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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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I find it amusing that the east posters have a 8 year track record of having their predictions go awry, yet feel somehow to be in a position of authority when it comes to making predictions.

Oh hardly! I take each day as it comes, understand that each is indeed a gift, and know only that the future's never subject to certainty at any level. It's you "spartans", on the other hand, that've been hysterically howling at the moon for over six years now....to much comic effect, to say the very least. 🙂

"Final and Binding!" "It's OVER!..Get used to it!"..."Ho Ho Ho! St nic is coming to town!"..."You won't even get 200 cards!"/etc. 😉 I won't embarrass you by directly quoting anything within the virtual ocean of your own, well-established foolishness there.
Actually Dan, bottom Reserve Captain would be quite an exaggeration.

You would be in the top 1/3 of Reserve Captains for Airbus 320 CLT. In July, you would be 41 Captain positions from holding a line and would have 86 Reserve Captains below you.

With our reserve system, every reserve is the bottom. Or the top. Seniority is totally meaningless on reserve, unless you are goo friends with the crew scheduler who will "call you in sick," or move an OFF day when it looks like you may have to work.
It's you "spartans", on the other hand, that've been hysterically howling at the moon for over six years now....to much comic effect, to say the very least. 🙂

So says the guy with 3,656 posts.....talk about comic effect!
It's truly troubling to see the finely-honed mind of a great philospher so clearly distressed. Might this unworthy samaritan seek to assist?

Let's return to some basics via the famous syllogism: All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal.

Actual mileage may vary, should one wish to enter into mathematical modeling/propositional calculus, but never so much so as to somehow "discover", as you did, ANY apparent logic in even imagining sanity to be present anywhere within your assumptions. 🙂

Well excuse me Aristotle...!

Hey, try this one......All West pilots are senior to furloughed east pilots. Collelo is a furloughed east pilot. All West pilots are senior to Collelo.

Maybe this one. All LCC pilots have claim to the Nic. west pilots are LCC pilots. West pilots have claim to the Nic.

Maybe this one. A union represents it's membership. Oh, never mind usapa is not a real union.

Oh hardly! I take each day as it comes, understand that each is indeed a gift, and know only that the future's never subject to certainty at any level. It's you "spartans", on the other hand, that've been hysterically howling at the moon for over six years now....to much comic effect, to say the very least. 🙂

"Final and Binding!" "It's OVER!..Get used to it!"..."Ho Ho Ho! St nic is coming to town!"..."You won't even get 200 cards!"/etc. 😉 I won't embarrass you by directly quoting anything within the virtual ocean of your own, well-established foolishness there.

You make a list of quotes but say you will not quote?

Hmmm......typical broken promise that the West has come to expect from the east.
You make a list of quotes but say you will not quote?

Hmmm......typical broken promise that the West has come to expect from the east.

Hardly, yet again. Typical of the frenzied, unthinking ignorance the east has come to expect from the west. 😉 Check the actual wording: "I won't embarrass you by directly quoting anything within the virtual ocean of your own, well-established foolishness there." That soley referenced "your own, well-established foolishness" (which you've just enhanced a bit), and not that of your "spartan" fellows. 🙂

You've first the needed capacity to understand the terms of any promise, before ever being able to determine it's validity.
3657...... 😉..

Trying to help prechillill with her "T-" countdowns? If so...umm...(how to put this kindly?)..well...perhaps you should learn something of the art of counting first. 🙂
I find it amusing that the east posters have a 8 year track record of having their predictions go awry, yet feel somehow to be in a position of authority when it comes to making predictions.

Here is a prediction for you.....the PIC will ask for even more money, and will end up no wiser than the day they started.

Here is another one....Swan will continue to play the part of expert on what a federal judge can and cannot do, especially when the 2 in play right now slap the smile off uscaba's face.

Well, here's the one prediction (and it's a big one) that the east made which came true early on: "We are going to kick ALPA to the gutter."

As I recall while that prediction was making its rounds, the west had a counter prediction:
"You won't get 200 cards."

Now, what was that about our predictions going awry?
So says the guy with 3,656 posts.....talk about comic effect!

That's EastUS version 2.
EastUS (original) has a few more thousand posts. Tens of thousands smiley faces!
Flight suits, dog fights...Xbox. Lots of loquacious commentary indeed!
That's EastUS version 2.
EastUS (original) has a few more thousand posts. Tens of thousands smiley faces!
Flight suits, dog fights...Xbox. Lots of loquacious commentary indeed!

Not fair gracious "lady"! Any and all Xbox "glory" is entirely the proud property of "youse"..umm... "knights who've fought with valor in many battles"! 🙂..and kindly make that "Tens of thousands" plus two now. 🙂
That's EastUS version 2.
EastUS (original) has a few more thousand posts. Tens of thousands smiley faces!
Flight suits, dog fights...Xbox. Lots of loquacious commentary indeed!

Yes I remember.

He even sent me threatening PM's. The moderators shut him down but let him back with his latest "call sign."

Mostly he has been behaving himself and lavishing us with his loquacious commentaries.
Yes I remember.

He even sent me threatening PM's.

You're just a pathetic liar. Well-paired defending the likes of Move2CLT/dca319. A wager for purely recreational flight hardly amounts to any imaginable kind of "threat"....well...unless received by such a "pilot" as yourself, I must suppose. 🙂
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