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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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From all the rumors and what's going on, the vote is going to be a one day - in person vote. They want this one to pass, so that's how they are gonna push it. This is what I'm hearing. But they have to set up an infrastructure to do this, since many haven't been assigned a local lodge yet. And one whole group isn't even members yet. They probably want the ratification to be done by Nov. 1st. I don't know how it's going to affect the medical, because the enrollment period is this month. Will they extend the period after ratification? Or will the choices be set before ratification? A lot of us want to know, since we are going to one medical carrier to administer the benefits. And stuff is changing by the minute. And how the choices will be affected. And of course the prices.

This is only a guess by me, but that's what I'm hearing, when the final version of the TA (the lawyers and District are now proofreading the documents an readying them for the members), the upcoming "roadshows" explaining things and when and how to vote will soon follow.

Hopefully, we'll get the TA this week, and we will have a little over two plus weeks for one to read, review, and make their decision.
A TA is reached and announced. A highlight sheet is distributed to the masses but no details regarding language or ratification voting dates and procedures. Maybe the District should have waited to announce until they had everything in place. Lots of questions in my station... but no authoritive answers.
From my view the UA TA would mean all field stations gone Jan 2018. Only an amended contract would save them. But that won't happen. In the meantime UA will fill the vacancies created by the added CO flights with new hires. Also they will probably get a lot of takers on the retirement deal.. more new hires with no protection. I'm guessing this will pass unless the hubs get altruistic. Watch out for making it easier to vote in the hubs than it the field stations. BF PS: I retired in Aug. Was beyond time to retire by too many years but I will have fond memories of that job. Good luck to all of you.
A TA is reached and announced. A highlight sheet is distributed to the masses but no details regarding language or ratification voting dates and procedures. Maybe the District should have waited to announce until they had everything in place. Lots of questions in my station... but no authoritive answers.

From what I hear, Friday is the day we will get it. Hopefully......
If they are taking this long, another reason is the District has to set up the infrastructure for an in-person vote. Remember, everybody does not have a local lodge to vote. Also the At-Home and Res workers has to vote somewhere as well. Hopefully it will be at convenient locations for all.
From my view the UA TA would mean all field stations gone Jan 2018. Only an amended contract would save them. But that won't happen. In the meantime UA will fill the vacancies created by the added CO flights with new hires. Also they will probably get a lot of takers on the retirement deal.. more new hires with no protection. I'm guessing this will pass unless the hubs get altruistic. Watch out for making it easier to vote in the hubs than it the field stations. BF PS: I retired in Aug. Was beyond time to retire by too many years but I will have fond memories of that job. Good luck to all of you.

Thanks, Bagfather.

It's not easy coming to work anymore. For a time, I loved my job. Now, I just don't know...........
From what I hear, Friday is the day we will get it. Hopefully......
If they are taking this long, another reason is the District has to set up the infrastructure for an in-person vote. Remember, everybody does not have a local lodge to vote. Also the At-Home and Res workers has to vote somewhere as well. Hopefully it will be at convenient locations for all.

“Representatives of stations and classifications will be invited to attend explanation meetings on October 10th and 11th, which will include information about the new health insurance programs.”

You think Tim’s name will come up
I haven't been following this thread a lot lately, but would like to see if a few things that I'm hearing are correct. Are the IAM and the Co. currently working on some sort of a "Bridge agreement" with a 2 year term that would bring us to the same wages as the TWU/AA scale?
If so, I can only hope that there will be some sort of language that will penalize the Co. if they don't come to a new agreement within a given period of time after the Bridge agreement expires. I also hope the the IAM Fleet group gets either some retro pay and/or a signing bonus given we have gone without a raise for almost 2 years. I still can't understand why the IAM people at the table didn't think to do this back in 2008 when they presented the transition agreement with the West. Bad enough we had to wait until July to get the 3%, but nothing after that is Piss-poor to say the least. What, if any motivation does the company have to negotiate a new CBA with our group without penalty? No raises, and no concerns about having to pay retro to our group for 2 years. It's nothing more that a win-win situation for the company.
From what I've heard any negotiation attempts for agreements regarding the merger while still in Section Six are non starters. The Locals position is that, merger or no merger, Section Six negotiations are the ONLY thing on the table at this time.
The union and the company arent negotiating anything, the talks are scheduled for November if I remember correctly if the shutdown doesnt stop the talks.

And yes the IAM is looking for a stand alone bridge agreement, before any JCBA talks start.
Dl 142 US Maintenance & Related contract negotiations broke off this week with no significant progress toward reaching a fair contract. The company's position has not changed. They are focused on the merger. They have no interest in negotiating in good faith with the IAM a TA with the pre merger US Maintenance bargaining unit. You can rest assured; our NC will be facing the same posture by the company when they meet in November. CONTRACTS FIRST! TRANSITION TALKS LATER! Lock and Load! Could be a very interesting holiday season.
Dl 142 US Maintenance & Related contract negotiations broke off this week with no significant progress toward reaching a fair contract. The company's position has not changed. They are focused on the merger. They have no interest in negotiating in good faith with the IAM a TA with the pre merger US Maintenance bargaining unit. You can rest assured; our NC will be facing the same posture by the company when they meet in November. CONTRACTS FIRST! TRANSITION TALKS LATER! Lock and Load! Could be a very interesting holiday season.
I wish I could disagree with you Ograc, but after seeing what went on with the mechanics group this week, your probably right!!
I wish I could disagree with you Ograc, but after seeing what went on with the mechanics group this week, your probably right!!
I wish I was wrong CB. I consider myself a patient and diplomatic person. Willing to give one or a party the benefit of the doubt. A person who believes in negotiations and reaching a common ground. However, I can only be kicked so much before I bite. Both IAM bargaining units have been kicked too much at US to this point. Someone is going to get bit. I NEED A CONTRACT! WE NEED SOME RESPECT! I don't feel we are asking too much!
I wish I was wrong CB. I consider myself a patient and diplomatic person. Willing to give one or a party the benefit of the doubt. A person who believes in negotiations and reaching a common ground. However, I can only be kicked so much before I bite. Both IAM bargaining units have been kicked too much at US to this point. Someone is going to get bit. I NEED A CONTRACT! WE NEED SOME RESPECT! I don't feel we are asking too much!
I agree 100%. The thing that frightens me is that the members will give up. Instead of fighting, many get tired and say " just give me something" the company counts on this. I'm not talking about poster on here. Almost everyone on here, seems like true unionist. But the members that read this site, we all need to stay strong!!!! We have to do what we have to do!! The company will count on fleet giving up!!
if that's the case CB then what happens next?
Well we have asked to be released, so has the mechanics, but to be honest, I don't see the NMB granting us release. IMO, we need to get together with 142, and finally use our strength in numbers, to get the companies attention. The GL and the DL is going to have to fork over some resources, to take this to the streets. We have the ability to do several things. Not sure a big plan will be put in place until we see what happens in November, but I would think things will be planned and ready to go.
Well we have asked to be released, so has the mechanics, but to be honest, I don't see the NMB granting us release. IMO, we need to get together with 142, and finally use our strength in numbers, to get the companies attention. The GL and the DL is going to have to fork over some resources, to take this to the streets. We have the ability to do several things. Not sure a big plan will be put in place until we see what happens in November, but I would think things will be planned and ready to go.

I agree with you on the release not happening.They never will do it.
The company is full steam on this merger with no interest in getting a contract done.
Serious action is needed to get their attention.

On the otherhand if the merger goes thru does not the price of poker go up?
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