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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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cb do you have any idea as to when the donkeys and the iam may come to an agreement and i hope that you folks will do all you can to strengthen the scope language etc.. i believe you folks are
I can only speak on how I feel since I am only 1 of many on the committee. But as You have heard, the NMB has called us back the week of Nov 3 rd in DFW. The mechanics go back in October. We will see what happens with them, and maybe get a idea if the company is willing to move. Speaking for myself. I feel it's possible to get an agreement if the company is willing to move. I don't see the NC willing to move anymore than we have already, that's the reason we asked for release. I don't have my hopes too high, but it will be interesting to see what if anything they do with the mechanics coming up next month.
I agree, scope should be your top priority along with solid language. The TWU has always agreed to weak language and the company manipulates it every chance they get. A bunch of the stations that got outsourced last November because they only had 14 daily mainline flights are now up to 19 daily, and a couple are above 20. AA will run 20 daily for 11 1/2 months then say the station doesn't qualify for staffing cause the 20 daily didn't last all year. That's where there needs to be specific language in place.
May I offer a thought for consideration? The DOJ's concessionary demands for approval of the merger are viewed as excessive and not cost effective for either party (US/AA) and as a result both parties agree to walk away from the proposed merger. This still remains a very real possibility. This could very well be the negotiating environment the IAM finds itself in come January 2014. Until the merger issue is resolved; I don't see the company negotiating in good faith or reaching any agreement with Fleet or Maintenance in the interim. In the interim we should expect more dancing in negotiations by the company while they stall for time. The floor is open to opinions.
May I offer a thought for consideration? The DOJ's concessionary demands for approval of the merger are viewed as excessive and not cost effective for either party (US/AA) and as a result both parties agree to walk away from the proposed merger. This still remains a very real possibility. This could very well be the negotiating environment the IAM finds itself in come January 2014. Until the merger issue is resolved; I don't see the company negotiating in good faith or reaching any agreement with Fleet or Maintenance in the interim. In the interim we should expect more dancing in negotiations by the company while they stall for time. The floor is open to opinions.
i think cb would concur. Reasonably, does it make any sense for the company to move rapidly in short term negotiations if it hasnt a clue about the merger?
May I offer a thought for consideration? The DOJ's concessionary demands for approval of the merger are viewed as excessive and not cost effective for either party (US/AA) and as a result both parties agree to walk away from the proposed merger. This still remains a very real possibility. This could very well be the negotiating environment the IAM finds itself in come January 2014. Until the merger issue is resolved; I don't see the company negotiating in good faith or reaching any agreement with Fleet or Maintenance in the interim. In the interim we should expect more dancing in negotiations by the company while they stall for time. The floor is open to opinions.

My thoughts are, Merge or not, we need to be released. The longer the company drags this out the more the mediator may release us. After all AA had nothing to do with the Millions the company is making and that should be a focal point when sides resume talks with the mediator present !
My thoughts are, Merge or not, we need to be released. The longer the company drags this out the more the mediator may release us. After all AA had nothing to do with the Millions the company is making and that should be a focal point when sides resume talks with the mediator present !
i think cb would concur. Reasonably, does it make any sense for the company to move rapidly in short term negotiations if it hasnt a clue about the merger?
You could have a point. That is entirely possible. However we have made it clear from day 1 that we are not negotiating on the assumptions of any merger. We have said all along we are negotiating based on us being US Airways and the record profits they are now making. Officially it shouldn't hold anything up since we haven't based anything on the merger.
My thoughts are, Merge or not, we need to be released. The longer the company drags this out the more the mediator may release us. After all AA had nothing to do with the Millions the company is making and that should be a focal point when sides resume talks with the mediator present !
I here ya, and I wish I felt the same. However IMO in the very unlikely chance that the NMB would ever grant us a release, I believe we would be assigned a PEB. ( presidential emergency board) if they could not get the 2 sides to work out a contract, then I believe congress would intervine and would pass law to implement a contract on us. These are all possibilities that I personally think would happen before we would ever be released and able to strike. The NMB is just not in the business of releasing airlines these days to strike.
You could have a point. That is entirely possible. However we have made it clear from day 1 that we are not negotiating on the assumptions of any merger. We have said all along we are negotiating based on us being US Airways and the record profits they are now making. Officially it shouldn't hold anything up since we haven't based anything on the merger.
shamefully, management doesn't seem to be taking the same approach.
CB/IAM FS NC. LCC has not and will not negotiate in good faith with US . Only when they are threatened with STRIKE or a obstacle in merging with AA Group will they be serious with US. We need to be released . By the way did you get hold of a PSA/IBT CBA from one of your Brothers/Sisters in CLT ? AH and PSA/US Air spent Millions in destroying the SCOPE, SENIORITY, and WAGES/BENEFITS to list a few we had in CBA through the 80's What TN is saying, as are others is WE need to get back to where FS/CS WORKERS where. OUR ! CS/FS work in HUBS, Focus Cities, Large, and Small Stations was protected ! Job, Jobs, Jobs ! when will the contracting and GREED end ? If not now when ? Also, i have talked about this issue before with others on NC, the BASE for our Labor Protections in CBA should be based on Labor Laws of Blue States not Red States. Enjoy the ROCK and Mi Ties. Maholo and Aloha !
My thoughts are, Merge or not, we need to be released. The longer the company drags this out the more the mediator may release us. After all AA had nothing to do with the Millions the company is making and that should be a focal point when sides resume talks with the mediator present !
I agree completely. On the other hand; when was the last time a represented bargaining unit was released in the domestic airline industry? Until the NMB starts to release bargaining units; the company knows they can disregard ammendable dates and take all the time they want. All they are obligated to do is meet occasionally with the union to fulfill their obligation of negotiating in "good faith". This is why contracts go well beyond the ammendable date. I have heard the industry average is 2.5 years plus beyond the ammendable date before a new contract is reached. Given US's recent history; that average has probably increased. Every day the company stalls is another day our members work under bankruptcy imposed wages and benefits. A release would translate into serious and productive negotiations "in good faith". Unfortunately, based on past history, I'm not holding my breath for the NMB to release either bargaining unit (MTC. & Related / Fleet Service) any time soon.
just how bad do thos flippin donkeys want the iam support for the merger and to help them fight the doj? apparently given the donkeys track record they dont seem to give a rats arse about that and as you orgac pointed out they will not negogiate in good faith unless the nmb releases both groups but that is highly unlikely... of course if they did how fast would them ole donkeys return to the stalls to negogiate with both iam groups... itd be nice to see the iam put out things in the media papers etc about how mgmt does not want to negogiate etc but they want our support etc.... time to pressure up
Hey Nelson and you call yourself a union man


Seriously do you need to follow Tim to every thread in this site and post this nonsense? We all get that you don't like him and that he holds DL 141 accountable but truthfully all you are doing is validating what he says because it shows the higher ups must not like it.

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