Crystal. Of the two groups - Management and USAPA/east, which one is proposing to do more harm to the west via contract negotiations today (or over the last five years if you prefer)?
Thanks for making my point, even far better than my earlier rantings possibly could. West notions of loyalty to "fellow pilots" amount to nothing more than "What's in for me!?" For what it's worth; you may all rest easy on my ever even thinking of "turning in" any of you, but then; even such a creature as myself was blessed with some semblance of a spine at birth, and suffered no subsequent surgical removal of my entire cache of moral principles.
As for "more harm to the west"? = Waaah! What a fine (if incredibly short-sighted) rationalization for being complete, company stooges.
Paint things as you wish. Methinks you're worthless as even supposedly possible "allies" in anything, nic or not.