The American intervenors simply LIE:
"....American takes no position on the underlying merits of this litigation, the possibility exists that injunctive relief entered here in favor of Plaintiffs (should they prevail) could interfere with the obligations of all parties to the merger process (including Defendant US Airline Pilots Association (“USAPA”)) to proceed with that process on a timetable and on conditions memorialized in a four-party Memorandum of Understanding currently under consideration for approval by the bankruptcy court as part of that court's jurisdiction over American's reorganization."
Yet they COLLUDE with the Posinelli (sans Shugart, looks like their own lawfirm is limiting the risk of malpractice lawsuit) law firm:
"It bears repeating: American takes no position on the merits of this case or even, for the most part, the relief the Court might consider should Plaintiffs prevail. Moreover, discussions with Plaintiffs’ counsel have yielded proposed language granting injunctive relief that would, if entered as suggested, leave USAPA and the other parties to the merger seniority integration process free to comply with their contractual obligations."
AMR intervenors take no sides. RIGHT:
"Language consistent with the proposed injunctive relief sought by Plaintiffs would, in American’s view, be adequate to protect its interests in this regard. See Plaintiffs’ Proposed Order, Doc. 53-1."