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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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no expiration. The company wants a quick merger and that works for me provided they give a fair shake. Section 6 usually takes 3-5 years before serious contentions begin to boil over. Mx already filed for a release but my hunch is that the nmb may not grant it for another year or two. Its procedural and everyone ought to be aware of that. But transition talks also go between 3-5 years and the thought of starting new talks after walking away from section 6 talks with only crumbs to show for 3 years of talks would be silly. Lately, airline trends have used transition talks as a stall to frustrate union leaders into making themselves look like jack arses accepting antilabor deals. In the case of united, the eboard screwed that strategy up so bad they went from section 6 into transition, now back into section 6. It isnt that hard to figure out where the leverage is but labor unions have been putting their own wallets ahead of the members. Maybe our nc can change that. regards,

WOW... Nelson, this is the first time I've seen you admit this! Usually, you attempt to claim an agreement could be reached almost immediately, especially if YOU were the one negotiating!
Reflecting on things, it is amazing that we are talking about the worlds biggest airline when you compare today to an airline in 2004 that looked doomed.
Our members sacrificed damn near everything for their airline, and i might add that fleet service sacrificed more than any other group. So, after 15 years and management claims the industry has changed and that they can only give token pay raises, i say the only thing that has changes is that now we got 3 big fat cat airlines that are raking in billions but greedier than ever. One thing does have to change and that is that the cost of living in 1999 was a whole helluva lot less than now, so our members need to be made whole with increased scope so all of our current stations have commitments and that we staff some other stations as well. Everywhere you fly, mainline ticket agents are there...so should our members. Something needs to be worked out on that for sure. On this end of transition talks i couldnt see any excuse with less than $23 base pay plus premiums. Not that i myself am comfortable with an absolute minimum of $23 but for the sake of a greatly expanded scope... Right now only about a dozen stations are class one. Others can be contracted out. Scope first then other things. Folks, right now the company is only offering token wage increases of 1%~2% avg. It is time to put the merger aside and lose the word "single carrier" from our vocab. And continual legal actions of solidarity to help be visible and strengthen the membership. The membership needs to know that the companys proposal blows. regards,
More than any other group?

The pilots gave up way more money than fleet did.

Maintenance gave up more money than fleet did.

Maintenance lost 46% of the workforce.

Your group didnt give up the most.
Although im a bit edgy about some things in the "association" im glad they are involving the nmb and an election instead of cutting a deal to get management to voluntarily recognize it like upstairs did. I dont like the sound of asking management to voluntarily recognize because management would have asked for a quickie contract in return. So +1 for the iam intl and twu for at least heading to the nmb. regards,
If that is the case then this coalition screams desperation to keep the dues flowing at any cost. Does anyone really think the company is going to give a better offer to the IAM than it currently has in place that AA has at TWU?! Is this a joke? WTF! What about the lackluster industry leading contract TA that the IAM came up with for the United ramp? What ever happened to workers getting a fair shake in CHOOSING what representation they want, with unions fighting eachother for votes? I guess both the IAM and TWU are so far in hole with their membership this is what takes place. Back door deals at its finest.

Black Magic,

This is far from a desperation move, it is a move to gain leverage in our talks. If the TWU and IAM would have battled for the whole membership, IMO, we would not have seen any worthwhile gains in wage and benefits for several years. It is time for Doug to step up and show us that he intends to make all this happen in the near future as opposed to dragging his feet. Solidarity across the system would help tremendously.

P. Rez
The CSA and RES agents at HP/US voted on the association.
More than any other group?

The pilots gave up way more money than fleet did.

Maintenance gave up more money than fleet did.

Maintenance lost 46% of the workforce.

Your group didnt give up the most.
obviously pilots had more money to give up but per capita fleet service and "related" took a pounding. Almost scorched earth pounding as "related" got basically wiped out, and more than half the fleet service agents on the payroll in 2003 lost their full time jobs. What was really disappointing is that those who took the biggest pay cuts in fleet with the new "express" station rates, got contracted out anyways. That one still chaps my arse. regards,
Every group took a pounding, fleet didnt lose anymore than any other group.
The CSA and RES agents at HP/US voted on the association.
yes they did internally. Then the association approached the nmb with a voluntary recognition agreement by management. 30 days after the certification and along came a ta. regards
Not according to our NC team they stated if we don't vote for the association then we LOSE representation so who's right I know you think you are but have to take the info as being reliable from a negotiator
You are not voting on a new union, no one signed A-Cards, it is a vote for an association between the two unions, if you read the Q&A you are not being a member of the association, it wont have any members.

You will either be an IAM member or a TWU member according to where you work.

Being a negotiator doesnt make anyone an expert on representational issue, I have been on many organizing campaigns and was part of the largest win ever in the airline industry.

You are not voting on changing bargaining agents, you are voting for an alliance.

Who am I?

A former trustee, recording secretary,shop steward, many different committees, Negotiating Committee member and DL 142 rep, thats who I am.

Q: Will I still be a member of my Union, or will I become a member of the Association?

A: The Association will have no members, but it will hold certification for the combined
work group. Union membership will be based on a person’s location, as outlined in
Appendix B to each Association agreement.

7. Q: Will the structure of either Union change at any level?

A: No. TWU and IAM will remain separate and independent, but they will jointly
administer the single contract negotiated and ratified by the classification following
completion of the merger for their respective members.

3. Q: How much authority will the Associations have over each respective union?

A: The Associations will have no authority over TWU and IAM. Rather, the Associations
will govern system-wide negotiations and other system-wide representation issues as
outlined in the Association Agreements.

Learn to read and educate yourself, its black and white.
WOW... Nelson, this is the first time I've seen you admit this! Usually, you attempt to claim an agreement could be reached almost immediately, especially if YOU were the one negotiating!
huh? I have never claimed quick contracts but the exact opposite. Im usually on facebook but i might have said on this site that walking into transition like the iam did would cause 3-5 years of foolishness. When i ran the campaign against the teamsters, i pounded them for a quickie contract at continental and we mocked their decision to admit to transition talks. This isnt rocket science so it was no surprise to me after failed transition talks at united that delaney had to scrap his bizarre "interest based fast track" negotiations and instead file section 6 last month at united.

Sometimes things change and maybe due to experience or politics, right paths are followed. Who could deny that this association is interesting given the context of single carrier?
Roabily, although u may not be ready to have a drink with me, i think we both should be on board this negotiation approach and support it online and in breakrooms. regards
Airlines collected 3.5 Billion ( With a B ) in 2012 alone from Baggage Fees!

Chicago Tribune Business

In my opinion… this is a significant development regarding the “Industry Worth” of us lowly Baggage Handlers! For the first time in history… we can be viewed as a revenue producing sector of the business, and not a necessary liability!

Charlie, perhaps the company needs to be reminded of this the next time you guys sit across from each other!
You are not voting on a new union, no one signed A-Cards, it is a vote for an association between the two unions, if you read the Q&A you are not being a member of the association, it wont have any members.

You will either be an IAM member or a TWU member according to where you work.

Being a negotiator doesnt make anyone an expert on representational issue, I have been on many organizing campaigns and was part of the largest win ever in the airline industry.

You are not voting on changing bargaining agents, you are voting for an alliance.

Who am I?

A former trustee, recording secretary, Negotiating Committee member and DL 142 rep, thats who I am.

Learn to read and educate yourself, its black and white.
much of this is still new so maybe im wrong but in ord the twu guy said that there will be a vote in a nmb election where the choice is either the association or no union. I asked about a write in and he stood corrected. That was my understanding as well after i read the Q and A. You must admit,clarifying the q and a is reasonable andmore education about it is needed. Especially since im not sure how they reconcile the showing of interest. Beats me!
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