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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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so in actuality even though it says the 06 could not be furloughed due to outsourcing he really could since it would be unlikely he would have anywhere to go in that situation?
Don't understand where you get he wouldn't have anywhere to go. The only way that true, is if there is nobody hired after 06. Then he would be the lowest on the seniority and your assumption would be correct. But as long as he's not the junior guy, then he would have somewhere to go.
are you going to be there tomorrow or sat?
I am doubling both days
are you going to be there tomorrow or sat?
I am doubling both days
We are briefing breakrooms tomorrow. So if I don't see you in your breakroom, shoot me a text or call to find me. I'll try to get by your breakroom to brief. But I start vacation Saturday, so find me tomorrow.
We are briefing breakrooms tomorrow. So if I don't see you in your breakroom, shoot me a text or call to find me. I'll try to get by your breakroom to brief. But I start vacation Saturday, so find me tomorrow.
I will text you then I am there from 630 on
what are you briefing about?
I will text you then I am there from 630 on
what are you briefing about?
Briefing on our survey we have done for the negotiating team, and also taking questions on the UA T/A. And obviously that makes questions come up about our negotiations and contract.
... I personally think seniority should rule!! I think if it comes down to it, a 06 guys should lose his job before say a 83 guy. I'm pretty sure UA also has lifetime recall rights, which is pretty damn good.

Should just be an matter of anywhere your seniority can hold on the system...
I want to give a shout out to Roabilly. Sorry I didn't get to see you the other day on your last day, but some of us want to get together with ya soon for a lunch or something!!! Enjoy your retirement brother!!! You deserve it!! Stay on with us here on aviation. Your input is always very informing to myself as well as everyone else!! Again enjoy the good life!!
+1 Roabilly will find retirement is great. The rest of you need to try it.

IMO Brothers/Sisters what happens at IAM D-141 UA/CO means nothing to US at IAM D-141 FS LCC and IAM D-142 MX/Related. Why ? Because you are, have , and would be comparing PUMPKINS to PEAS. We should focus on US LCC/AMR Group Members/Workers. Not a Membership that has a long ! list of issues and really don't care about ours. SOLIDARITY at LCC ? Surveys are a waist of time when only 20 % Membership are paying attention NC . CHEERS ! Roabilly
It does mean something to US's fleet agents. You can tell you have never been in negotiations. What another carrier gets is certainly used by both sides to compare.
IMO Brothers/Sisters what happens at IAM D-141 UA/CO means nothing to US at IAM D-141 FS LCC and IAM D-142 MX/Related. Why ? Because you are, have , and would be comparing PUMPKINS to PEAS. We should focus on US LCC/AMR Group Members/Workers. Not a Membership that has a long ! list of issues and really don't care about ours. SOLIDARITY at LCC ? Surveys are a waist of time when only 20 % Membership are paying attention NC . CHEERS ! Roabilly

I agree that your collective focus should be on solidarity and securing the best T/A possible, but to do so while ignoring the rest of the industry is suicide...

What happens at one *absolutely* affects the other. I can go through our last CBA at NW and pick out things that were originally agreed to at UA, AA, and US before we went to the table...
They could only be bumped by someone with more time. If they were, they would then exercise their seniority to go where they could with their 06 date. Eventually it dominoes down to the lowest of seniority. We at US have a different policy than this at fleet. But it's always debated about which method is best. I personally think seniority should rule!! I think if it comes down to it, a 06 guys should lose his job before say a 83 guy. I'm pretty sure UA also has lifetime recall rights, which is pretty damn good.

That's about right. That's why they left about 4-5% unprotected, to give enough slack to bump into a hub if needed. sCO hired a lot of people between 06 and 07. But what the district is going to try to sell that these junior people are protected as well because they can exercise their seniority elsewhere. Problem is most junior people are in hubs anyway. They are banking that enough people will take the early outs, and people with a lot of time will just take a furlough instead of relocating to one of the seven hubs. And I haven't hear the rumor that Tim talked about by the District trying to compete with a vendor if the company wants to outsource a station. I don't think too many people will go for that to take a major pay cut just to compete with a 8-9 dollar an hour vendor.
Has anyone heard specifics on what the process will be concerning the ratification vote on the UA TA? Electronic voting with security pin numbers or voting in person at one's local lodge. Additionally, has there been dates established? As a Recording Secretary of our local we have not been informed formally.
From all the rumors and what's going on, the vote is going to be a one day - in person vote. They want this one to pass, so that's how they are gonna push it. This is what I'm hearing. But they have to set up an infrastructure to do this, since many haven't been assigned a local lodge yet. And one whole group isn't even members yet. They probably want the ratification to be done by Nov. 1st. I don't know how it's going to affect the medical, because the enrollment period is this month. Will they extend the period after ratification? Or will the choices be set before ratification? A lot of us want to know, since we are going to one medical carrier to administer the benefits. And stuff is changing by the minute. And how the choices will be affected. And of course the prices.

This is only a guess by me, but that's what I'm hearing, when the final version of the TA (the lawyers and District are now proofreading the documents an readying them for the members), the upcoming "roadshows" explaining things and when and how to vote will soon follow.

Hopefully, we'll get the TA this week, and we will have a little over two plus weeks for one to read, review, and make their decision.
Towbar the UA IAM D-141 Leadership/NC is going to do what ever it take to get CBA #2 passed . Why ? because if the UA/CO IAM/IBT Membership says NO again there will be a major PURGE of current UA D-141 Officers/Allies in the next DOL mandated elections. 700 you are a knowledgable former IAM Leader/Negotiator and the economic periodine of todays CBA Negotiations have changed. The economics of one re-organised bankrupt legacy Airline to another one doesn't really matter when only one carrier LUV has been profitable since Deregulation. 2013 4 Legacy Carriers are making $ and soon 3 will control 90 % of the US AT Market.
Towbar the UA IAM D-141 Leadership/NC is going to do what ever it take to get CBA #2 passed . Why ? because if the UA/CO IAM/IBT Membership says NO again there will be a major PURGE of current UA D-141 Officers/Allies in the next DOL mandated elections. 700 you are a knowledgable former IAM Leader/Negotiator and the economic periodine of todays CBA Negotiations have changed. The economics of one re-organised bankrupt legacy Airline to another one doesn't really matter when only one carrier LUV has been profitable since Deregulation. 2013 4 Legacy Carriers are making $ and soon 3 will control 90 % of the US AT Market.
The DOL mandated rerun nominations/elections are for the Grand Lodge Officer positions not the DL 141 Officers. I will agree though... if UA TA #2 gets rejected it will have an adverse effect on current UA DL 141 Officer's futures. Much is at stake for everyone.
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