The Constitutional Revisions Committee is planning to put forth a revision to the AApfa Constitution that would deny furloughees the right to vote or hold office unless they continued to pay dues while on furlough.
If you are an AA flight attendant and you have one shred of conscience, you will contact your Base Chair and the national officers to express your opposition to this proposal. It should never even see the light of day, much less have an opportunity to be voted on.
Just when I think that the AApfa can not possibly be any more high-handed, hubris-filled, and low-class, they once again test and find a new bottom. While this is obviously an attack on the fomer TWA flight attendants, there are those of us who are furloughed nAAtives who will be affected as well. They plan for this change to be retroactive to cover all currently furloughed flight attendants. Future furloughees would be denied the right to vote or hold office as a matter of course.
It is antithetical to everything that unionism represents. While I don't believe that it would ever pass muster under the current Federal labor law, even if approved by a majority of the half of the membership that votes, think of the unnecessary expense incurred by the union defending such an action before the Dept. of Labor and/or the courts.
Shades of the Deep South and the poll tax prior to the Voting Rights Act of 1965!
If you are an AA flight attendant and you have one shred of conscience, you will contact your Base Chair and the national officers to express your opposition to this proposal. It should never even see the light of day, much less have an opportunity to be voted on.
Just when I think that the AApfa can not possibly be any more high-handed, hubris-filled, and low-class, they once again test and find a new bottom. While this is obviously an attack on the fomer TWA flight attendants, there are those of us who are furloughed nAAtives who will be affected as well. They plan for this change to be retroactive to cover all currently furloughed flight attendants. Future furloughees would be denied the right to vote or hold office as a matter of course.
It is antithetical to everything that unionism represents. While I don't believe that it would ever pass muster under the current Federal labor law, even if approved by a majority of the half of the membership that votes, think of the unnecessary expense incurred by the union defending such an action before the Dept. of Labor and/or the courts.
Shades of the Deep South and the poll tax prior to the Voting Rights Act of 1965!