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Jun 12, 2003
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A grass-roots effort is underway to shed some light on the dues money that the (AFA) continues to collect from flight attendants.

The color green is associated with money. If you are a flight attendant who would like for the AFA to reduce your dues, you are ENCOURAGED to wear a green ribbon behind your AFA pin.

I know who you are and you are trying to antagonize me on these boards...I won't go there. Its bad enough we have management that wants to bust the unions and get them off the property so they can do whatever they want to employees, but now we have YOU attempting to create division among the ranks.

I know this is personal with you.
Funny how there is a law that all unions have to follow in reporting expenditures and recievables and every union has to file their LM-2 to the DOL and it is free for anyone to view on their website (LMDRA) but yet Corportations are not held to the same high standards as unions are.

For example unions cannot give any hard money for political purposes, but Corporations can do what ever they want and no one can stop them.
One clarification: Neither corporations nor labor unions are permitted to give "hard money" (straight, regulated contributions) to federal political campaigns.

Corporations and unions are both permitted to set up political action committees that their employees and members can donate to. Those PACs can give up to $5,000 per candidate per election.
On 8/7/2003 1:27:18 PM LavMan wrote:

For example unions cannot give any hard money for political purposes, but Corporations can do what ever they want and no one can stop them.


I'll be quite honest, I have no idea what the hard and fast rules are regarding hard and soft money. I have an issue with a union that takes my dues money that comes directly from my check, and giving it to a party/candidate that I may not agree with. It is one thing for a corporation I work for to do it, the money does not come out of my check. When there is a mandatory dues check off, which takes money out of my check that I earned, and it goes to some jag off, that is a matter of principle for me.

On 8/7/2003 1:04:04 PM Analyst wrote:

A grass-roots effort is underway to shed some light on the dues money that the (AFA) continues to collect from flight attendants.

Correct that Anal...it should read: A grass roots effort is launched by management to cause dissension among the ranks to further demoralize employees and kill any spark of the remaining fighting spirit after the slaughter that was already accomplished. Kind of like slitting the throat after the shooting just to be 100% sure.
Did not know if others were aware of this but U's wholly owned f/a's also pay the same $39.00/month in dues although our pay is unfortunately substantially lower. My understanding is that ALPA dues at the wholly owned are percentage based.
If anyone is refering to me, I did not actually state who Analyst is on the boards. I, alone, know who he is.

Any endorsement of candidates comes from PAC (political Action Fund) that is payroll deducted for "legislative affairs) and political actions. If you do not have a line item on your pay stub that states "PAC", then YOU do not contribute. If you do and are concerned about where your PAC money goes, then I suggest you discontinue. YOUR DUES DO NOT GO TO SUPPORT ANY CANDIDATE.

If we follow your theory, then I should be able to get ALL MAY TAXES BACK FROM THE GOVERNMENT, because they used it for a "war" I did not agree with.
On 8/8/2003 7:43:25 AM PineyBob wrote:

Cav, With all due respect a couple quick points.
1. Mr (edited) is NOT management! And I first heard of this was from his newsletter.

Doesn't matter, my statement stands incognito man.

On 8/8/2003 7:43:25 AM PineyBob wrote:

1. Mr (edited) is NOT management! And I first heard of this was from his newsletter.
That may be part of the problem. He is an arrogant ego maniac that thinks he knows how to run an airline. Many of his ideas and premises are way off base. His news letter is little more then self serving propaganda.
Reminder- Please do not post the identity or supposed identity of anyone on the boards. If you think you know who someone is, that is up to you, but we do not allow "outing" posters. Thanks.
......... My understanding is that ALPA dues at the wholly owned are percentage based............

The ALPA dues at any carrier that they represent are a percentage of salary. They don't have a flat fee dues structure.

I got a good chuckle when the LL Newsletter for the IAM came to my house and had IAM guys having their picutre taken with John Kerry, as Kerry pretended to care about tehir jobs and the plight of US Airways. This is the same senator that not to long ago wanted no aid to go to US Airways for anything, and that the company should be left on the vine to die. Only after outrage from his own constituents did he back off this stand. I have to ask if any IAM dues money went to paying for this trip to the Democrat debate in South Carolina, and whether Senator Kerry was taken to task on this issue. I am sure if GW Bush has said that, they would call for his head on a plate, and all sorts of cartoons would be all over that newsletter.

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