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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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Because that was what the UA membership voted, you dont know what transpired even after it was explained.

The IAM just lost the NW Mechanic and Related and the UA mechanics wanted their own district and there was an AMFA raid going on, the International came up with the idea to stop the raid.

I personally voted no, but the UA membership way out numbered the US mechanics and this happened what 20 years ago and yet you still harbor ill feelings?

Being in a different district has nothing to do with representation and strength in numbers.

And funny how when the Mechanics were on Fleet's Negotiating Committee fleet wanted them off and even started a fight with the NC and that is what lead to part of the split also, guess you dont know about what happened when the lights went out during the union meeting.

When AFMA won at UA the International made the decision to put us 142 as that was the only District that had mechanics in it at the time.

Funny you didnt say a thing when it was the M&R dues money that paid for your negotiations, and paid for Fleet's members to attend conferences, conventions, placid harbor and other training.

Unionism is about the greater good of all, not just one or the other.

What money do newly organized members use for training/negotiations/conferences and such? They are not paying dues until a CBA is negotiated and ratified, correct? So where are they to get the money from? Answer, the union that just organized them. Of course M&R paid for a bunch of stuff, we were not paying dues yet. And IMO, M&R should have been thanking Fleet for choosing the IAM for the "strength in numbers" that was touted during the campaign. Not us thanking M&R for "allowing" us to use their funds for union related business. And I'm sure there are a number of reasons for the 141M, and ultimately DL142 split, but there sure was not a lot of pushback to the INTL from M&R to stay in DL141, to further the "strength in numbers", from where I sat, it certainly looked quite the opposite. Quick to leave Fleet by high and dry without the "strength in numbers" as promised during the campaign. And to address the original negotiating committee for our first CBA. Would M&R want Fleet negotiating for them in contract talks, in a first CBA environment, I think not, apples and oranges as far as duties/job functions go. So understand why Fleet felt the way we did at the time. If we truly were all in this together, why the push to seperate us in the first place?
Because that was what the UA membership voted, you dont know what transpired even after it was explained.

The IAM just lost the NW Mechanic and Related and the UA mechanics wanted their own district and there was an AMFA raid going on, the International came up with the idea to stop the raid.

I personally voted no, but the UA membership way out numbered the US mechanics and this happened what 20 years ago and yet you still harbor ill feelings?

Being in a different district has nothing to do with representation and strength in numbers.

And funny how when the Mechanics were on Fleet's Negotiating Committee fleet wanted them off and even started a fight with the NC and that is what lead to part of the split also, guess you dont know about what happened when the lights went out during the union meeting.

When AFMA won at UA the International made the decision to put us 142 as that was the only District that had mechanics in it at the time.

Funny you didnt say a thing when it was the M&R dues money that paid for your negotiations, and paid for Fleet's members to attend conferences, conventions, placid harbor and other training.

Unionism is about the greater good of all, not just one or the other.
You are right. Being in a different district has nothing to do with representation and strength in numbers. Likewise, two seperate bargaining units, being within the same district, doesn't either. The fact is; each group is considered a seperate bargaining unit by the NMB. This would not change if US Fleet were to be integrated into DL 142. We would still be viewed as a seperate bargaining unit by the NMB. The NMB has historically only released one bargaining unit at any given time. The others may sympathize and honor lines; but that only lasts until the company petitions for a court injunction for sympathetic bargaining units to return to work or the International is held in contempt of a court order. IMO... The point trying to be made is the "strength in numbers" campaign platform was somewhat misleading back then. Effective; to the disengaged, apathetic members who knew no better, but misleading. With that being said; IMO... joining DL 142 with our Brothers and Sisters at MTC. & Related gives us no more leverage at the table than remaining in DL 141 with our Brothers and Sisters at UA. This is our negotiations. This is our fight!
Actually the CBA has language that you can honor the picket line and you can't be discipline for honoring it. And a court can't order you back to work when your CBA allows it.
Actually the CBA has language that you can honor the picket line and you can't be discipline for honoring it. And a court can't order you back to work when your CBA allows it.
probably a moot point, I don't think either group will be allowed to do that
Todays Airline Worker is most LOYAL to the Airline Inc. they work for. Regardless of their work group IAM Member working above the wing or below the wing care most about the Company that cuts their check. Even though they fight like brothers and sisters at UA/CO ALL are in the same D-141 FAMILY. We at LCC/AMR Group by being divided both by District and soon by Union are at a disadvantage. I ask you ALL this ! Is it not logical that the entire LCC IAM Membership the largest UNION on the property be STRONGER being in the same D-142 FAMILY ? Blood is always thicker than water.
Both groups are IAM, has nothing to do with being in the same district.
Todays Airline Worker is most LOYAL to the Airline Inc. they work for. Regardless of their work group IAM Member working above the wing or below the wing care most about the Company that cuts their check. Even though they fight like brothers and sisters at UA/CO ALL are in the same D-141 FAMILY. We at LCC/AMR Group by being divided both by District and soon by Union are at a disadvantage. I ask you ALL this ! Is it not logical that the entire LCC IAM Membership the largest UNION on the property be STRONGER being in the same D-142 FAMILY ? Blood is always thicker than water.

I don't know that I disagree with you but as the saying goes I believe that horse has long since left the barn,
Plus with the current state of talks probably impossible to do
Still doesn't change the fact that mtc. hated fleet & considered us as unskilled labor.

Few things piss off mechanics more than anything else happens when fleet service agents are making a topped-out hourly rate more than them. It happened at PanAm many years ago and there was a great deal of hostility between the groups as a result. Knowing mechanics would never allow that to happen if they were in charge of our union. why would we permit ourselves as a permanent 2nd class work group within the organization?
Brothers /Sisters explain to US how a MX/Related AGC would be in charge of LCC FS if FS were transferred to D-142 ? FS has 6 AGC's assigned to US now. Also, as a reminder for those not keeping up both D-141 and D-142 are lead by a former MX/Related Worker and the President of IAMAW is a former Mechanic /Machinist. So, the point I'm and others are trying to make and get people to think about IS ! being in D-141 dominated, controlled, and bias towards UA/CO in LCC/AMR FS Members best interest going forward ?
One more ? for those IAM FS LCC Members on AF . How many of you have or read LCC IAM MX/Related CBA ?
Actually the CBA has language that you can honor the picket line and you can't be discipline for honoring it. And a court can't order you back to work when your CBA allows it.
700,Just Curious??? Guessing you still keep in touch with some of your old co-workers and Union people, Do You think MTC would honor a Fleet Strike??? Or would they cross, I have my opinion on that.
Of course they would, back in 99 when we were getting ready to strike, fleet supported us 100% and during the ibt raid, fleet stepped up again.

Dont believe the bs you hear, mtc will stand behind fleet.
Thanks for your Honesty. Back in the early 90's when MTC Struck, Fleet had no choice but to cross. Many of us did what we could as we were employees at will, but many of our fellow employees in MTC, thought we doubled crossed them.
You guys were non-union then, none of us had any issues with Fleet, as a matter of fact, our fleet and csa agents kept us informed of what was going on in the inside.

Many of us had significant others that were on the ramp or customer service, my gf was a ramper at the time.
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