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August 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Next week’s proceedings will be all about implementation of a perverted legal scheme to give the West Class representational status without an election. That's a given. I suggest the less exciting thread to follow in the trial will be this: Who wrote the language for the seniority section of the MOU? Who read it and approved it? What lawyers knew exactly what the language meant, when did they know? I don’t know the answers to these questions, but I have some pretty strong guesses. I contend everyone involved knew exactly what the language in the MOU meant. RR

Everyone knew an illegal job action when they saw one too, RR.

I predict another USAPA win similar to this.

"Today, Judge Robert J. Conrad found USAPA guilty of sanctioning an illegal job action.

[font="'Times New Roman"]In recent weeks TheEye has refrained from posting about USAPA as the union has become completely irrelevant. It has demonstrated itself to be a completely ineffective, dysfunctional, and inept labor organization.[/font]

[font="'Times New Roman"]We sincerely hope that those participating in the illegal job action take a moment to reflect on the extent of the pain and suffering they have brought to all US Airways employees.[/font]

[font="'Times New Roman"]USAPA is damaged goods - [/font]

[font="'Times New Roman"]Even a federal judge has memorialized this reality."[/font]

[font="'Times New Roman"]http://usapawatch.com/2011/09/28/injunction.aspx[/font]
Everyone knew an illegal job action when they saw one too, RR.

I predict another USAPA win similar to this.

"Today, Judge Robert J. Conrad found USAPA guilty of sanctioning an illegal job action.

In recent weeks TheEye has refrained from posting about USAPA as the union has become completely irrelevant. It has demonstrated itself to be a completely ineffective, dysfunctional, and inept labor organization.

We sincerely hope that those participating in the illegal job action take a moment to reflect on the extent of the pain and suffering they have brought to all US Airways employees.

USAPA is damaged goods -

Even a federal judge has memorialized this reality."


I also do not predict a USAPA win following next weeks proceedings; but don’t think it will have anything to do with that McKee, Crimi, and Cleary work action fiasco. Judge Silver will sit on any decision until she sees the results of the DOJ trial in early January. RR
I also do not predict a USAPA win following next weeks proceedings; but don’t think it will have anything to do with that McKee, Crimi, and Cleary work action fiasco. Judge Silver will sit on any decision until she sees the results of the DOJ trial in early January. RR

Agreed on who was behind the fiasco.


"USAPA Intimidates Pilots Who Do Not Participate in Its Illegal
Slowdown Campaign
USAPA has intimidated pilots who refuse to acquiesce in the union’s illegal activities.
On June 23, 2011, USAPA’s Charlotte domicile issued an update asking pilots to report their
colleagues who accept flight assignments from the scheduling department referred to in the East
pilot collective bargaining agreement as POTA (Priority of Trip Assignments). (Hemenway
Decl. ¶ 29, Ex. 15.) The publication instructs pilots not to answer calls from the scheduling
department, and goes on to state that the names of pilots who accept POTA assignment will be
published to the union membership and that such pilots will be nominated for “The Doug Parker
Golden Bonus Award” — described by USAPA as an award “to be given in recognition of any
pilot who goes above and beyond the call of duty to make sure Doug Parker and his management
team continues to ‘earn’ their hefty bonuses.” (Id.) The update provided examples of certain
pilots who were nominated, including a pilot who answered a call from the scheduling
department and accepted a POTA assignment in order to prevent a flight cancellation (which
USAPA sarcastically referred to as “valiant efforts&rdquo😉. (See id.)
Then on July 24, 2011, an anonymous text message was sent to East pilots stating:
“Seems like we have our first winner for the COMPANY SUCK UP AWARD… PINK PANTY
AWARD or whatever you want to call it. This A330 CAP on Reserve, on July 15th had 1 Day
Available, suddenly on July 16th he is on a FRA 3 day trip. Congratulations go to [rank and file
Case 3:11-cv-00371-RJC -DCK Document 11 Filed 07/29/11 Page 39 of 67
US Airways pilot] TOM BELTZ as our first winner. Keep up the good work by screwing all
your fellow pilots that are trying to get a contract we deserve. If you have a good reason please
let everyone know.” (Id. ¶ 30, Ex. 16.) Around this same time, a card was placed in a pilot’s
mailbox stating: “CONGRATULATIONS! You’re a WINNER! Your heroic effort to help
management achieve their bonus checks has earned you the Pretty Pink Panties award[.] Do you
want a new contract? EARN IT[.]” (Id. ¶ 31, Ex. 17.)"

I think Silver will rule prior to Jan.
Everyone knew an illegal job action when they saw one too, RR.

Agreed on who was behind the fiasco.

Well, at least one part still applies here, save for your hardly being the first of many "spartans" to fully qualify: “Seems like we have our first winner for the COMPANY SUCK UP AWARD..." 😉
Here is a little "Onion update" from the USAPA statement of facts I just read. It's not just a chuckle, its a laugh riot:

204. In August, 2013, in response to Section 22.C protests filed by Phoenix-based

pilots , US Airways stated as follows:

This will acknowledge receipt of the letter of protest you filed pursuant

to Section 22.C of the America West Pilots' Collective Bargaining

Agreement concerning the July 1, 2013 seniority list posted by the

Company. In that protest, you contend that the Company is obligated to

implement the Nicolau Award as soon as the MTA/MOU becomes

effective. That contention is meritless, and your protest must be denied.

Section 22.C of the America West Pilots' Collective Bargaining

Agreement only applies to disputes regarding a West Pilot's seniority

relative to other West Pilots as set forth on the West Pilots seniority list.

Challenges to the East/West integrated seniority list, which will be

created after there has been a merger and the federally-required

McCaskill-Bond seniority integration process has been completed, are

beyond the scope of Section 22.C.

Moreover, even if the Section 22.C process applied to disputes regarding

the future East/West integrated seniority list, your claim that the

MTA/MOU amounts to a single labor agreement obligating the

Company to apply the Nicolau Award immediately is contrary to the

express provision in the Transition Agreement (Section XII) that any

of the Transition Agreement's provisions "[m]ay be modified by written

agreement of the Association and the Airline Parties collectively."

By its terms, the MOU constitutes a written agreement between USAPA

and the Company which modifies the provisions of the Transition

Agreement relating to implementation of an integrated seniority list.

Paragraph 10.h. of the MOU specifies that "US Airways agrees that

neither this Memorandum nor the JCBA shall provide a basis for

changing the seniority list currently in effect at US Airways other than

through the process set forth in this Paragraph 10." The Paragraph 10

process provides for seniority-list integration in accordance with the

standards and procedures of the federal McCaskill-Bond law, and that

process will not even begin until after the merger has been

consummated. Modifying the seniority lists immediately, as you have

requested, would violate the MTA/MOU.

Let me do the most selfish of things and reply to my own post. I want to make sure all here understand what happened. The entire DFR is based on whether USAPA was wrong in NOT including the NIC in the MOU. In this West self-inflicted grievance reply we have the Company saying they were under no obligation to use the NIC without a ratified contract. How can Judge Silver find USAPA guilty of not using a list both they AND THE COMPANY both agree IS NOT THE LIST!? Once again, both the Union and the Company agree the NIC is not the list in place at US Airways. How can USAPA be held guilty for not using it in the MOU? Case closed, except for the part where Silver (eventually unsuccessfully) tries to give the West Class representational status, and stroke the ego of her secret friend Siegel. RR
Well, at least one part still applies here, save for your hardly being the first of many "spartans" to fully qualify: “Seems like we have our first winner for the COMPANY SUCK UP AWARD..." 😉

The job action was real, poorly executed, unnecessary in light of real safety issues, and even if warranted was premature at best. I too hate the way the Company has treated us, and despise the actions of the West Class. But this was just a stupid action I will not defend on any level. RR
Next week’s proceedings will be all about implementation of a perverted legal scheme to give the West Class representational status without an election. That's a given. I suggest the less exciting thread to follow in the trial will be this: Who wrote the language for the seniority section of the MOU? Who read it and approved it? What lawyers knew exactly what the language meant, when did they know? I don’t know the answers to these questions, but I have some pretty strong guesses. I contend everyone involved knew exactly what the language in the MOU meant. RR
Perverted legal scheme? Yet, agreeing to binding arbitration, and then forming a new union for the sole purpose of getting out of what you agreed to is not perverted? Seriously, how much of a denial wall do you have to build to post something like that without choking on your hubris?
Perverted legal scheme? Yet, agreeing to binding arbitration, and then forming a new union for the sole purpose of getting out of what you agreed to is not perverted? Seriously, how much of a denial wall do you have to build to post something like that without choking on your hubris?

No perversion at all, at least none intended. USAPA was created to ditch the NIC. Coming up on 7 years of total success as to that end. What "binding” arbitration still is not legally enforced after 7 years of legal and grievance appeals? I agreed to no such seniority perversion as was the NIC. It was unfair, unenforceable, and a tragic decision that cost us all monies and lifestyle. RR
The job action was real, poorly executed, unnecessary in light of real safety issues, and even if warranted was premature at best. I too hate the way the Company has treated us, and despise the actions of the West Class. But this was just a stupid action I will not defend on any level. RR

No argument with any of that here as well. I've simply zero use for such that side with any company against the interests of their supposed "fellow" coworkers and class/craft, and, even if not comprehending it when doing so; their own future interests in the process. I've never seen it prove out that any notions of: Hey! I've got a truly brilliant idea! Let's see if we can help our bosses completely micro-manage our own work enviornment, so that eventually; none of us has much of any future control of it whatosever!, has developed into anything positive for any employee, anywhere, ever.
No perversion at all, at least none intended. USAPA was created to ditch the NIC. Coming up on 7 years of total success as to that end. What "binding” arbitration still is not legally enforced after 7 years of legal and grievance appeals? I agreed to no such seniority perversion as was the NIC. It was unfair, unenforceable, and a tragic decision that cost us all monies and lifestyle. RR
7 years of total success? LOL..get me some oxygen. Enjoy LOA93. BTW, I think the Church of Scientology is hiring a new spokesman, you'd be great for the job.....
Everyone knew an illegal job action when they saw one too, RR.

I predict another USAPA win similar to this.

"Today, Judge Robert J. Conrad found USAPA guilty of sanctioning an illegal job action.

In recent weeks TheEye has refrained from posting about USAPA as the union has become completely irrelevant. It has demonstrated itself to be a completely ineffective, dysfunctional, and inept labor organization.

We sincerely hope that those participating in the illegal job action take a moment to reflect on the extent of the pain and suffering they have brought to all US Airways employees.

USAPA is damaged goods -

Even a federal judge has memorialized this reality."


Typical america west pilot hypocrite.

Agreed on who was behind the fiasco.


"USAPA Intimidates Pilots Who Do Not Participate in Its Illegal
Slowdown Campaign
USAPA has intimidated pilots who refuse to acquiesce in the union’s illegal activities.
On June 23, 2011, USAPA’s Charlotte domicile issued an update asking pilots to report their
colleagues who accept flight assignments from the scheduling department referred to in the East
pilot collective bargaining agreement as POTA (Priority of Trip Assignments). (Hemenway
Decl. ¶ 29, Ex. 15.) The publication instructs pilots not to answer calls from the scheduling
department, and goes on to state that the names of pilots who accept POTA assignment will be
published to the union membership and that such pilots will be nominated for “The Doug Parker
Golden Bonus Award” — described by USAPA as an award “to be given in recognition of any
pilot who goes above and beyond the call of duty to make sure Doug Parker and his management
team continues to ‘earn’ their hefty bonuses.” (Id.) The update provided examples of certain
pilots who were nominated, including a pilot who answered a call from the scheduling
department and accepted a POTA assignment in order to prevent a flight cancellation (which
USAPA sarcastically referred to as “valiant efforts&rdquo😉. (See id.)
Then on July 24, 2011, an anonymous text message was sent to East pilots stating:
“Seems like we have our first winner for the COMPANY SUCK UP AWARD… PINK PANTY
AWARD or whatever you want to call it. This A330 CAP on Reserve, on July 15th had 1 Day
Available, suddenly on July 16th he is on a FRA 3 day trip. Congratulations go to [rank and file
Case 3:11-cv-00371-RJC -DCK Document 11 Filed 07/29/11 Page 39 of 67
US Airways pilot] TOM BELTZ as our first winner. Keep up the good work by screwing all
your fellow pilots that are trying to get a contract we deserve. If you have a good reason please
let everyone know.” (Id. ¶ 30, Ex. 16.) Around this same time, a card was placed in a pilot’s
mailbox stating: “CONGRATULATIONS! You’re a WINNER! Your heroic effort to help
management achieve their bonus checks has earned you the Pretty Pink Panties award[.] Do you
want a new contract? EARN IT[.]” (Id. ¶ 31, Ex. 17.)"

I think Silver will rule prior to Jan.
Typical america west pilot hypocrite. america west pilots made physical threats against their own many times;;;;; page 23 and beyond in the following link.

"On or about April 22, 2008, defendant McIlvenna (america west pilot alpa union leader), using electronic communication, threatened the safety of a US Airways pilot by stating that “I hope the pilot group does not know about your plan to pay USAPA dues and join as a member, else I fear for your safety.” Defendant McIlvenna is a member of the Board of Directors of AWAPPA.
85. The defendants (america west pilots) and their co-conspirators have harassed and intimidated a pilot who was interested in becoming a USAPA representative by posting his telephone number on the AWAPPA website and suggesting that a “couple HUNDRED strongly worded [telephone] messages” may deter his participation with his union. The pilot has determined not to become a USAPA representative, thereby depriving Phoenix-based US Airways pilots of representation within USAPA’s political structure.

The pilot referenced in paragraph 85 was forced to seek the assistance of US Airways in dealing with multiple threats he received by both telephone and e-mail in response to his interest in becoming a USAPA representative. Upon information and belief, one such electronic communication sent by defendant Abbott on or about May 1
2008, inquired as to when a “blanket party” would be held for this pilot. Upon information and belief, a “blanket party” refers to a method of assault in which attackers restrain and blind their victim by throwing a blanket over the victim’s head, and then strike the victim repeatedly. The same pilot has been subjected to the threat of a concerted effort by multiple pilots to put him on a “no fly” list in order to severely limit or eliminate his work opportunities.
87. On or about May 9, 2008, a doll with “USAPA” written on it was discovered hanging from a noose inside the cockpit of a US Airways aircraft that landed at Lambert Airport in St. Louis, Missouri."

america west pilot goons activity: http://cactus18.type...d-complaint.pdf
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