All wrong.
The Company spells out .....
Hmm...and here I'd thought we were concerned with what the courts, not the company, will have to say.
"WHY USTUPID" does provide an erudite and most compelling argument though, as does "All wrong." 😉
All wrong.
The Company spells out .....
The Company spells out exactly WHY USTUPID is incapable of fairly representing their "West Union Brothers" and is begging the court to intervene. Which is BS as the TA, the governing document is crystal clear.
When referencing the companies court filings there sure as hell is a company. You're all scared to death that your scab union is going to lose control of the SLI outcome. Here's a hint...YOU WERE NEVER IN CONTROL IN THE FIRST PLACE...NMB elections determine who is allowed to represent a union group. DFR lawsuits may determine if proper representation occurred. Note the past tense. Representational ability is NOT decided beforehand, outside the election process. There is no "Company" in the equation. RR
When referencing the companies court filings there sure as hell is a company. You're all scared to death that your scab union is going to lose control of the SLI outcome. Here's a hint...YOU WERE NEVER IN CONTROL IN THE FIRST PLACE...
If the West/AOL get independent representation at a MB integration, you'd better ready the CIRP team. They're going after far more than the nic to compensate for the egregious illegal behavior of the fake union over the last 5 years.
You should be VERY worried of a 3 way integration.
I'm not talking DFR, I'm talking about presenting the panel the nic, minus the top protected guys, minus all the advancement enjoyed as a direct result of the illegal hijacking. I'm talking about a defacto bump and flush+punitive damages awarded baked into the final result. What's stopping any arbitration panel from accepting the nic, sliding every single East pilot 20% further down that list then merging APA?You're confusing a 3 way with a DFR. The subject of damages will not even arise in a 3 way. By entering into a 3 way the DFR goes away. You once again become your own independent and autonomous agency representing your separate interests. And if a sub group in PHX doesn't like the results they would need to sue AOL.
USAPA is correct in trying to avoid a DFR. That is because 'proper representation' has already been deemed lacking in the previous DFR.
Either way, if USAPA has the courage of its convictions, then a legal judgement day should be embraced, not avoided or delayed in perpetuity. A DFR is a loser. A 3 way has quantifiable and acceptable risk.
If you can admit you hate unions then we're good.
USAPA will fight and continue to fight any "sect" within its ranks that proposes seniority integrations by methods other than that as stated in its CBL, ratified by a majority of US Airways pilots. Read all you want into that fact. If you cannot "get the cards" you cannot represent any pilots already represented by USAPA. So simple a cave man could understand it. RR
Quite a fantasy. If you don't stop that, you'll go blind...I'm not talking DFR, I'm talking about presenting the panel the nic, minus the top protected guys, minus all the advancement enjoyed as a direct result of the illegal hijacking. I'm talking about a defacto bump and flush+punitive damages awarded baked into the final result. What's stopping any arbitration panel from accepting the nic, sliding every single East pilot 20% further down that list then merging APA?
I can assure you, the un modified nic award will look like a garden paradise compared to what the West is going to present to the arbitration panel. There's a mountain of evidence of DFR, illegal behavior, discrimination, and hostile actions against the minority group. All of that is coming out and nothing the fake scab union does will stop it.
Perhaps THIS is the reason they're fighting a 3 way so hard? What are they so OBVIOUSLY afraid of? Gee, I wonder...
USAPA will fight and continue to fight any "sect" within its ranks that proposes seniority integrations by methods other than that as stated in its CBL, ratified by a majority of US Airways pilots. Read all you want into that fact. If you cannot "get the cards" you cannot represent any pilots already represented by USAPA. So simple a cave man could understand it. RR
It was at AWA!I admit I hate what our union has done.
Arbiters have said 5 time in a row that for pilots LOS is not seniority.
That's the bottom line no matter how you feel about it.
Which separate groups of pilots were merged to become AWA prior to 9/27/2005 and when did they select DOH/LOS as the Seniority List INTEGRATION methodology?It was at AWA!
It was at AWA!