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August 2013 Pilot Discussion

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snapthis:......It's called an eye for an eye.

Yes, we as in plural------A-whole.

So what is it nowadays? Just "This is sparta!", or, since that proved rather less than truly impressive; have you gone all the "Rot in hell" way to "My Name is Legion, for we are many."...? 😉 Sigh! "You'se" are really gettin' ta' be a downright scary bunch, and just in time for Halloween! How thoughtfull of you. 🙂
PS: Great "spartan", "knight", "dire wolf" and bunny costumes btw! Aww...Go ahead, have another whole handfull of candy. You deserve it.

Tell me about Spartans and Knights, you expert

8th grade Algebra

X as in an unknown quantity
Y as I in something delivered in intermittent quantities

X-spert :lol:

the amount or number of a material or immaterial thing not usually estimated by spatial measurement.
"the quantity and quality of the fruit can be controlled"
synonyms: amount, total, aggregate, sum, quota, mass, weight, volume"
Tell me about Spartans and Knights, you expert

"the quantity and quality of the fruit can be controlled"

Sigh! I feel it best to leave such things to one of your own resident experts, to do so in his own words...and btw; it's made VERY clear here that the "quantity and quality of the fruit" can NOT evidently be controlled, at least within your particular little basket:

Let me make something very clear to you. It was the hard work of the employees of America West that built an airline which aquired your airline. You had unrealistic expectations that were not met and you're not going to cheat me because you feel life cheated you. Nicolau recognized the fact that the furloughed pilots of a failed airway do not go in front of pilots of the aquiring airline no matter when they got hired. Instead of being thankful that Parker pulled your airway out of the gutter of inevitable Ch 7 you made scapegoats of West pilots.

This so-called lottery ticket you say West pilots hold is a loser. That's because were anchored to a loser in 2005. We got furloughes and stagnation as a result.

Some lottery ticket. :lol:

I'm looking forward to bump, flush and damages.
What a crock of sheet! Do you really expect anyone to believe that line of BS!
Yes, Judge Wake was extremely comfortable. As was his chief cheerleader over at USAPA Watch. Does Snapthis also write for USAPA Watch? His prognostications are very similar in outcome.

Today in Part Three of "Why We (USAPA) Will Lose On Appeal," we will start with a global type question: How much more time and money are the pilots of US Airways going to give USAPA President Cleary and his thugs before we collectively proclaim "enough is enough?" ...Let's save that answer for later.

In the mean time, July 17, 2009 marks another momentous day in the ongoing struggle to complete the merger and satisfy the terms of the Transition Agreement. Federal District Judge Neil V. Wake issued his Order of Injunction in the case of Addington v USAPA. The order itself (Doc 594) was relatively short. However, Document 593 titled FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW and ORDER is arguably the most important document of the entire merger thus far second ONLY to the Nicolau Opinion and Award itself.

At 53 pages, Document 593 is THE definitive document that provides a superior synopsis of the entire East/West dispute. It is a must read for all US Airways pilots due to its permanence (as in reference to infinity). Document 593 will live with the combined pilot group for the duration of our careers including future mergers and new bargaining agents. The only way this document will ever be eviscerated would be in the very unlikely event the 9[sup]th[/sup] Circuit overturns Judge Wake’s carefully researched and airtight prose. It is more likely that a US Airways pilot will win the next Powerball jackpot than the 9[sup]th[/sup] overturning the Addington verdict.

The same outcome as Addington 1
Nope. I don't write for the eye but Rand McNally knows NH. We have our sights set on MC. It's called an eye for an eye.

Yes, we as in plural------A-whole.

MC seems to have helped take the Nic off the tracks quite nicely until AMR came calling.
The Nic. Dead on Arrival
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