Don Addington, et al.,
US Airline Pilots Association, et al.,
No. CV-13-00471-PHX-ROS
Defendants US Airline Pilots Association (“USAPA&rdquo😉, US Airways, Inc. (“US
Airways&rdquo😉, and Plaintiffs Don Addington, et al., (“West Pilots&rdquo😉 have filed various motions.
At the hearing set for May 14, 2013, the parties are to be prepared to discuss the following:
• If the Court were to find West Pilots’ claim ripe, the motion to dismiss might
be granted with leave to amend to allow West Pilots to add factual allegations
regarding USAPA’s allegedly wrongful conduct, some of which appear to be
in the evidence attached to West Pilots’ motion for preliminary injunction.
What additional factual allegations are necessary for West Pilots to state a
plausible claim for relief?
• If West Pilots’ claim against USAPA is ripe, what genuine disputes of material
fact exist such that a trial is necessary for West Pilots to establish their DFR
• The West Pilots cite to statements made by USAPA’s counsel Patrick J.
Szymanski at a public meeting of Charlotte-based pilots. (Doc. 14 at 22). Will
Mr. Szymanski be a witness?
• At oral argument in the previous case, Mr. Szymanski stated “we’re prepared
to talk and we want to talk and we want genuine engagement from the West
Pilots about the seniority proposal and we are prepared to make changes.”
CV-10-1570-PHX-ROS, Doc. 187 at 31. Does this statement conflict with Mr.
Szymanski’s more recent statements indicating “USAPA will do whatever it
takes to see that there is no Nicolau” and that USAPA will vigorously fight to prevent the West Pilots from being heard during the McCaskill-Bond process?
(Doc. 14-3 at 50-51). Is this approach in violation of this Court’s prior Order
stating “[a]n impartial arbitrator’s decision regarding an appropriate method
of seniority integration is powerful evidence of a fair result” and “[d]iscarding
the Nicolau Award places USAPA on dangerous ground”?
• In USAPA’s view, if it does not use the Nicolau Award in the McCaskill-Bond
process, when, if ever, would the West Pilots’ claim become ripe?
• Are there only two possible seniority proposals? In other words, is there any prevent the West Pilots from being heard during the McCaskill-Bond process?
(Doc. 14-3 at 50-51). Is this approach in violation of this Court’s prior Order
stating “[a]n impartial arbitrator’s decision regarding an appropriate method
of seniority integration is powerful evidence of a fair result” and “[d]iscarding
the Nicolau Award places USAPA on dangerous ground”?
• In USAPA’s view, if it does not use the Nicolau Award in the McCaskill-Bond
process, when, if ever, would the West Pilots’ claim become ripe?
• Are there only two possible seniority proposals? In other words, is there any legitimate possibility of a compromise such that USAPA will enter the
McCaskill-Bond process with a seniority list sharing and including provisions
from the Nicolau Award and date-of-hire?
• Has USAPA’s date-of-hire proposal ever changed?
• What is USAPA’s legitimate union purpose for discarding the Nicolau Award
• Recent briefing seems to indicate the West Pilots have changed their theory
against US Airways. What is the precise claim the West Pilots have against
US Airways and why is it not a “minor dispute” subject to mandatory
• American Airlines’ motion to intervene does not include “a pleading that sets out the claim or defense for which intervention is sought.” Fed. R. Civ. P.
24(c). If American Airlines is allowed to intervene, what claim or defense will
it assert?
• Do we know the position of the Allied Pilots Association on the ripeness of the
West Pilots’ claim?
• Do we know what seniority integration the Allied Pilots Association will
propose in the McCaskill-Bond process?
• Based on the MOU, have American Airlines and US Airways agreed to never
take a position regarding the appropriate seniority list to be used by the merged airline?
DATED this 14th day of May, 2013