I didn't say I thought they would or wouldn't. I think it may depend on what evidence is presented to them. If the NIC makes its way to the arbitration panel by way of the west, the Company, APA, or by order of Silver then they certainly may give it proper consideration. If USAPA is successful in suppressing that from the evidence then obviously it wouldn't be looked at.
The subject at hand, if it ever gets to a M/B arbitration and it turns out to be a three way (looking more like it all the time), will be the integration of three separate (independent) DOH lists, not how to combine two of them and then a third. The NIC is a "tar baby" that three arbitrators would never lay hands on.
Assuming they don't see or use the NIC in any part of the new SLI award, then the question that seems more critical is do they get one DOH list from USAPA even though LCC pilots aren't integrated in that manner today, or do they get the east and west lists separately? If they end up with three lists to integrate, I would be quite surprised if they use a method other than a ratio list slotted by equipment and status. The east pilots who have returned since being furloughed in prior to the 2005 merger will be nicely protected this time (whereas they didn't have anything that could be protected in 2005/2007 since they didn't have a job at the time). Most of the west active west pilots will be pushed further down the list compared to their positions on the NIC, but they should be protected in their current. West furloughees would likely be at the bottom, but that's a risk they decided to take relative to the NIC legal battles. No matter how you slice it, I fail to see how an arbitration panel would devise a scheme that would shuffle a person up to a higher equipment/seat status by knowingly pushing another pilot down to a lower equipment/seat status as a result of their award.
Based on a POR dated snap-shot, I have no problem with a slotted three-way, based on equipment and status, if LOS is also a consideration, as it currently is even in the ALPO SLI parameters. Any C & R's protecting West flying would of course go away under this scenario, you good with that? Works for me.