August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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The company is not worried about fleet being released. They know if we happened to be released, we would be assigned a PEB ( presidential emergency board). The likelihood of you being released to strike is almost zero. The company knows this. The good news is that he traveling public doesn't know how hard it is to strike. So you have to take it public. That's where your leverage will be, is to make the public concerned enough that they book away from your airline. Like I have said before, the NMB is not in business now a days to release airlines from negotiations. But even if they did, I'm sure we would be asigned a PEB.
Seriously do you need to follow Tim to every thread in this site and post this nonsense? We all get that you don't like him and that he holds DL 141 accountable but truthfully all you are doing is validating what he says because it shows the higher ups must not like it.

seriously dude u follow 700 eveywhere in every thread nnu too have posted nonsense too. Cb I hear ya on that bro. Good luck w upcoming negogs
The company is not worried about fleet being released. They know if we happened to be released, we would be assigned a PEB ( presidential emergency board). The likelihood of you being released to strike is almost zero. The company knows this. The good news is that he traveling public doesn't know how hard it is to strike. So you have to take it public. That's where your leverage will be, is to make the public concerned enough that they book away from your airline. Like I have said before, the NMB is not in business now a days to release airlines from negotiations. But even if they did, I'm sure we would be asigned a PEB.

This is about USairways Fleet and what we gave to get here !.. Not about any merger right now.!!!!!!

Thank god for CLT Fleet!!!

Tired of... "TALKING"... and wanna start ..." WALKING ".....
just clt fleet what about the rest of the fleet in other cities like phl phx dca and what little is left in the outlining cities they dont count? i sure hope we do but it seems like only clt was able to do what they did and the heck with everyone else if theres to be solidarity to be built up and be strong then its time to get all fleet service members in the hubs and in the outlining cities that have mainline fsa to be informed to work exactly by the book etc its time for it all time to ratchet up the pressure on those donkeys now
just clt fleet what about the rest of the fleet in other cities like phl phx dca and what little is left in the outlining cities they dont count? i sure hope we do but it seems like only clt was able to do what they did and the heck with everyone else if theres to be solidarity to be built up and be strong then its time to get all fleet service members in the hubs and in the outlining cities that have mainline fsa to be informed to work exactly by the book etc its time for it all time to ratchet up the pressure on those donkeys now

Dont get defensive Rob.... Clt took the first step and walked the line. My city hasn't done that either but i cant wait for it to happen. I just give kudos to those from Clt who took the time to let the msg be heard. We all have the same msg but havent taken that step is all im saying..

Read CB last response............. and read between the lines.....
Does CLT plan on any more info pickets? You received media coverage the first time, but hell the public has forgotten already...
wasnt trying to be defensive and i do admire clt for doing something but i also wonder how much of an impact it would make if say all the hubs plus all of the remaining cities did it all at the same time.. that would have to make a heck of a statement to them jackasses in tempe... not defensive but my apoligzes if it sounds n looks like it i just think we need more solidarity more than ever i think..
Again... IMO the public could care less about our internal grievances with the company. Although my hat is off to the members in CLT who participated in the informational picketing; I'm not convinced the traveling public gives a rat's arse about our situation. The only thing they are concerned about is which airline is offering the cheapest fare and getting to their destination, with their luggage, on time. Which concern, of the two, does Fleet have an influence on? CB is correct. The chances of being released to strike are slim to none. Anyone care to guess where our alternative leverage lies? Solidarity is needed now. LOCK AND LOAD!
wasnt trying to be defensive and i do admire clt for doing something but i also wonder how much of an impact it would make if say all the hubs plus all of the remaining cities did it all at the same time.. that would have to make a heck of a statement to them jackasses in tempe... not defensive but my apoligzes if it sounds n looks like it i just think we need more solidarity more than ever i think..
Things will get much better orchestrated where we will have several cities picketing the same day. That's what you really want to do. The clt picketing was done because the NMB asked the union to not proceed with anything due to us going back into talks. There was lots of things getting ready to happen other than just picketing, to get our message to the media and to the public, but it was put on hold because of the request from the NMB. Clt was just too far into the planning and scheduling of the picket and we advised the NMB we could not cancel clt. If things don't go well in November I'm pretty sure those things will have a green light to go again.
gotcha there cb i understand sometimes it takes a huge thing like that system wide to garner the attention and may be more from them jackasses but only time will tell bro
Isnt Charlotte a mainly connecting city? How many people saw what went on outside at the CLT Terminal????
Isnt Charlotte a mainly connecting city? How many people saw what went on outside at the CLT Terminal????
Plenty I'm sure! Far too many as far as the company is concerned. One thing I will say about informational picketing... I'm sure the company doesn't like it. That in itself; makes it effective and worthwhile.
I was at the airport that day plenty.
Labor unrest. An issue any company wants to keep in the dark from the public's eye. What is done in the dark must be brought to the light. While DP acknowledges what a great job Fleet does, in the latest edition of the inflight magazine, in the dark he denies us the ability to share in the profitibality of the reorganized (under bankruptcy) carrier. Let us not forget; through two bankrupties US Fleet witnessed wage concessions close to 25% for many. Along with other compensation concessions. Yet... when the NC and the union proposes a modest wage increase of 10% and scope improvement; the company's position is the proposals are "outrageous". What is said in the light (DP's acknowledgement of great Fleet work in the inflight magazine) is in stark contrast of what is done in the dark (contract negotiations). The District and the NC has their work cut out for them against such a sinister opponent. Throughout the process the members must stand united, behind our representatives, if we hope to achieve any gains.
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