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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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And if you continue past that pesky press release, she gets her answer as to how USAPA got to where that statement came from. A stiff legged Marty. Now are the west pilots telling Marty to keep his legs stiff or is he going to be allowed to bend them?
Better question. Are the east pilots going to allow usapa to bend from DOH?

Or will usapa stand there stiff legged and ignore the judges order?

Lying to a federal judge is very bad. DOH or death for you easties?
And if you continue past that pesky press release, she gets her answer as to how USAPA got to where that statement came from. A stiff legged Marty. Now are the west pilots telling Marty to keep his legs stiff or is he going to be allowed to bend them?

I'd rather have "stiff legged Marty" than a squid.
I think we will see a 3 way integration. AOL cannot represent the West as USAPA is the bargaining agent for the East and West. It will have to be USAPA.

We will decide who represnts our interests. Thanks for your concern.
I know what she said in court.

What did she write in her order? That has the authority. Can you point to the order doc 193 company DJ that says the west has to come of the Nicolau and negotiate with usapa?

You are correct, she didn't write that. She left it to the proper group, USAPA. She said they could do whatever they wanted, if they had a LUP. Tuesday she gave you guys that LUP. Its a LUP because circumstances have changed with the merger and the changes to our contracts through the MOU are reasonable.

BTW I guess I was wrong yesterday when I said the west had class status on this case. Without that I don't imagine anyone is negotiating too hard if it doesn't bind all west pilots.
What is the problem question to difficult for you? They really are easy to answer.

"to" difficult and "the problem question" singular, immediately becomes "They"...? Ah...yes indeed. Do continue gifting all with such intellectual largesse and grand storehouse of knowledge. 😉 A gentle suggestion would be for "youse" to engage in some additional study of at least language...and further immersion in the essential concepts of rudimentary logic wouldn't hurt either.
We will decide who represnts our interests. Thanks for your concern.
No you won't, will take take care of that for you. The west is represented by USAPA, end of story. 2 lists going into the merge with the APA.
I'd rather have "stiff legged Marty" than a squid.

Yes, stiff leg Marty. He has made quite a living filing unripe cases. The rest of the legal world views him as an imbecile who needlessly takes up valuable court time.
No you won't, will take take care of that for you. The west is represented by USAPA, end of story. 2 lists going into the merge with the APA.

Soon the question will be who is usapa?

Usapa will be replaced by the APA. Does the APA get to decide who represents east pilots? End of story.

Same rules apply. If you think the union is in charge a different union has the same rights you are trying to impose on us.

Would you care to rethink your answer?

I never did get an answer to my question who represented east pilots during the AAA/AWA merger? Who will represent the American pilots during the us airways/AA merger?

We will decide who represnts our interests. Thanks for your concern.

Flash back a few years here. "You won't even get 200 cards!"..."Send the cards...I DARE you!" 🙂 It would now seem that a group determining who best represents their interests isn't inherently a vile and unethical process after all...? 😉
Better question. Are the east pilots going to allow usapa to bend from DOH?

Or will usapa stand there stiff legged and ignore the judges order?

Lying to a federal judge is very bad. DOH or death for you easties?

Lying to the judge? Hardly. USAPA should immediately submit the DOH list.
Leonidas is out of cash. They are not even attempting another shakedown.
Turns out the Titanium donors were actually turned into Tin Foil.
Your meet and greet got cancelled also. You guys are out of money and got another court to say the Nicolau is not required.

It is high time for USAPA to submit a DOH list with PHX protections and end the mess. Sue the company if they refuse it.

You are correct, she didn't write that. She left it to the proper group, USAPA. She said they could do whatever they wanted, if they had a LUP. Tuesday she gave you guys that LUP. Its a LUP because circumstances have changed with the merger and the changes to our contracts through the MOU are reasonable.

BTW I guess I was wrong yesterday when I said the west had class status on this case. Without that I don't imagine anyone is negotiating too hard if it doesn't bind all west pilots.
Ok we are getting there. Judge Silver left usapa to negotiate. Logic would dictate that in order to negotiate there has to be someone on the other side to negotiate with. Who did the judge order usapa to negotiate with? West pilots or the company?

Did that happen during the proper time for that to happen? The time leading up to the MOU. If it was not done during the proper time when was that going to get done?

If you think during the M/B how does that except the company and usapa from judge silvers order that it was to be those two parties negotiating? She order them to negotiate not kick the can down the road.

When judge Silver stated in court she had ordered the west to negotiate with usapa she was wrong.

If the west pilots are not a class and as you point out does not bind the west pilots. How pray tell we're we going to somehow compromise with usapa as all of you have demanded for so long?
We will decide who represnts our interests. Thanks for your concern.

The NMB recognizes USAPA as the bargaining agent for all US Airways pilots. How will USAPA not be the representative for all US Airways pilots?
Lying to the judge? Hardly. USAPA should immediately submit the DOH list.
Leonidas is out of cash. They are not even attempting another shakedown.
Turns out the Titanium donors were actually turned into Tin Foil.

You call usapa and demand that they do submit the DOH list. Don't talk about. Don't bluster. Just do it. You obviously have some connect to the east pilots so get it done. Have usapa submit in the filings to the judge due today that the only seniority list is DOH.

Lets see the all power claxon actually get something done other than blow hot air.

Since when does someone that does not even work for us airways have access to Leonidas financials?

If you are going to make up BS at least keep it within the possibility of being accurate.

Are you somehow used to dealing with people that don't question anything you say?

Yes lying to the judge. Read the transcript very clear. The usapa lawyer lied to judge Silver. That is not going to go well for him or his client.
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