes here in Tulsa! You can go anywhere and see who is not carrying their load of work. And typically are the loud mouth lazy mechanics who huddle around their tool box making fun of everyone who does not agree with their narrow minded thinking. And these are the ones with the slogans of Integrity etc. on thier backs.

Me attitude amfa wantabes!!
And what is the "typical mentality" of a Tulsa TWU supporter, mind you that McDonalds motion to strip away the line Premium so you guys could have another holiday is remembered.
Checking it Out said:
Actually Bob, this is the typical mentallity of the majority of the Amfa wantabes here in Tulsa! You can go anywhere and see who is not carrying their load of work. And typically are the loud mouth lazy mechanics who huddle around their tool box making fun of everyone who does not agree with their narrow minded thinking. And these are the ones with the slogans of Integrity etc. on thier backs.

Me attitude amfa wantabes!!

Oh, and I suppose with your open mind (and eyes) you didn't notice the sleeping TWU supporters, DID YOU CIO? :lol:

177 days to our next TWU SAVED HOLIDAY! ENJOY!
Checking it Out said:
Actually Bob, this is the typical mentallity of the majority of the Amfa wantabes here in Tulsa! You can go anywhere and see who is not carrying their load of work. And typically are the loud mouth lazy mechanics who huddle around their tool box making fun of everyone who does not agree with their narrow minded thinking. And these are the ones with the slogans of Integrity etc. on thier backs.

Me attitude amfa wantabes!!
cio you've post alot of twisted BS but this one takes the cake. There's slackers on both sides of the fence but working in Tulsa for 16 years I know first hand what you just posteds a damn lie. I've called you and team twu spin doctors before but never liars but your a damn liar. A sizeable portion of the hold outs in Tulsa are the lazy a$$e$ that are afraid they might have to get off their butts and go to work when the twu leaves. Thats about all the twu has been good for over the years is protecting people that abuse the system and promoting sedentary work attitudes and now we're all paying the price. I guess thats good buisness practice though (for the twu) because the less people produce the more excess baggage we have on board paying dues.
There's good productive people on both sides of the fence and only a fool such as yourself would make a claim like you just made.

sincerely not
Checking it Out said:

...I would like to see a proposal put forth to AA that will allow members the oppurtunity to trade with another member from the same classification at different stations. It will not accommodate everyone and could cause some senority issues. But I believe this could be worked out where members who are living away from there families to move back.

STAND BY, I smell "Change from within" coming to a Local near you.