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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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AWA's Foolish Bet:


Feel free to post links discussing America West's impending liquidation. 😀
AWA's Foolish Bet:


Feel free to post links discussing America West's impending liquidation. 😀

Feel free to someday grow up and live in the real world. 😉 Umm...But...Wait! I now see your "logic"! Perhaps I should flash back to the Cuban Missile Crisis, and alter all of my "expectations" on the thought that global nuclear war was but a hair's width away? 😉 Whew! A good thing that didn't actually happen, isn't it? 🙂 Where would your "career expectations", beyond never even being born of course, be then? While we're at it: Exactly what "career expectations" did you ever have for becoming part of American Airlines? 😉

Meanwhile, back-at-the-ranch in reality: Have fun in PHX.

Vintage 1918 farm implements.

Pretty much LS, at least until they re-tooled the factory/etc. Aw heck...whatta' I know? I confessedly went through a "British Phase" = Nortons/Triumphs/Jaguars even MG's, so things-that-leak-oil weren't unduly strange. 🙂

Pretty much LS, at least until they re-tooled the factory/etc. Aw heck...whatta' I know? I confessedly went through a "British Phase" = Nortons/Triumphs/Jaguars even MG's, so things-that-leak-oil weren't unduly strange. 🙂

Harleys do have their charms, I still own one. A 757 captain I used to love flying with had a funny story about riding a motorcycle from Alaska down through Canada. He was getting gas once when these big, burly, menacing looking guys on bikes walked toward him as he thought 'uh oh.' They asked him what he was riding, he told them(I forget what it was), and they said "we ride Nortons eh." Turned out they had a nice chat, and onward they all went.

The Ace Cafe is a fun place to stop if you ever have time in London. I spent an afternoon there in 08. You see a little bit of everything.
Harleys do have their charms, I still own one. A 757 captain I used to love flying with had a funny story about riding a motorcycle from Alaska down through Canada. He was getting gas once when these big, burly, menacing looking guys on bikes walked toward him as he thought 'uh oh.' They asked him what he was riding, he told them(I forget what it was), and they said "we ride Nortons eh." Turned out they had a nice chat, and onward they all went.

Yeah. That encounter I can easilly envision. No matter one's "tribal affiliation"; Nortons were fun rides, and I'd imagine those riding them to all have appreciative attitudes. 🙂 The last year of the 750 Commando being, imo, the finest example of the breed.

"The Ace Cafe is a fun place to stop if you ever have time in London." Thanks. I'll keep that place in mind.
There are 104 new hires going into those bases for the month of August alone.

You? Not so much.

"But, But..in 2004-5..AWA ruled the world!...And whatta' 'bout all my expectations!?" 😉 Oh Well. None can say that the mighty "spartans" weren't warned.
Feel free to someday grow up and live in the real world. 😉 Umm...But...Wait! I now see your "logic"! Perhaps I should flash back to the Cuban Missile Crisis, and alter all of my "expectations" on the thought that global nuclear war was but a hair's width away? 😉 Whew! A good thing that didn't actually happen, isn't it? 🙂 Where would your "career expectations", beyond never even being born of course, be then? While we're at it: Exactly what "career expectations" did you ever have for becoming part of American Airlines? 😉

Meanwhile, back-at-the-ranch in reality: Have fun in PHX.

WE ALWAYS HAVE FUN IN PHX. Better that than being a dried up curmudgeon that couldnt keep his word if his life dependended upon it. Entitlement! DOH! Maroon......
What a sour old man you must be. Peace be unto to you my curmudgeonly friend. Go get some Metamucil & be a regular (turd). Maroon...
Your point? It sounds like you have a disrespect for older Americans.
You claim you are a Christian in your tweet and all around nice guy. You sound like a hypocrite.
Your point? It sounds like you have a disrespect for older Americans.
You claim you are a Cristian in your tweet and all around nice guy. You sound like a hypocrite.

A Christian that can spell. I am an older American. I would bet I am older (and wiser) than you, Sonny boy.

Here's what the good guys do: You keep your word, you help those that need your assistance. We also instruct those that have no moral compass where true North is. You will learn sooner, than later. Time for bed, Son. Tomorrow's a big day.
A Christian that can spell. I am an older American. I would bet I am older (and wiser) than you, Sonny boy.

Here's what the good guys do: You keep your word, you help those that need your assistance. We also instruct those that have no moral compass where true North is. You will learn sooner, than later. Time for bed, Son. Tomorrow's a big day.
Hypocrite. Say hi to T-Bone.
We also instruct those that have no moral compass where true North is.

Ah! Yet another barn-shovel full of west...umm..."righteousness"...as usual; from yet another paradigm of "integrity", who'd cheerfully set a new hire ahead of another person with 17 years worked, and equally happily usurp many years himself, if given the chance. Thanks for the predictable and hearty laughs. 🙂 Hint: PHX ain't in the north, much less "true North". 😉

"Here's what the good guys do: " Yeah...I'm so impressed. Real "good guys" naturally try to usurp and completely disrespect the worked years of other human beings....Right? After all; isn't infantile and narcicisstic greed the truest hallmark of "good guys"? Take your pathetic "good guys" BS and sell it to your sorry little wanna-be "army" of "spartans"...since that's all you'll ever have much luck doing.

"I would bet I am older (and wiser) than you, Sonny boy." Well...From your postings...You've certainly got me fooled. So...What's your wager? 🙂
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