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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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The trick JFK is that you have to take breaks from it .... Let these guys wear each other down for a week or two and pretty soon the conversations start to return to sanitity .
That would be 33, not 24 and its more than AA and UA.
Are you giving credit to the IAM for those 33 stations? AMR's stations are protected under scope. Other than 10 stations that are class 1 at US AIRWAYS, you can thank AH for keeping the other 23 open, as much as it pains me to say that. Even ORD can be contracted out.

700, keep slamming the CWA for protecting ALL STATIONS. The IAM has blowed under every single comparison. Hell, they can't even match up to the two bankruptcy contracts I compared the non bankrupt IAM contract o. Sheesh!

Well, this thread has officially become useless for any sort of meaningful exchange of information.

Between the personal attacks and the IAM's biggest and loudest defender, every single goddamn topic turns into the same goddamn thing.

I may as well stick to airliners.net...this is ridiculous.

I'm starting to agree. 700. Chime in all you want but it's starting to get irritating on things that can be googled . You wanna help the membership then just leave the answers alone. Every post is some sort of EGO ARGUEMENT. Please add pertinent info if you can. Not every question deserves a rebuttal for christs sake
I'm starting to agree. 700. Chime in all you want but it's starting to get irritating on things that can be googled . You wanna help the membership then just leave the answers alone. Every post is some sort of EGO ARGUEMENT. Please add pertinent info if you can. Not every question deserves a rebuttal for christs sake

I find it interesting how the CWA is doing every current job of each job function, at each station, under scope. And 700 is attacking the CWA. And I differ with Prez as well regarding why the CWA has done better.
Canale gave up profit sharing for nothing. Wasn't even in bankruptcy. Gave up Mainline express, and scope for nothing at all. Dumb Dumb Dumb.

Management went after ramp because the IAM just rolled right over the past 15 years. Why wouldn't it? It still will until the leadership finally says, "NO"!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe that time has arrived. Time will tell if our union leadership signs a fence agreement or an otherwise less than fair ta with full recommendation.


Not NO". ....", HELL NO ". Time for reward has arrived.
What you need to remember is 700 is on the international payroll to sit on these boards and raise the IAM flag as high as he can. So he must post a lot to justify the stiphen the give him.
How ironic the memberships is ultimately paying him to argue with you

Oh and 700 in reference to that vote with M&R was that the one where you guys did a redo "because the membership was confused" but yet you were the so called "communicator" that took notes and gave weekly updates to the membership. Seems you failed in 1 negotiating and 2 communicating. LOL.
But let me guess Hmmmmm. I know it must have been Tim's fault.
You guys crack me up, go look on the International's District 142 or LL 1725's LM-2, I am not on there, I am not getting paid by the IAM and I dont work for them.

I wasnt not the communicator when we were Distrcit 141M, that is the District we were in during bankruptcy #1 nor on the negotiating committee, get your facts straight.

I was involved with 142 after that, and NC during bankruptcy 2, which was in 2004 and 2005, not during bankruptcy #1 which was 2002 and 2003.

Dont let the facts get in your way.

You all make this way too easy, thanks.
Mike for ex the cwa as most other groups are getting profit sharin checks ranging in the hundreds to the thousands of dollars granted they do not have a pension plan but they have kept all of their stations intact plus they got snap backs in jan of last yr or the yr before

the iam fleet lost over 30 stations in the ch 11 era then in 08 got a crappy contract lost las and a number of other cities in the quest to keep going down hill we still have ch11 era wages horrendous sick crap 4 vacation weeks a yr yet this monkey circus mgmt and the airline are making money over money esp with those fees. to the tune of 37 mil last yr alone
its definitely high flying time the iam fsa get protection for all the services we currently have now BETTER n ENHANCED wages sick may be add in a week or 2 of paid vacation and the monkeys running this airline needs to negogiate with us employees not amr they make back room door deals with the amr folks but cannot make deals with us folks
You guys crack me up, go look on the International's District 142 or LL 1725's LM-2, I am not on there, I am not getting paid by the IAM and I dont work for them.

I wasnt not the communicator when we were Distrcit 141M, that is the District we were in during bankruptcy #1 nor on the negotiating committee, get your facts straight.

I was involved with 142 after that, and NC during bankruptcy 2, which was in 2004 and 2005, not during bankruptcy #1 which was 2002 and 2003.

Dont let the facts get in your way.

You all make this way too easy, thanks.
I don't particularly think you work for them or give a damn if you do for that matter.
You do however come across as IAM cheerleader complete with pom poms.

No union is without faults and while I remain postive our NC will bring a contract worth voting for, that abortion that was put out at UA with all the IAM brass braging on how good it was remains large.
That had nothing to do with NMB, bankruptcy, Tim Nelson or the anti christ. It was all on top brass IAM officers. care to spin that
Mike. Hell No......

This will be the last contract for many of our members. We are 3 years into talks and already asked for a release so we gotta be all in. After our members get a ta then my guess is that joint talks will take at least 5 years if the unions are lucky.
Joint talks have been a real pain in the butt for all unions.
im really hoping that cb or p rez or someone from the nc team will at least put up a list of all the cities they will be for sure visiting along with the times n days n dates etc it would be nice and got to get as many memebers there possible and send a loud clear convincing message to the monkeys in tempe that we are a united group and that earns respect and better contract
So you do conference calls with the IAM for free. No wonder utility was lost with bozos like you negotiating for the membership. Makes one wonder what side deals one might have made with the company to bring back that last best offer that you were so instrumental in being a part of. The laughs on you
I guess your another who cant read and comprehend.

We NEVER reached a deal with the company in chapter 11 part 2.

The judge abrogated our CBA and made us vote on the final offer.

Is that too hard for you to comprehend?

Glad to see you cant admit when your wrong and spreading lies about people.

And I really dont have to explain what I do, I was over my Ex's house getting my son and she was listening to the call.
19 year anniversary with iam representation!
As proud union members we can lay hold of a .15 cents yearly pay raise. A net retirement loss. 62 lost stations
All since our members voted in the iam.

Thank you iam! A fine organization that should make all non union employees jump at signing an iam card!
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