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Someone better take away sharp objects from you after Tuesday.Nothing childish about that post!
Somebody better take away this guy's sharp objects before Tuesday.
Someone better take away sharp objects from you after Tuesday.Nothing childish about that post!
Somebody better take away this guy's sharp objects before Tuesday.
EAST PILOTS: The biggest disgrace to aviation EVER. Lorenzo was a prick to be sure the the fratricidal scabs out East take the prize.
I hope Scherfs response to Hummer went something like this: "You and your DOOMED fake union can GFY's....kind regards, GFY!"
GFY Billie Boy! SYICAH!!Nothing childish about that post!
Somebody better take away this guy's sharp objects before Tuesday.
Just returning the really show professional class....
You simply have NO CLUE about the FRCP. Secondly, AwFOL is trying to BACK DOOR evidence and discovery but doing EXACTLY what you're NOT supposed to do: ENTER "EVIDENCE" INTO THE RECORD WITHOUT DISCOVERY AND AN EVIDENTIARY HEARING. Since the Judge hasn't (up to THIS point) sanctioned AwFOL for it's OWN bad behavior and lack of following the FRCP and FRE then why should USAPA take ANY CHANCE to follow a law that AwFOL disregards ALL THE TIME? You're right. Tuesday is the day and you MAY wish to remember AwFOL advice: "we refrain from ANY vocalisations during the proceedings." First, learn to spell and second, put duct tape on your mouths. I really don't expect you to keep your mouths shut. They better have extra security present in the court room. Lately, SYIC! Oh, and let ME remind YOU of what Judge Silver admonished YOU TO DO:You make it so east to prove just how wrong you are. You bold the order that says no antagonism and that judge Silver expects cooperation.
Usapa filed 43 separate exhibits clogging the court with worthless filings. The company entered zero. The west pilots had just a few. It was usapa that whined about the term west pilots. We have been certified twice and will again. Antagonizing the court with multiple worthless filings is what she was talking about. Most of those filings have nothing to do with the case. Most of those filings will be tossed as irrelevant but the court will have to waste time dealing with them.
Lastly from doc 76 the joint scheduling filing.
All of the parties met by conference call on two occasions to see if they could agree on one suggested agenda. Such an agreement turned out not to be possible, so the agenda agreed to by the West Pilots and Airways is set forth below.
Which party would not cooperate? The west pilots and the company could agree. Usapa not at all.
A. West Pilots and US Airways
The West Pilots and US Airways included time in their proposed schedule to deal with the Application to Intervene, Doc. 56, as representatives from American may appear at the hearing and ask to be heard. Plaintiffs and US Airways have no opposition to allowing American and/or Airline Pilots Association ("APA), who Plaintiffs recently moved to join, Doc. 58, if they appear and want to weigh in on the issue of ripeness.
Defendant USAPA believes that it is premature to address the status of American Airlines because notwithstanding American Airlines' notice of the pendency of this case and motion for a preliminary injunction since at least March 28, 2013, the motion to intervene was not filed until May 7 and, under the rules of this Court, no response is due until May 24, 2013. USAPA has advised Plaintiffs that it objects to Plaintiffs' use of the term "West Pilots" to describe themselves as no class has been certified.
The company and the west pilots agree that AMR should be part of the hearing. Which party refuses to cooperate and has a problem with AMR being part of the proceeding?
You only prove how clueless you are when you mis read or misunderstand orders.
It is usapa that is refusing to cooperate. I hope that judge Silver explains to usapa in a very painful way when parties ignore her orders.
You simply have NO CLUE about the FRCP. Secondly, AwFOL is trying to BACK DOOR evidence and discovery but doing EXACTLY what you're NOT supposed to do: ENTER "EVIDENCE" INTO THE RECORD WITHOUT DISCOVERY AND AN EVIDENTIARY HEARING. Since the Judge hasn't (up to THIS point) sanctioned AwFOL for it's OWN bad behavior and lack of following the FRCP and FRE then why should USAPA take ANY CHANCE to follow a law that AwFOL disregards ALL THE TIME? You're right. Tuesday is the day and you MAY wish to remember AwFOL advice: "we refrain from ANY vocalisations during the proceedings." First, learn to spell and second, put duct tape on your mouths. I really don't expect you to keep your mouths shut. They better have extra security present in the court room. Lately, SYIC! Oh, and let ME remind YOU of what Judge Silver admonished YOU TO DO:
"Finally, the Court notes that Plaintiffs have already accused USAPA of operating in bad faith. (Doc. 19). Having handled the previous litigation, the Court is well-aware of the importance of the issues in this case and the unfortunate level of antagonism between the
parties. That antagonism, however, will not be permitted to spillover into this litigation.
Going forward, the parties must make sincere efforts to reach agreement where possible and
to accommodate reasonable requests by the opposing party." The "WE HATE YOU GUYS" running the AwFOL legal team.
Remember how much "Extra Security" USTUPID had to bring for their first(out of two in five years) union meeting in Phoenix? HA!!! I think they had a hired cop for Each West pilot in attendance. TWO! Damn. These idiots have cost a absolute fortune. I sincerely hope Silver puts an end to this madness. Part of me wants her to simply rake the company over the coals the toss the mess onto their guilty ass lap.we'll see, but I'm pretty confident USAPA is going to have A. Very. Bad. Day. On the 14th.Back door evidence? The west has a few exhibits. Usapa is trying to enter 43.
Read the filing.
The parties have stipulated that there are no objections on grounds of authenticity or foundation for all exhibits in the combined exhibit list attached hereto as Exhibit A. 1
1 By consenting to the introduction of the declarations and exhibits for purposes of the preliminary injunction motion, the parties reserve objections on the grounds of relevancy and reserve all objections to admissibility.
When usapa can't agree with anyone how is that cooperation?
Usapa can't agree it is ripe. Can't gre to let AMR in. Can't agree on schedule. Can't agree the west is a class. Can't even follow the rules of headings for filings.
The vocalizations would be of laughter at usapa's BS.
Extra security? Sure for east pilots. I expect some upset easties in uniform embarrassing themselves.
Because USAPA INSISTS on following proper SOP'S? Can't use DEMOCRACY in FRCP. Rules are rules, and USAPA is simply holding you to them. Self immolation in court is not a civil procedure. It's the courts jurisdiction and their RULES. If AwFOL can't (and won't) comply with them then I hope She starts the sanctions soon. AwFOL started it with their "few", whether it's one or ten thousand when WILL the abuse stop? When the Court sanctions Posinelli, and not before. I would like to fly out on Tuesday, watch and GLOAT just for your sake but unfortunately I have to keep an eye on things here while my spouse is away. No worries, though, the transcript should be out the next day and I can already anticipate the AwFOL "spin machine" working night and day to answer their "liberal" interpretation of the record for their benefit. Got to keep the money flowing.Back door evidence? The west has a few exhibits. Usapa is trying to enter 43.
Read the filing.
The parties have stipulated that there are no objections on grounds of authenticity or foundation for all exhibits in the combined exhibit list attached hereto as Exhibit A. 1
1 By consenting to the introduction of the declarations and exhibits for purposes of the preliminary injunction motion, the parties reserve objections on the grounds of relevancy and reserve all objections to admissibility.
When usapa can't agree with anyone how is that cooperation?
Usapa can't agree it is ripe. Can't gre to let AMR in. Can't agree on schedule. Can't agree the west is a class. Can't even follow the rules of headings for filings.
The vocalizations would be of laughter at usapa's BS.
Extra security? Sure for east pilots. I expect some upset easties in uniform embarrassing themselves.
Because USAPA INSISTS on following proper SOP'S? Can't use DEMOCRACY in FRCP. Rules are rules, and USAPA is simply holding you to them. Self immolation in court is not a civil procedure. It's the courts jurisdiction and their RULES. If AwFOL can't (and won't) comply with them then I hope She starts the sanctions soon. AwFOL started it with their "few", whether it's one or ten thousand when WILL the abuse stop? When the Court sanctions Posinelli, and not before. I would like to fly out on Tuesday, watch and GLOAT just for your sake but unfortunately I have to keep an eye on things here while my spouse is away. No worries, though, the transcript should be out the next day and I can already anticipate the AwFOL "spin machine" working night and day to answer their "liberal" interpretation of the record for their benefit. Got to keep the money flowing.
..not a defense to treating the west fairly.
You are dense. The motions hearing on Tuesday is NOT an evidentiary hearing. It is a hearing on the preliminary injunction. "The west entered 15 exhibits. Which one of these is so offensive to you? Which document is going to bring the wrath of the judge?
The T/A? The Nicolau award? The M/B amendment? The MOU? Maybe it is her order or judge lanes order.
Are you embarrassed by the 6 usapa publications? You think that should not be evidence at a DFR hearing?
Is it the graphs that show how unfair DOH would be to the west?
I know you are offended that the smoking gun Bradford letter that was already allowed in federal court once is coming back to haunt you?
Which document is judge Silver going to sanction the west for entering?
On the other hand what does a 2006 10-k filing have to do with usapa DFR? How about the TWU arbitration? Going to use the he did it too defense? That did not work when you were 6 not going to work in federal court.
What does the AAA MEC pretty little dot presentation to ALPA have to do with this case? You say ALPA is dead and has no bearing on usapa. Because your opinion that the Nicolau is not fair is not a defense to treating the west fairly.
If sanctions happen it will be against usapa.
The west entered 15 exhibits. Which one of these is so offensive to you? Which document is going to bring the wrath of the judge?
The T/A? The Nicolau award? The M/B amendment? The MOU? Maybe it is her order or judge lanes order.
Are you embarrassed by the 6 usapa publications? You think that should not be evidence at a DFR hearing?
Is it the graphs that show how unfair DOH would be to the west?
I know you are offended that the smoking gun Bradford letter that was already allowed in federal court once is coming back to haunt you?
Which document is judge Silver going to sanction the west for entering?
On the other hand what does a 2006 10-k filing have to do with usapa DFR? How about the TWU arbitration? Going to use the he did it too defense? That did not work when you were 6 not going to work in federal court.
What does the AAA MEC pretty little dot presentation to ALPA have to do with this case? You say ALPA is dead and has no bearing on usapa. Because your opinion that the Nicolau is not fair is not a defense to treating the west fairly.
If sanctions happen it will be against usapa.
Nic4 us comes up for air in east 190 school. Good job taking the recall scooter. Back to the books.Do they allow donuts in the courtroom? If so, count me in, I love eating donuts, drinking coffee, and watching fake unions trip all over themselves trying to come up with reasons why they should be allowed to steal the jobs of members they owe a DFR.