USA320Pilot said:
Change will occur one way or another. Either it's an America West type of contract or bankruptcy, where the pain will likely be worse.
You don't want to accept it do you captain. It will be BK because unlike you people are at their personal end.
Unlike you people know when enough is enough.
Unlike you we have been feeling the pain all along.
Unlike you we have been living on less then stellar wages and benefits.
Unlike you we know what pain feels like, living on the edge, working for this outfit.
Unlike you we are fed up with the never ending threats that if we don't submit to, more and more and more and more.
Unlike you with your Teflon constitution we have had it with the lies, deception, manipulation and all manner of union breaking tactics.
Unlike you, apparently with your never ending painful threats posts, we all know we can go on without this outfit's never ending threats and grief and total uncertainly.
Unlike you maybe most people want it to end subconsciously not wanting to up and quit on their own and are hoping for the end to become a reality once and for all.
Unlike you people have a limit to how much dirt they will eat, how many beatings they will take.
Unlike you most rational people realize the course of actions taken by this management will not cause people to do their will but only have the exact opposite effect practically assuring this company’s demise.
Unlike you people realize this is the end given the course of direction management has chosen, because unlike you most people working at U have reached the breaking point, unlike you they have a tensile strength limit and the gage says it's very close to the breaking point, where your gage is apparently broken.