im not shutting up and I'm not going to stop until the mechanics get what they deserve . You and 700 went to spin school . If the twu came to you today saying your going to be making 5 bucks a hour . You would some how spin it to make your lover the twu look good. Well I want I do not like the fact the first day I'm sick I get a half a days pay per occurance .we are the only group that has that. I should have 6 weeks vacation this year and another week in 4 years but I want. But stores got a week back. In the bk contract . I blame the twu for that. They hate mechanics like you and 700 do. You did call us overpaid I read between the lines. Well on the boards it may be us two cone heads but in the a/c maint ready room it is just about every body that feels this way. And before you say it was voted in. I voted no I have the right to complain. The 2003 and bk contract should have never been sent to be voted on. The twu should of not accepted either one. The pilots turned there down in bk and the judge told the company and union to work it out. Giving the pilots more leverage. I feel the judge would not of took as much as the twu gave away both times . I do not appreciate non mechanics like you and 700 disgracing my profession that I went and got a license for . And the twu/iam do the same thing to our profession they disrespect it also. I did not go get a license so I could get stores a extra week of vc. And all the other groups all there sick pay intact . See your lover the twu gave away what was hard fought all those years. If you call that a employee contract that you want . I want the union to get me industry leading pay and benefits. And not give anything a way. I have a reason to complain . Because the opposite has happened the twu has given up pay and benefits and lost jobs they said would stay.WeAAsles said:Just you TWO Coneheads. But I never said lazy or overpaid. And I'm glad that you recognize you whine a lot too. So does the other Conehead.
I'm beginning to see the world with your eyes. In this world there are 2 groups mechanics and non mechanics. Now I got it. The non mechanics decided not to go to vocational school.I saw those commercials when I was a kid should I become a airline mechanic or learn refrigeration or maybe learn to drive the big rigsconehead777 said:im not shutting up and I'm not going to stop until the mechanics get what they deserve . You and 700 went to spin school . If the twu came to you today saying your going to be making 5 bucks a hour . You would some how spin it to make your lover the twu look good. Well I want I do not like the fact the first day I'm sick I get a half a days pay per occurance .we are the only group that has that. I should have 6 weeks vacation this year and another week in 4 years but I want. But stores got a week back. In the bk contract . I blame the twu for that. They hate mechanics like you and 700 do. You did call us overpaid I read between the lines. Well on the boards it may be us two cone heads but in the a/c maint ready room it is just about every body that feels this way. And before you say it was voted in. I voted no I have the right to complain. The 2003 and bk contract should have never been sent to be voted on. The twu should of not accepted either one. The pilots turned there down in bk and the judge told the company and union to work it out. Giving the pilots more leverage. I feel the judge would not of took as much as the twu gave away both times . I do not appreciate non mechanics like you and 700 disgracing my profession that I went and got a license for . And the twu/iam do the same thing to our profession they disrespect it also. I did not go get a license so I could get stores a extra week of vc. And all the other groups all there sick pay intact . See your lover the twu gave away what was hard fought all those years. If you call that a employee contract that you want . I want the union to get me industry leading pay and benefits. And not give anything a way. I have a reason to complain . Because the opposite has happened the twu has given up pay and benefits and lost jobs they said would stay.
700UW said:Got to love how the avionics tech plays the victim.
They only have themselves to blame.
I dont hate mechanics, have many friends that are mechanics, I have represented and negotiated for mechanics.
Come up with a new narrative, sort if Weaasles and myself are more knowledgeable than you.
you wouldn't blame the union if they had you working for free. I do not care what you are w think. It's your fault if you negotiated for mechanics. i know how it works Bob Crandall even said it Tulsa at the meeting in Tulsa that if the mechanics could get out of the fleet union we would get paid more. The company offers so much cost for the twu work groups maint fleet stores. Because the twu wants to keep the group with the most union dues happy the twu give more to fleet. They do not care about amts. I do not blame me are mechanics who voted no. I want you and w to tell me how to trouble shoot a flight control sys EICAS message on a 777 if you and w are more knowledgeable then the amts. are how to rig a flight control. Are how to get into the CFDS on a 787 .700UW said:Got to love how the avionics tech plays the victim.
They only have themselves to blame.
I dont hate mechanics, have many friends that are mechanics, I have represented and negotiated for mechanics.
Come up with a new narrative, sort if Weaasles and myself are more knowledgeable than you.
Oh, how cute! You seem to think that the posts should have some connection to the thread subject. I find that level of naivete refreshing in someone your age.Kev3188 said:We still talkin' about the APA?
700UW said:Reset or replace the box.
And you don't even need an A&P to perform avionics work per the FAA, all you need is an FCC Radio licence, at US we had a lead avionics on the line that only had his FCC. The company after the PI merger wanted all avionics to have their A&P.
700UW said:Complex systems yes, you being more knowledgeable then a mechanic nope.
And an FCC Radio License isnt hard to get, that all you need to legally fix Avionics and sign off the book.
And there are many line stations that DONT have line avionics and the regular A&P has to fix it, they dont road trip an Avionics guy in.
Yep, resetting and/or replacing boxes is so complex.
Work in the Avionics shop, then you can brag.