Looking at the law and reading the transcript it seems pretty clear which way this thing is going.
We are two seperate pilot groups who work for the same company. Under the current T/A there was a process for us to combine, in that process nothing, not a single word of it, is binding until the group voted on it and it passed. The process never made it that far due to the NIC fiasco.
Fast forward 7 years, now we all have voted to get rid of everything that came before and embark on a new process and merge with AA. The agreement that we all voted on very clearly states for all to see that everything that came before it is null and void. It also states that there will be lists for Usairways and a list for APA. it also furthurs that notion be stating that the junior pilot from the east list and the west list will be provided for the furlough protection part of the agreement. Then it stipulates the process by which we will combine those two lists with AA's third group of pilots.
The company has indicated that a 3 way is what they expect after looking at it. The transcripts from tuesday discuss that same scenario, and Judge Silver seemed to like that idea.
In its most basic form that is what we have. An incomplete process that at the date of the POR ceases to exist anywhere. I don't know how Silver will word it or what she will rule, but my money is on a ruling that in the end comes to the same conclusion, 3 way after the POR using the POR date snapshot of the lists. Now her ruling may be a 'kick the can' type that just lets the time elapse till the POR, or it may be something more direct. End result is that she is not going to force the NIC, she can't since the process never completed. By the same token USAPA cannot go into the APA merger negotiations with one single usairways list, that would in effect be the same as forcing the NIC. it cannot happen since that process was never completed.
Now what happens in the 3 way is anybodies guess, DOH with fences? Slotting? Who knows. All I am sure of is that it won't be NIC, It won't be straight DOH. We will end up merging with AA based on where we currently are on each of our 3 seniority lists. Once the POR happens nobody is going to give a flying f%^k what anything looked like last week, much less 8 years ago. Several times in the transcript Judge Silver talked about looking forward not back, I think she is already in that mind set.
Does not matter if you are east or west, top of the list or bottom of the list, come somewhere around september nothing we have discussed and argued about on this thread over the last 8 years is going to mean squat.
Thats the way I see it happening. If Vegas was giving odds on this mess that is where i would put my money.