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Anyone Care To Guess ?

firstamendment said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

:angry: :angry: :angry:
If you truly are an advanced member, you would know that I am NOT some plant from management. I am just trying to get to what others would do if THEY were the ones making these decisions. Hhhmmm, forum (scratch head) <_< the place to discuss ideas....and a place to vent as well. CCY troll... :lol: STOP!!
Typical CCY, trivial response...better luck next time.
I try to stay open minded to many people on these boards. I don't feel this forum should or will dictate to me where my loyalties should or will lie. I have read many posts with so many people opposing each other, fighting and having differences, but it does not necessarily mean they are CCY Trolls or Company Shill. That is one big problem I do see on here. Once someone disagrees or gives a completely oppostite view or opinion, then autimatically they must be Company Trolls. I just won't got there. It is children's games. "If you're not on my side and think like I do, then you're not my friend." Bull Crap.

All, in all I learn quite a bit and it is very helpful for me. My son and I often see things as different as day and night. Doesn't mean I'm Nurse Ratchett and he's the Pope. <_<
Furthermore, if FA were CCY he/she wouldn't have t\had the wherewithall to come up with even half of the suggestions or EVEN begin to know HOW to implement them. CCY is too stupid to think of 1/2 those things in a postive or Plan Forward move. Especially new F/A uniforms 😉 😀
ktflyhome said:
Furthermore, if FA were CCY he/she wouldn't have t\had the wherewithall to come up with even half of the suggestions or EVEN begin to know HOW to implement them. CCY is too stupid to think of 1/2 those things in a postive or Plan Forward move. Especially new F/A uniforms 😉 😀
Thank you.
I voted yes for the last two concession packages thinking that maybe it would turn things around. All it got me was a 2400 mile commute for the last nine months. I've watched co-workers who chose to stay and work Mainline Express take a 40% paycut and see their health insurance premiums triple. I've seen a lot of good employees outright leave the company because they've had enough. Maybe I'm just a bit jaded.
My first inclination is to make make some smart-azzed crack about flight attendants as a payback but I fly enough (too much) to know what you do and what you put up with. How about instead of looking at ways of shredding other groups,we start to demand better of the people running this company. A lot of employees seem to feel that there's no one to be held accountable at the top. WRONG.At this point,I just hope this company lasts long enough to get my family moved to Texas. If at some point I have to find another job,then so be it. I'll guarantee it will be anything but the airline industry.
ktflyhome said:
I try to stay open minded to many people on these boards. I don't feel this forum should or will dictate to me where my loyalties should or will lie. I have read many posts with so many people opposing each other, fighting and having differences, but it does not necessarily mean they are CCY Trolls or Company Shill. That is one big problem I do see on here. Once someone disagrees or gives a completely oppostite view or opinion, then autimatically they must be Company Trolls. I just won't got there. It is children's games. "If you're not on my side and think like I do, then you're not my friend." Bull Crap.

All, in all I learn quite a bit and it is very helpful for me. My son and I often see things as different as day and night. Doesn't mean I'm Nurse Ratchett and he's the Pope. <_<
I understand your response, and beliefs, please understand mine..it is a nasty world out there, and those with most to lose will use the most to win...and just for your info.....I have nothing to lose either way. I just hate to see a hard working group of employees, that have more time on the toilet, than Dave/Dave have on the floor, screwed out of their future and past. Its to bad that a group of people that were either brought in or bought in, can dictate the future of those that have spent /deticated years to this company, and were not asked in the past/or listened to, on how to fix it. Just ask yourself...How Much is enough?
Mike W said:
I voted yes for the last two concession packages thinking that maybe it would turn things around. All it got me was a 2400 mile commute for the last nine months. I've watched co-workers who chose to stay and work Mainline Express take a 40% paycut and see their health insurance premiums triple. I've seen a lot of good employees outright leave the company because they've had enough. Maybe I'm just a bit jaded.
My first inclination is to make make some smart-azzed crack about flight attendants as a payback but I fly enough (too much) to know what you do and what you put up with. How about instead of looking at ways of shredding other groups,we start to demand better of the people running this company. A lot of employees seem to feel that there's no one to be held accountable at the top. WRONG.At this point,I just hope this company lasts long enough to get my family moved to Texas. If at some point I have to find another job,then so be it. I'll guarantee it will be anything but the airline industry.
I am soooo with you but in no place did I suggest laying off utlity...just changing their role. If there are 2000-3000 utility as you suggested, this is not enough to do the job that SHOULD be done. Management has put so much of the burden on utility to clean because they will not hire anyone else. In doing this, they pull utility out of off down stations and guess who cleans the planes? You got it..the f/as are required to and at 25 stations. Yes, 25!! I know you guys do the best you can with what you have to work with. Let me make that perfectly clear. But, it isn't enough. The planes do not get adequately cleaned because there aren't enough and management wants them all out anyway, so everyone suffers..most of all the customers. Since half the time people don't read carefully, let me make this clear...that isn't a reflection on the work ethic of utility.

Please do me a favor and reread my post. Whether or not shifting responsibilty of push backs to another group is possible ( I know the pay would be far less) or logical, I do not like being misguoted. I do believe I stated that res. would be the ones taking a hit.
ktflyhome said:
I just won't got there. It is children's games. "If you're not on my side and think like I do, then you're not my friend."
Good for you. Someone's got to say "enough." Unfortunately, we seem to learn many of our attitudes from our fearless leaders. <_<

FA, that was a spectacular, well thought out set of proposals. I don't think the colored lights are kosher per FAA (but I'm just guessing...it just seems like it would have some potential safety problems related to confusion of color).
There are only less then 1,000 utility left at US.
firstamendment said:
If that's what you want to believe, than keep smoking that wacky 'baccy.
So sorry ,dont smoke that ####....like most of the upper crust can. I am sure that you know that,...or are you confused...if so...BOHICA
willnotworkforfree said:
So sorry ,dont smoke that ####....like most of the upper crust can. I am sure that you know that,...or are you confused...if so...BOHICA
Moderator....nice sensor. you may have saved him some reality.
deltawatch said:
I think Usairways will be finished shortly after November 2004. 1/3 going to United, 1/3 going to Virgin, and 1/3 going to the desert.

Bronner will move his investment to Brannson's Virgin. Dave will work for United for a few years. 😉
Well, Thank you for your "thoughts" I guess you will have to wait and see like the rest of us mere mortals if you were right or WRONG...... 😉
willnotworkforfree said:
I understand your response, and beliefs, please understand mine..it is a nasty world out there, and those with most to lose will use the most to win...and just for your info.....I have nothing to lose either way. I just hate to see a hard working group of employees, that have more time on the toilet, than Dave/Dave have on the floor, screwed out of their future and past. Its to bad that a group of people that were either brought in or bought in, can dictate the future of those that have spent /deticated years to this company, and were not asked in the past/or listened to, on how to fix it. Just ask yourself...How Much is enough?
I agree with you there. I am certainly no Dave Lover in the least. I have my share of years in with this company also. I have voted NO on every contract. We are all hurting right now in numerous ways and very individualized. I am just trying to keep an open mind to many of the posters. We all have a lot to offer.

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