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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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yes we do ograc, til we get one and not some load of crap like customer service has to vote on or worse something like that trash UA had to vote down.All this 401 and pension banter takes a backseat to me
I agree rat................. Dave Lehive posted on Facebook pics of the PHX ramp gathering on the tarmac like the guy's in CLT have been doing. I think this is great to get some form of solidarity started. What baffles me is how the on time performance keeps on climbing. If guy's were not cutting corners this would not happen. Are agents breaking safety rules to get the 50.00 dollar bonus prize?
rockit sadly there are and there will always be employees who will egard safety rules just to get a plane out on time. i for one will only work by the safe rules that are posted in the manuals and in the tests. i sure hope that what going on in clt and now phx will only spread to other cities like phl bwi dca etc.... i wonder if the union folks are still doing the road shows the nc team?
Road shows are over and have been over.

And you can start the same thing in your city, go ahead and lead it!
I stand corrected, the NC is now going to the smaller cities, they did the hubs and the focus cities first.
I agree rat................. Dave Lehive posted on Facebook pics of the PHX ramp gathering on the tarmac like the guy's in CLT have been doing. I think this is great to get some form of solidarity started. What baffles me is how the on time performance keeps on climbing. If guy's were not cutting corners this would not happen. Are agents breaking safety rules to get the 50.00 dollar bonus prize?
I've heard the tarmac meetings in CLT drove management "nuts"! Enough said Brothers and Sisters! Lock and Load! Carry on!
Last week's gathering pissed the company off, they claimed its a job action.
Last week's gathering pissed the company off, they claimed its a job action.
The gatherings seem to put them back on their confident and arrogant heels. Lock and Load! Carry on Brothers and Sisters!
people get pissed when they don't even get a cost of living increase ....
IAM WINS ! LCC /DP/AH LOSE ! IAM/TWU will continue to represent the below the wing M/R and F/S WORKERS at LCC/AMR Group. The LARGEST ! Customer Service Group at USAirways. Contracts NOW ! Contracts for ALL !
IAM WINS ! LCC /DP/AH LOSE ! IAM/TWU will continue to represent the below the wing M/R and F/S WORKERS at LCC/AMR Group. The LARGEST ! Customer Service Group at USAirways. Contracts NOW ! Contracts for ALL !
A huge win for the IAM! My hat is off to the many who worked on the campaign. With their help the IAM prevailed. As a result... our leverage and chances toward significant contract gains, both as M&R and Fleet, have increased. The company would have liked to have seperated the M&R from the Fleet Service in bargaining representatives. No such luck DP and AH. Both groups need a contract now! The company's alternatives to agreeing to this are running out. Lock and Load Brothers and Sisters! It's time to get back what we have sacrificed!
Our future is now in danger !!!!!!!!!!!!

TO ARMS TO ARMS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we must take action against the government , our unions cannot sit her quietly and allow the workers of our two unions to get steam rolled

PROTEST PROTEST PROTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Chicken Little,

The sky isnt falling.
Then go discuss in the thread where it belongs.

And once again, the sky isnt falling.

Go Cry Wolf somewhere else.
EXCUSE me , you do understand that this merger creates long term job security for the members of THIS work force do you not ?

Without it our company US Airways is the smallest of the nations major carriers ..."WE" the fleet service workers of US Airways NEED our jobs in the long term ...

If this merger doesn't happen it will be a threat to our job security , not to mention our earning potential (fleet service wages ) as far as being the largest carrier in the country .
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