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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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the watchdog groups assessed the current legislation and only gave a prognosis of 2% passage. Only put it at 10% of leaving the committee. Let's focus more on our current problems 'close to home' and stop fussing so much about something that is not front and center and a long way from home. Read Hereregards,

Yeahhh sure Nelson... like the "real boogy" man... Delaney and the IAM! It doesn’t matter what percentage of a chance it has… it shouldn’t even exist! The FACT is-- its Republicans attempting to undermine Airline Labor Unions, on the record in front of you… me… god… and anybody else willing to do the research. What does that tell you about that party?

You don't run this forum... I'll take the conversation anywhere I deem appropriate!
Hey, my brotha, this weekend is party time!!
I dont want to take away from the hate that republicans have against us but we are up to our arse in alligators with management and this merger right now so lets focus on this. Im also confident that the iam is doing what it can in lobbying to nip any nrtwc from succeeding.
Close to home brother! Lets fight this fight and fight it good!
Not hard to research Freedom… The National Right to work Act, S. 204 is existing legislation that is ready for implementation as we speak. It would undermine the Railway Labor Act, by essentially superseding it!

Here is an exert from the bill…

(a) RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES.-Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 157) is amended by striking ''except to'' and all that follows through ''authorized in section 8(a)(3)''.​
(UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES.-Section 8 of the National Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 158) is amended-​
(1) in subsection (a)(3), by striking '': Provided, That'' and all that follows through ''retaining membership'';​
(2) in subsection (-​
(A) in paragraph (2), by striking ''or to discriminate'' and all that follows through ''retaining membership''; and​
( in paragraph (5), by striking ''covered by an agreement authorized under subsection (a)(3) of this section''; and​
(3) in subsection (f), by striking clause (2) and redesignating clauses (3) and (4) as clauses (2) and (3), respectively.​

Section 2 of the Railway Labor Act (45 U.S.C. 152) is amended by striking paragraph Eleven.

Here is Rand Paul's official link!

Here is an observation on the NRTA— the chance of success Tim Nelson posted is based on ‘current’ circumstances. As we speak… Democrats hold the majority of the Senate and have a seated POTUS, making it virtually impossible to pass. (2%)

However—beginning in 2014… these odds could change dramatically! Here is how…

1) 2014—Republicans retain House majority and capture Senate majority. (This is actually quite possible, as
very few Americans bother to vote in the Mid-Terms)

2) 2016—Rand Paul, or another GOP anti-labor zealot is elected President.​

The most likely leading candidates for the 2016 Presidential election (H. Clinton, and R. Paul) are already running closely in hypothetical election polls. If the Senate and House are both under GOP control in 2014, the bill WILL be sent to the floor, and passed in Congress… setting the stage for Presidential blessing in 2016!

This would only be the tip of the iceberg-- Once the bill is enacted… further revisions to finish off the Airline Unions would be easy with a full GOP control of Congress and a seated POTUS. All of this has a very good chance of occurring in the life of one Collective Bargaining Agreement!

Now... back to the battle currently at hand…
Hey, my brotha, this weekend is party time!!
I dont want to take away from the hate that republicans have against us but we are up to our arse in alligators with management and this merger right now so lets focus on this. Im also confident that the iam is doing what it can in lobbying to nip any nrtwc from succeeding.
Close to home brother! Lets fight this fight and fight it good!

I hear ya, but let's never forget that the onslaught looking to crush Working Class America is coming at us from all angles...
same here harry and to all the men and women in uniform serving our country now and in the past as well as our future thank you and God Bless you all and the usa
I know we have many reservists in the Fleet service work force , so i'd like to say thank you for helping to keep our country safe .
Everyone has to draw the line somewhere , my line in the sand is making legal this huge army of third world labor here to undercut us in our very homes ...While I care about union issues , I cannot help but feel that if the larger fight to prevent the importation of cheap labor INTO our country is lost , then so to will most of the blue collar class .


Here's a good discussion on the matter, and immigration's impact on the poor and minorities.
Hmmm... PBS hunhh? I always took Jester as far right FOX NEWS type of individual...

Interesting link... here is my favorite quote...

"But the other point I want to make is that there is unemployment today. There are many native-born workers and people of immigrant background who are struggling economically. That's absolutely the case. The cause of that is not immigration, though. The cause of that is a restructuring that we have had of the economy -- some people call it globalization -- a vast increase in the disparity between the very rich and the very poor. Those are the causes for economic stress, not immigration."

I'm in full agreement with this statement... the "boogy man" is not the immigrants-- it's the Global Corporations and their lobbyist... they have abandoned the American Worker for the sake of insatiable profits!
Hmmm... PBS hunhh? I always took Jester as far right FOX NEWS type of individual...

Interesting link... here is my favorite quote...

"But the other point I want to make is that there is unemployment today. There are many native-born workers and people of immigrant background who are struggling economically. That's absolutely the case. The cause of that is not immigration, though. The cause of that is a restructuring that we have had of the economy -- some people call it globalization -- a vast increase in the disparity between the very rich and the very poor. Those are the causes for economic stress, not immigration."

I'm in full agreement with this statement... the "boogy man" is not the immigrants-- it's the Global Corporations and their lobbyist... they have abandoned the American Worker for the sake of insatiable profits!

Oh really , so your saying Roabilly , that having MILLIONS of illegal immigrants who are willing to work for peanuts , even work for less than minimum wage , has NOT lead to unemployment for American citizens ?


that statement that you agree with , that makes me laugh ... The question posed was if illegal immigrants are hurting the job prospects of American citizens .. The person who answered it , deflected the question by blaming the rich , corporations and globalization ...

You can't seriously sit there and tell me that if 11 million people were removed form the labor pool tomorrow that wages wouldn't sky rocket for blue collar workers ...

I understand that globalization has caused tremendous harm to the American industrial base , a select few have become very wealthy while untold millions have fallen into poverty ...but just because we are angry at what has happened in the past , doesn't mean we should allow our rage to blind us to the most basic facts of what's happening now in our present ..

The jobs that DO remain in this country , those that couldn't be shipped overseas to China and Mexico ... guess what , those blue collar jobs that USED to pay a living wage are now under siege as those people from other countries who couldn't take ALL of our jobs now come here TO THE HOMELAND to finish us off and strip from us what few remaining in-country jobs are left ...

Unlimited immigration into the US is NOT good for our nation ... We bring in Over one million LEGAL immigrants each year ...That number is already far too large considering the state of our economy ... but to go further and legalize 11 million + more , that's insanity .... If poor third world people=wealth , then poor third world countries should be BOOMING ...instead we are IMPORTING poverty ... people who take out FAR more in benefits than they will ever be able to pay via taxes into the system in their lifetimes ...
they have abandoned the American Worker for the sake of insatiable profits!

Yep. A capitalistic inevitability.


With extreme wealth inequalities come inequalities in political and social influence, and the application of due process of law. The very wealthy individuals and firms have the power to influence the outcome of elections, the content of legislation and how it will be executed, and the means to escape social responsibility for the results. The working man should be concerned not only about the dwindling of his economic position but that also of his political position. He should also be concerned about the militarization of the police, the spread of the private prison industry, the advent of the information surveillance state, and the progressive encroachment on his and others civil and economic freedoms (from both private and public sectors), including the right to organize. There are already more people behind bars in the U.S. than any other country in the world.

Immigration is a good example. The G.O.P. in Arizona is very cozy with the private prison industry, which stood to benefit significantly from the passage of SB1070, and apparently had a hand in drafting it. Since there is now an incarceration market, Arizona's private prisons have been importing inmates from states looking to save money since inmates can be more cheaply imprisoned in the desert. To me, this is simply the degradation of a human being into a exchangeable commodity for financial gain. And who better to fill the beds than the foreign poor, who have no rights or recourse? Even human misery is exploitable for profit. In this state they call it being "pro-business" (which also includes, as it turns out, spending less on education per pupil than any other state).

In America The People were once sovereign, but now it's Capital.
Oh really , so your saying Roabilly , that having MILLIONS of illegal immigrants who are willing to work for peanuts , even work for less than minimum wage , has NOT lead to unemployment for American citizens ?

Many if not most of these are demonstrably jobs that most unemployed Americans do not want and will not take.

that statement that you agree with , that makes me laugh ... The question posed was if illegal immigrants are hurting the job prospects of American citizens .. The person who answered it , deflected the question by blaming the rich , corporations and globalization ...

Says the guy who brings no statistics or references.

You can't seriously sit there and tell me that if 11 million people were removed form the labor pool tomorrow that wages wouldn't sky rocket for blue collar workers ...

If 11 million people were simultaneously and immediately removed from the U.S. economy it would likely cause some serious and expensive economic convulsions. Wages might increase, but so would the costs of a lot of goods and services.

I understand that globalization has caused tremendous harm to the American industrial base , a select few have become very wealthy while untold millions have fallen into poverty ...but just because we are angry at what has happened in the past , doesn't mean we should allow our rage to blind us to the most basic facts of what's happening now in our present ..

Says the guy blinded to the basic facts by his rage.

The jobs that DO remain in this country , those that couldn't be shipped overseas to China and Mexico ... guess what , those blue collar jobs that USED to pay a living wage are now under siege as those people from other countries who couldn't take ALL of our jobs now come here TO THE HOMELAND to finish us off and strip from us what few remaining in-country jobs are left ...

You use an interesting choice of words. That the "homeland" should be "cleansed" of certain peoples...where have I heard this before? Tells me all I need to know.

Unlimited immigration into the US is NOT good for our nation ... We bring in Over one million LEGAL immigrants each year ...That number is already far too large considering the state of our economy ... but to go further and legalize 11 million + more , that's insanity .... If poor third world people=wealth , then poor third world countries should be BOOMING ...instead we are IMPORTING poverty ... people who take out FAR more in benefits than they will ever be able to pay via taxes into the system in their lifetimes ...

Stop being so dramatic, nobody is advocating unlimited immigration. Your emotional fixation on this issue is disproportional to it's importance to the greater economy. Again I ask, do you seriously believe that this is the single largest drag on the economy and/or our #1 greatest security concern, because from here you just sound like a jealous dog growling at anyone who comes too near his food bowl (like every topic). More specifically, it sounds like ignorant xenophobia masquerading as patriotism.
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