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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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I think hell froze over so maybe the wait may not be that long.

It's been a crazy winter. We have ice swallowing up homes in Monnesota last week.

I think the global warming crowd may be having second thoughts so maybe it's already happened. What do you think? :lol:

Was it really a wind event, rather than an ice event?
The solution to the DOH problem is being discussed. I like this solution:

"My proposal for a settlement:"

"The Nicolau Award with Conditions and Restrictions: Any Eastie that wishes to exercise their rights under its provisions, shall wait until hell freezes over."
It has worked well for you so far. (Sarcasm)
THE COURT: Let me stop you. If I order both sides,
that is East and West Pilots, to sit down and try to work
something out tomorrow and I do know, through experience and
otherwise, that unions can work 24 hours a day to try to reach
an agreement because it's so important to all of the employees,
to work something out, to consider the Nicolau agreement, to
consider it to be having been found fair before but to work
something out that may not be the Nicolau agreement, why
couldn't you meet that burden? Why couldn't you get that done?
MR. HARPER: I'm sure that our pilot representatives
could sit down and negotiate. I just don't know if they are
going to be able -- if they aren't willing to consider the
Nicolau. He's adamant to come to something that is good.
THE COURT: What if I order it as I did before?
MR. HARPER: You know, they have been ordered to do
stuff in the past, Your Honor.
THE COURT: Well --
MR. HARPER: And that's the best I can tell you.
THE COURT: Do you want me to call in the United
States Marshals?
MR. HARPER: We're taking the position that they have
a duty to follow through with what they agreed -- ALPA agreed
to and Airways accepted back in 2007 which is the Nicolau.
That is our position, Your Honor. And we think that the union
has the duty to represent us, the minority, and not trump us
because they are the majority and put something else on the
THE COURT: So, then, are you not, then, in violation
of the agreement or the Court's order? I made quite clear --
do I have to read the Court order to you, too, Mr. Harper?
MR. HARPER: I don't think -- I'm sure we're not in
violation because --
THE COURT: Well, I said they do not have to adopt
Nicolau. Okay?

Now, they have said, and Mr. Syzmanski very candidly
said today they are not Nicolau. Are you saying on the other
side it has to be Nicolau?
MR. HARPER: We are saying the duty is to present the
Nicolau in the course of the pilot integration process --
THE COURT: Okay. Just present it but not propose it
as the only method and means of adopting a seniority agreement.
MR. HARPER: Your Honor, when you go --
THE COURT: You're trying to get some help from your
father over here
The solution to the DOH problem is being discussed. I like this solution:

"My proposal for a settlement:"

"The Nicolau Award with Conditions and Restrictions: Any Eastie that wishes to exercise their rights under its provisions, shall wait until hell freezes over."
Sorry son, you have been ordered to the table and talk about all those C & R, It will be DOH, that you can take to the bank son. I know you don't believe me, your boys will find out next week.
USAPA (nor anyone else) cannot "craft" a combined list before M/B (before the POR), without that list being subjected to a vote by all members, and included in a new CBA (East and West.) And that cannot happen after the POR.

I guess you could put a combined list out for a vote without a complete contract, if USAPA and the Company amended LOA 96, and we voted on that also. So we would be voting on a new T/A at US Airways that would only be in effect for a few days. But I am out there on this one, I really don’t know.

But again, right now, you cannot have a legal combined East/West list without it being voted on by all US Airways pilots, prior the POR.

After the POR, as provided for in the new Transition Agreement (MOU), USAPA can only provide "listS" in the process and represent both groups under its RLA certified umbrella. You would have to get all parties to the MOU vote to change that one. Fat chance.

Judge Silver can play deal maker for a while, but in the end she cannot force a list on any group. When I say the word "cannot" I am not doubting her ability to make such an order (in fact any order.) And it would have to be followed UNTIL review by a higher court. Do you really think Judge Silver will make an order she already knows in not in keeping with decades of law, some upheld only recently by higher courts? I don't know her, but I can only hope she is unlike Wake, who did just that.

Playing devil's advocate, what if:
- a compromise is reached and put out for a vote to the membership;
- and it fails.
Personally, I'll vote NO to any changes that don't have some consideration attached ($$$) - no, make that ($$$$$).
How bad does Dougie want to be king of the airline world? How much do the money men want this 10B deal to go through?
If you believe that the west will turn out better with a three way than the Nicolau list.

How about you pick a few milestone west pilots and compare them using each method. Get back to me on what you find? You must have done some research because you would not just make a statement like that without some evidence would you?

Translation to the west, Judge Silver essentially said, west you have one week to work it out or I will dismiss your case.
There is no meet and greet meeting tonight west, there is no longer anyone for you to meet and greet.
The Judges loved this video I heard. The ball is in your court west pilots, nic or nothing has not been very successful for you. Keep listening to snapthis4me, nic4me and clearanddirectforme or your legally elected representatives.

There is no meet and greet meeting tonight west, there is no longer anyone for you to meet and greet.

Well, my bad.....I just assumed that Chip had offered to help raise funds for AOL, so naturally, they cancelled. 🙄
The solution to the DOH problem is being discussed. I like this solution:

"My proposal for a settlement:"

"The Nicolau Award with Conditions and Restrictions: Any Eastie that wishes to exercise their rights under its provisions, shall wait until hell freezes over."

Judge Silver chose not to keep the exhibits regarding your west case. One last chance this week. A dismissal of your claim west is guaranteed, a request for dialogue in her order is relevant for a few more days.

I think the global warming crowd may be having second thoughts so maybe it's already happened. What do you think? :lol:

Yeah. I'm thinkin' we've sure heard precious little from good ole' Al Gore of late....Of course; he's likely just enjoying his newfound wealth from selling himself, whatever's laughably passed for his soul, and his TV station out to al jazeera...so we may have to do without any more "Nobel Prize" winning powerpoint fantasies. 😉
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