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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Very well stated. It appears we have a recalcitrant side (no surprise) that wants unilateral control over a SLI that's already been arbitrated. It's not surprising PIB, EofA, 320Driver et al are so averse to having a neutral third party determine fairness. These guys just don't get it.

The judge didn't tell both sides to get another arbitrator to pick "either or" (may as well just wait for MB arbs) she warned both sides to come to a settlement or else. She is obviously out of line is she not? She was supposed to give you an injunction for the Nic! Or she was obviously supposed to mind her own bidness and let the MOU play itself out, right? Well she did neither, but she still could do either, or worse.

USAPA supporters have already expressed movement from DOH numerous times. I got a feeling Furgy has received a personal phone call from Doug already warning him not to drive drunk!
You are correct. Because of the east pilots childish resistance to accepting what you agree to you have cost this entire pilot group money and destroyed any unity.

You are going to go there divided and worn down from this extended battle. A battle that never should have happened except you easties true to form refuse to understand reality and think you deserve more than you got.

Usapa and east pilots will go down in labor history as the worst thing to happen to labor since Frank Lorenzo.

Pot meet kettle. You are one of the poster boys for childish behavior. Nic or nothing, right?
If there were only a way to avoid that circle jerk.

How about a method where both parties get together. Agree on a process. Choose a neutral third party and both sides equally make their case. Then that neutral third party makes a final and binding decision so we don't have to go to court, spend a bunch of money and wait years for a decision.

I know we could call it final and binding arbitration.

The entire point of the exercise is to avoid what you east pilots have caused. Live up to your deal and we would not be here.

This is the point where everyone realizes how bad it really is for Leonidas. You have Metro and Clear trying to get a deal. And what is even more perplexing, they think it is going to happen via an entertaining forum on the Internet.
There was no meet and greet. Harper has no good news. He plainly heard Judge Silver tell the bad news on LUP and the Nic. They were there. They are worried.
The all or nothing Nicolau cram down is no longer an option. Now they expect another crack at you. I guarantee their Nic plan was going down on you if they could. They can't. They were warned, they persisted.
We need to run this to the end, and propose DOH with good PHX protections. You cannot let Leonidas have one more shot at your career. Most of us are leaving within 10 yrs. protect what you have left. Give Parker the list, sue if he balks. Run this to the end. The more junior guys paid dearly to position the airline for the AWA U merger. You had your pension eliminated to make the two airlines compatible.
Judge Silver cannot make anybody propose anything. Push her to the point where she is forced to make a stand. Take her to the 9 th.
This is the point where everyone realizes how bad it really is for Leonidas. You have Metro and Clear trying to get a deal. And what is even more perplexing, they think it is going to happen via an entertaining forum on the Internet.
There was no meet and greet. Harper has no good news. He plainly heard Judge Silver tell the bad news on LUP and the Nic. They were there. They are worried.
The all or nothing Nicolau cram down is no longer an option. Now they expect another crack at you. I guarantee their Nic plan was going down on you if they could. They can't. They were warned, they persisted.
We need to run this to the end, and propose DOH with good PHX protections. You cannot let Leonidas have one more shot at your career. Most of us are leaving within 10 yrs. protect what you have left. Give Parker the list, sue if he balks. Run this to the end. The more junior guys paid dearly to position the airline for the AWA U merger. You had your pension eliminated to make the two airlines compatible.
Judge Silver cannot make anybody propose anything. Push her to the point where she is forced to make a stand. Take her to the 9 th.

There was no meet and greet because of deadlines set by Judge Silver. I think they were busy.
There was no meet and greet because of deadlines set by Judge Silver. I think they were busy.

Remember Metro and Cleardirect were the biggest advocates of pay disparity. I don't deal kindly with any of them. All you East pilots better remember every time these scumbags show up here what they did. For years.
Most every APA pilot is fine with DOH and a 5 to 7 yr fence, around 43% of are guys will be gone and about 37% (approx) APA boys gone.

Wow! You already asked all those guys? I think you have been misinformed. IN FACT APA put out a union update that said SPECIFICALLY that DOH was NO GO.

Keep spinning.
Wow! You already asked all those guys? I think you have been misinformed. IN FACT APA put out a union update that said SPECIFICALLY that DOH was NO GO.

Keep spinning.

Show us all the one where the APA endorsed the nic....? No? Can't?...You mean they didn't? Impossible! How dare they not do so!? Didn't "youse" tell 'em all about "youse" being mighty "spartans", or at least flash your "Integrity matters" and "dire wolf" T-shirts for them? No matter. Keep spinning away. 🙂
Remember Metro and Cleardirect were the biggest advocates of pay disparity. I don't deal kindly with any of them. All you East pilots better remember every time these scumbags show up here what they did. For years.

I don't remember their posts about them wanting pay disparity. Parker certainly took advantage of the situation. I was at the brown bag when Snapbacks were discussed. I'm not sure if it's archived in Wings but be basically said it was a no-go. If he agreed to allow it, fine with me. That's something you had to address with him. Not our fight.
When do we get to dump the "Cactus" call sign? Can't be too soon. What an embarrassment, in Europe the and ground controllers call us US Airways.


Departing Athens, and coming up the NE side of Italy, the controllers will not use the word Cactus and call us "Alpha Whiskey Echo 759".

Did all of you hard core DOH or death supporters make your threatening calls and send your e mails demanding that the BPR tell the judge DOH is the only fair way and the Nicolau is dead?

Don't forget the statement DOH is the gold standard.


I did contact my reps and told them DOH with CRs with additional protections for the west to include

1 for 1 furlough of pilots since you guys make such a big deal of something that in all likely hood will not happen anyway.

A special status for a certain percentage of west to capture captain slots.
Remember Metro and Cleardirect were the biggest advocates of pay disparity. I don't deal kindly with any of them. All you East pilots better remember every time these scumbags show up here what they did. For years.
You did it to yourself you baby. Can't you take responsability for ANYTHING that has happened to you? The list of blame is a mile long with you people. Funny, you know who's NEVER on that list? East Pilots. Your opportunity for pay parity was an improved contract. You walked away. YOU. WALKED. AWAY.

BTW, I have never, and am not now, advocating for any kind of deal with USAPA. If it's ripe, Which everybody emphatically says it is...except USAPA...then this will move fwd possibly to another Jury trial. However, the MOU that USAPA overwhelmingly ratified has a dispute resolution mechanism built right into it. Arbitration. AOL has been tasked to reach some kind of compromise with you. A Fair...I know you hate that word....a FAIR alternative is allowing an Arbitrator to decide between the Nic. and DOH. If you have a problem doing that, then you have a problem with fairness, which is a DFR problem.

Who are Symanski's clients again?
This is the point where everyone realizes how bad it really is for Leonidas. You have Metro and Clear trying to get a deal. And what is even more perplexing, they think it is going to happen via an entertaining forum on the Internet.
There was no meet and greet. Harper has no good news. He plainly heard Judge Silver tell the bad news on LUP and the Nic. They were there. They are worried.
The all or nothing Nicolau cram down is no longer an option. Now they expect another crack at you. I guarantee their Nic plan was going down on you if they could. They can't. They were warned, they persisted.
We need to run this to the end, and propose DOH with good PHX protections. You cannot let Leonidas have one more shot at your career. Most of us are leaving within 10 yrs. protect what you have left. Give Parker the list, sue if he balks. Run this to the end. The more junior guys paid dearly to position the airline for the AWA U merger. You had your pension eliminated to make the two airlines compatible.
Judge Silver cannot make anybody propose anything. Push her to the point where she is forced to make a stand. Take her to the 9 th.

Wow! That was very well put. The AWA pilots have always said they weren't really interested in anything the east had anyway. Now it's time for them to put up, or shut up.

Parker can't refuse a list that is cost neutral without having his ass in court. Judge Silver has been very explicit in verbalizing that there is no necessity to use the Nicolau. She was speaking to Parker as much as to the Leonidas class. He wanted that answered in the last lawsuit, but Judge Silver was evasive in her answers then. Now, she could not be more clear.
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