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August 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Oh, and one more thing, the Nic is still the only accepted system seniority list for all LCC pilots....

And Pollock's article in the USA today this week showed his hand as an idiot. seems he had all kinds of experience at USAir, and does not even realize that company went bye bye in 2005.
Better brew her a pot of strong coffee!
[font=Arial']I have already promised here that if I ever receive my retrospective pay I will never post here again, under any name or avatar. If Judge Silver delays the trial due to Hummel's situation, I make the same promise. Since the merger is DOA, I have just a little chance of getting out clean. Cross your fingers for me, I need a break. RR[/font]

The merger is DOA? It looks the the DOJ may be DOA. It's is losing the support of liberals in congress.

"Democratic congressmen urge DOJ to drop its antitrust lawsuit against American-US Airways merger
Sixty-six Democratic congressmen are urging the U.S. Department of Justice to drop its antitrust lawsuit against the merger of American Airlines and US Airways.
In a letter sent to President Barack Obama and the attorney general's office, the congressmen said the lawsuit puts at risk the economic security of tens-of-thousands of workers at both airlines.
"With more than 20,000 American Airlines employees in the DFW area alone, I have serious concerns about the Department of Justice’s lawsuit against US Airways and American Airlines which will put the jobs of these hard working Texans and thousands of other Americans at risk. I believe this merger is good for our local economy, good for consumers, good for competition and should be approved,” said Congressman Marc Veasey (D-TX) from Fort Worth.
Keep reading for the full letter."

Read more here: http://blogs.star-telegram.com/sky_talk/2013/10/democratic-congressmen-urge-doj-to-drop-its-antitrust-lawsuit-against-american-us-airways-merger.html#storylink=cpy

I realize the Onion's survival is more important than the merger to Usapians like yourself. So, in the unlikely event that the merger is derailed, Leonidas will be there to derail DOH and you continue to be punished under LOA 93. With USAPA you made your bed. Sleep tight.
I realize the Onion's survival is more important than the merger to Usapians like yourself. So, in the unlikely event that the merger is derailed, Leonidas will be there to derail DOH and you continue to be punished under LOA 93. With USAPA you made your bed. Sleep tight.

The DOJ is willing to deal, the company is not. They will be reminded by the judge of this fact and the merger will not happen. The company has this in their playbook. Let the DOJ be the big bad wolf to blame. At this time the airlines will revisit their MOU promises with a large pair of scissors. The APA pilots will have no choice but to divest expectations.

As far as the East pilots go there are thousands that are moving from narrow to wide body planes, f/o's to Captains and reserves to blockholders. Attrition will be significant. Seperate ops have been very fruitful.
And Pollock's article in the USA today this week showed his hand as an idiot. seems he had all kinds of experience at USAir, and does not even realize that company went bye bye in 2005.
I realize the Onion's survival is more important than the merger to Usapians like yourself. So, in the unlikely event that the merger is derailed, Leonidas will be there to derail DOH and you continue to be punished under LOA 93. With USAPA you made your bed. Sleep tight.
Read these two posts and realized that the west has no clue about what the east pilot group supports or how it feels on subjects. Pollock has not been a player in the east political scene since alpa got tossed. You would have trouble finding a political supporter of his around here. To Snaps comment......what planet are you living on? I have not heard Leonidas or the east west issue mentioned while out flying in a couple months. AOL sue's everybody so much that they are no more interesting to talk about than your local ambulance chasing lawyer. Have yet to find anybody that will mourn USAPAS passing if the merger is approved either. In house union seems to be what everybody agrees with, not one that also represents the RJ's that fly what used to be mainline routes. 3 things I am interested in, 1. Protect the mainline flying (west included) 2. Figure out some compromise on the east/west thing that is not NIC (west has no interest in doing that and no I am not talking about DOH) 3. Assuming that the company wins the merger case, protect the USAirways pilots in the merger SLI (west included) I think you know how hard it is going to be to get the NIC forced on anything, otherwise you would not be on here daily trying to convince the east pilot group what a bad contract they are working under.....last time I checked a west captain makes 17k more a year TOS on the 320 and F/O's make 8k more TOS. Oh yeah, the west is just raking in the cash. On the flip side the east has access to widebodies and is retiring a couple hundred a year for the next 10 years. What was the west retirement number for this year? Saw it in a union email a few weeks back, I know it was pretty low number but do not remember the specific number. All in all I would call it a draw in the "sucks to be you" category around this airline. the west stuck in one base with next to no movement for a paltry few bucks more an hour makes up for the LOA 93 we are living on the east. At least I move up a few numbers each month and can fly a widebody if I want to be on reserve to do it. The suck factor at this airline is universal, otherwise why would you be trying to tell me daily how bad I have it on the east. If you are living the dream out there in the desert what do you care what we are doing on the east?
Also what is it with not being able to put paragraph breaks in my post? I see other people not having the trouble. Guess something on my browser is jacked up. Sorry for the run on paragraph above.
The merger is DOA? It looks the the DOJ may be DOA. It's is losing the support of liberals in congress.

"Democratic congressmen urge DOJ to drop its antitrust lawsuit against American-US Airways merger
Sixty-six Democratic congressmen are urging the U.S. Department of Justice to drop its antitrust lawsuit against the merger of American Airlines and US Airways.
In a letter sent to President Barack Obama and the attorney general's office, the congressmen said the lawsuit puts at risk the economic security of tens-of-thousands of workers at both airlines.
"With more than 20,000 American Airlines employees in the DFW area alone, I have serious concerns about the Department of Justice’s lawsuit against US Airways and American Airlines which will put the jobs of these hard working Texans and thousands of other Americans at risk. I believe this merger is good for our local economy, good for consumers, good for competition and should be approved,” said Congressman Marc Veasey (D-TX) from Fort Worth.
Keep reading for the full letter."

Read more here: http://blogs.star-telegram.com/sky_talk/2013/10/democratic-congressmen-urge-doj-to-drop-its-antitrust-lawsuit-against-american-us-airways-merger.html#storylink=cpy

I realize the Onion's survival is more important than the merger to Usapians like yourself. So, in the unlikely event that the merger is derailed, Leonidas will be there to derail DOH and you continue to be punished under LOA 93. With USAPA you made your bed. Sleep tight.
. 68 out of some 265 democratic members of congress! Wonder what the republicans think? Stellar!
Don Addington, et al.,
US Airline Pilots Association, et al.,
No. CV-13-00471-PHX-ROS


Defendant US Airline Pilots Association (“USAPA&rdquo😉 has asked to reschedule the trial set to begin on October 22, 2013. In light of this case’s history, the Court needs to speak with one of Gary Hummel’s doctors. USAPA will be directed to contact the doctor and see when he or she is available to participate in a conference call with the Court. The conference call must occur on either October 17 or 18. Counsel will be required to either appear in person or by phone. The trial will not be continued until the Court is able to speak with a doctor.

IT IS ORDERED as soon as possible Defendant US Airline Pilots Association shall file a notice indicating when one of Gary Hummel’s doctors is available for a conference call. All counsel must make every effort to be available at the time chosen by the doctor.

DATED this 17th day of October, 2013.
Roslyn O. Silver
Senior United States District
Don Addington, et al.,
US Airline Pilots Association, et al.,
No. CV-13-00471-PHX-ROS


Defendant US Airline Pilots Association (“USAPA&rdquo😉 has asked to reschedule the trial set to begin on October 22, 2013. In light of this case’s history, the Court needs to speak with one of Gary Hummel’s doctors. USAPA will be directed to contact the doctor and see
when he or she is available to participate in a conference call with the Court. The conference call must occur on either October 17 or 18. Counsel will be required to either appear in person or by phone. The trial will not be continued until the Court is able to speak with a doctor.

IT IS ORDERED as soon as possible Defendant US Airline Pilots Association shall file a notice indicating when one of Gary Hummel’s doctors is available for a conference call. All counsel must make every effort to be available at the time chosen by the doctor.

DATED this 17th day of October, 2013.
Roslyn O. Silver
Senior United States District

one thought on this conference call ----------> HIPAA
one thought on this conference call ----------> HIPAA
Standard: disclosures for judicial and administrative proceedings.
    • Permitted disclosures. A covered entity may disclose protected health information in the course of any judicial or administrative proceeding:
One final word about the use of subpoenas – under HIPAA, a subpoena that is signed by a judge is treated just like any other court order and the records can be produced without any other requirements or procedures.

Source: americanbar.org
One final word about the use of subpoenas – under HIPAA, a subpoena that is signed by a judge is treated just like any other court order and the records can be produced without any other requirements or procedures.

Source: americanbar.org

It seems so obvious now - :huh:
Oh, and one more thing, the Nic is still the only accepted system seniority list for all LCC pilots....

And Pollock's article in the USA today this week showed his hand as an idiot. seems he had all kinds of experience at USAir, and does not even realize that company went bye bye in 2005.


I don't think any pilot from the east will get upset about anything you say about Pollock. He was put in the CP office for good reasons. For the sake of decorum I will refrain from expanding on the reasons.

one thought on this conference call ----------> HIPAA

HIPAA is just window dressing and a waste of money. The only time I ran into trouble with getting info from a hospital was when my mother fell out of a hospital bed and was found on the floor 4 or 5 hrs. later and the hospital did not even contact me to tell me. The records for that night were "missing".
HIPAA is just window dressing and a waste of money. The only time I ran into trouble with getting info from a hospital was when my mother fell out of a hospital bed and was found on the floor 4 or 5 hrs. later and the hospital did not even contact me to tell me. The records for that night were "missing".
Is that like the laptop that went missing from USAPA headquarters?
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