Interesting perspective from East pilot, Chip.
"I have read the transcript and there is a lot to chew on. There are a number of key points.
1. There were no objections to permitting the new American Airlines to intervening.
2. A status report by the parties must be submitted to the court regarding settlement discussions that have basically not occured. This is interesting. With the exception of Marty Harper offering to have an arbitration on whether or not the Nicolau Award has to be used in the upcoming M-B SLI there have been none. This clearly does not bode well for USAPA and Judge Silver appears miffed that this did not occur. It will be very, very interesting to see what the parties present in less than one week to the court by close of business on Tuesday, May 21st.
3. How can USAPA provide a settlement report when their C&BLs require DOH? USAPA has a mandate to seek DOH, which Judge Silver appears to believe is DFR. How will USAPA address this issue?
4. Judge Silver seems to respect Bob Siegel and she seemed to get that the DFR claim is now "ripe" after listening to US Airways' counsel. Siegel's description of the APA Green Book and MOU being a JCBA, except for basically implementation issues such as PBS, appeared to resonate with Judge Silver. And, Pat Szymanski attempted to say the Green Book & MOU was not a contract and the DFR claim was not "ripe", but she would not hear to much from him.
5. Russ Blackwell wrote a compelling review and I believe he's hit the head on the nail. Silver wants this case settled and she's looking for resolution. In my opinion, if USAPA does not come off of their DOH demand and provide a settlement option, that Addington/West Pilot Class can agree to, Silver will issue a DFR order against USAPA.
6. USAPA's PHX-based pilots could have their opportunity to seek a remedy for USAPA reneging on a final and binding agreement because Silver wants the Addington Group to provide a "briefing on what the remedy could or should be if she found a violation of the duty of fair representation."
7. Judge Silver wants to see resolution, which is why she ordered the parties to provide opening briefs on whether the Court has the authority to order that the West Pilots will be a party at the McCaskill-Bond process after listening to Bob Siegel. If Judge Silver orders a 3-way M-B SLI arbitration with 3 different Merger Representative Parties (APA, East Pilots, & West Pilots), USAPA will lose control of the East-West process. And, per Bob Siegel's CAB description there would be no APA or USAPA input, there would 3 Merger Representative Committee's, the West pilots will control their own M-B SLI input, DOH will likely not be an issue, the East pilots will lose their 517 positions at the top of the Nicolau Award list for widebody credit, and the West Pilot Merger Representatives could actually see an even better SLI than the Nicolau Award. What's interesting is that the West Pilot Merger Representatives could re-introduce the Nicolau Award or another suggested East-West list -- it would be their option.
It is clear why Pat Szymanski is vehemently opposed to the West pilots representing them self, but it appears that if the logistics can be worked out and a 3-way M-B SLI proceeds USAPA's PHX-based pilots will control their own M-B SLI arbitration without USAPA's heavy hand and the East pilots, especially those hired between 1984-1988, could be worse off with the M-B Award than if the Nicolau Award had been implemented.