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August 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Anybody else find it ironic that this is the August Pilot labor thread and we are half way through Oct?

Firing for this group though, represented by a scab union that is always a day late and a dollar short.....um, or should I say 140 vacation days and d $200,000 shoot per east pilot stupid enough to support the scab union?
Watching you furloughed with no vacation and working as a bottom reserve f/o, priceless.
Oh, and one more thing, the Nic is still the only accepted system seniority list for all LCC pilots....

And Pollock's article in the USA today this week showed his hand as an idiot. seems he had all kinds of experience at USAir, and does not even realize that company went bye bye in 2005.
Well, since you brought it up.

Thanks for admitting that stealing a West pilots job makes you happy....SCAB!
What job loser? You were based in PHX. You are now based in PHX after being furloughed, flying East routes now. The only thing that was stolen from you was your fantasy.
Calling Michael Dale!

Sorry I can't make it but obviously this is the event you have been waiting for!

Time to take it to those westicle Spartans...show them who the real boss is. Surely a fine specimen of mucho macho such as yourself will triumph over these silly Spartans!


Sigh!...My precious little bunny: In early life I had the privelege of fairly well representing as part of the USA Team at the World Championships. While I'm naturally, mightily impressed by your "tough spartan" suggestion, how about we keep it to supposed "pilot" stuff? Be kind to a now-frail old man. 🙂 Wager's always open.

"Time to take it to those westicle Spartans...show them who the real boss is." Totally works for me. 🙂 It's a true pity that "you'se" supposed "pilots" are nothing more than hot air and entirely unearned, arrogant BS, and basically, just bad jokes on the world. Check the following. You don't even need to toss your cookies or wet yourselves to do this. PM if you're anything more than merely "spartan" hot air and bovine flatulence. PM if you've any thoughts towards backing your misplaced ego up..."spartan".

The above insults are in no wise intended for any actual Pilots out west,...just such as could post the childish "Barbie-the-pilot" crap I just responded to, but all who imagine themselves to be "spartans" are indeed welcome. 😉

Oh, and one more thing, the Nic is still the only accepted system seniority list for all LCC pilots....

In that protest, you contend that the Company is obligated to

implement the Nicolau Award as soon as the MTA/MOU becomes

effective. That contention is meritless, and your protest must be denied.

Now would be the time for you to lament how little I am paid. My Doctorial Thesis is depending on your participation. RR
Now would be the time for you to lament how little I am paid. My Doctorial Thesis is depending on your participation. RR

That's unproductive, since the behavior has tapered off months back. If you need; I have some accumulated stats for such, as this whole mess (arguably including my own participation) has been of potential paper/dissertation interest.
[font="Arial""]I have already promised here that if I ever receive my retrospective pay I will never post here again, under any name or avatar. If Judge Silver delays the trial due to Hummel's situation, I make the same promise. Since the merger is DOA, I have just a little chance of getting out clean. Cross your fingers for me, I need a break. RR[/font]

[font=Arial"]I have already promised here that if I ever receive my retrospective pay I will never post here again, under any name or avatar. If Judge Silver delays the trial due to Hummel's situation, I make the same promise. Since the merger is DOA, I have just a little chance of getting out clean. Cross your fingers for me, I need a break. RR[/font]

Understood RR, but if you've ever any serious need for some stats, for any paper presentation; I've got a stack of 'em. 😉 I've long considered this insane little mess to be worthy of study, and possibly a dissertation, when all's concluded.
Sorry I can't make it but....

PS Princess. A little bit of fatherly-type advice here, without any pretentious and/or insulting BS intended. Don't ever let "Sorry I can't make it but...." define your life. What people actually DO matters. What people say? = Not-so-much at all, ever. That has nothing to do with any bombast here, or ANY nonsense on this board....Just something you would do well to store in your memory for future use in life.
Well, since you brought it up.

Thanks for admitting that stealing a West pilots job makes you happy....SCAB!
Now we just need another 1600 new hire "Captain" Spartans to replace you scab West pilots so you can be out on the street. ALPA and APA, thank you. The gift that keeps on giving.
Understood RR, but if you've ever any serious need for some stats, for any paper presentation; I've got a stack of 'em. 😉 I've long considered this insane little mess to be worthy of study, and possibly a dissertation, when all's concluded.
Get with me. I think Flying the line volume three should start at September 11, 2001.

Subtitled "How the New American defeated labor."
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