i97 said:
The self destruction of US Airways began a long time ago. In fact their troubles have never been very far behind them.
Hey guys, I'm back. I gave myself a raise by moving from NYC to Charlotte. It's going well. Just never use Olympic Van Moving. They suck. I have skimmed the forums and see that not much has changed, but a new life in a new city has me looking at things and I decided to put some painful ideas out there that I think could work. I DO intend to get nasty responses. Just don't be too harsh on me. It's been a rough 2 weeks with this move but still happy to have made it. I am also mindful of contract negotiations, the need to preserve jobs...all the things we have gone over too many times. These are just MY ideas and thought.
I agree with you here, but I would just like to say that I feel there is plenty of blame to go around. When PI was bought by U, the f/a's at PI were excited that we had a better contract. Now here we are 15 years later and pretty close to the old PI contract.
Now I just want to point out that I, like most of the employees who benefited, had NO problem accepting a more expensive contract that was unproductive...remember 1 for 3 duty rigs where 3 day trips were worth 21 hours and you worked 15-17? I do remember how in the back of my mind I questioned the cost of this plus the hiring of mechanics to push back a/c and our own utility at much higher wages, but I, again like most, didn't care.
I 100% agree that management is the majority ruler in the dying US Airways that we know today, but let us NOT forget that it was trying to PLEASE all the labor groups during the mergers of the 80's that started the bleeding. Argue all you want with me, I was on the receiving end of a good contract. Bring in those that benefited from a freshly packed, dominating, non competitve USAir workforce of the early 80's and you have a huge conflict as so many watched these mergers squash the wonderful way of life they were accustomed to.
When everyone starts pointing at management as ALL at fault ALL the time, just remember that merger blunders aside, there was a huge effort to make sure that pay/benefit wise, all were happy. They had to. Half their employees would have made subpar wages. So where is it that management screwed up? Oh I know all the mirror image stuff, but higher wages means higher cost, period.
I am not arguing the case against superior wages or in any way trying to paint any management team of US Airways as particularly overfriendly but to me the biggest blunder of the money bleeding US was trying to keep the peace of a defiant Piedmont group of employees AND customer who loathed US Airways and made life hell for them the minute the announcement was made...and please ex- PI guys, this is just MY opinion as a former PI employee and my experience during this time, so don't get all nasty on me.
So yes, we are all to blame and there are many would have, should haves to go around, but the bottom line is that at this very moment this company is in danger of going under and the choices seem to me as pretty cut and dry:
1. Take a heartfilled "Norma Rae" stand against concession III and watch the company continue to shrink until nothing is left, laying off the remaing 25,000 jobs.
2. Take it on the chin AGAIN, and hope that management lives up to their plan, AND that the plan will actually work, which may or may not mean growing the airline, eventually bring back employees.
Sorry guys, I just don't see a compromise. This isn't fear based, just the reality of the industry. It took many years, but the LCC's have gotten it right. They may have lowered the bar on food, but they have upped the bar on price, ease of purchase and the ability to go where people want to go. Isn't that what deregulation was put in play for?
The true colors of the flying public are showing and it is showing on the balance sheet. It's time to go with what the public is demanding. Sorry biz travelers, you are no longer King and the more we continue to appease a loosing segment of our industry, the longer the red ink will flow. I know all the arguements of all the supposed bread and butter base of revenue, but that butter has gone sour and the bread is moldy.
* Four Level Pricing Scale
AM Peak
PM Peak
Off Peak
* Frequent flyer program segmented. Ten round trips equal a free ticket. No more, no less. If there is a seat on the flight and time to go one month in advance, it's yours. Keep current miles system until deleted .
* No levels of FFP. Thank you for your loyalty, but you fly who get's you there the quickest for convenience of time. The ten roundtrip segment will reward you nicely. It's about earning free tickets, NOT collecting them to throw in the face of the front line how many miles you have. I promise you most get that free cup of coffee after ten trips to your coffee shop. They will do the same here.
* Keep the clubs. Lower the price so all FF's can afford or ability of FF to purchase as per use of club. Add or select space for dressed message and manicures and lease out the space to said and have them charge nomimal fee.
* Transcon First Class (A321) and International First and Biz (A330 and 767) traditional only.
* Eight seats in all a/c, with no charge. Seats for most loyal customers. No ammenities, just space.
* Lower capacity enough on the other aircraft to make all coach seating comfortable.
* Inflight Entertainment system on par with JB. Sorry guys, the public wants this more than food, and all the "things" legacy carriers seem to think they want. Include the price on the ticket so there is no charge on the aircraft.
* All inflight meals ordered on computer. If co. screws up and order isn't there, vouchers should be onboard for f/a's to give for customer.
* Increase hub to hub frequency.
* Extend the connection times and add frequency out of hubs to high capacity cities, creating less stress for customers.
* Roll those hubs.
* Add CLT- MAN, CDG, FCO, MAD to ease congestion in PHL.
* Eventually go to all airbus fleet for narrowbody and boeing for widebody, 777, 7E7, or 767-400LR
Now this will get the dirty notes flying.
* Management to make same as JB/LUV, including CEO and Chairman of Board plus 10% cut for five years.
* 10% paycut for all employees for 5 years. Ten percent has equal pain, regardless of salary amt.
* Close res centers...res done at home. Lower number of res agents..sorry guys.
* No more inhouse utility. Never made sense in the first place. Out source this sucker like most have done for years.
* Take what would be layed off utility and put them in positions of pushback operators. The wage would be more on par with the competition.
*Open up hangers closed..if possible..and keep our own maint. and begin US Airways Maintenance Center (perhaps sweetheart deal with IND), providing work for other carriers from all over the world. This would be a division of US Airways Group, with those in this division making the same as the competing companies we outsource to. This division would be ran and managed by mechanics, with a VP (a mechanic) answering to upper management. Mechanics will make it profitable in two years with the ability for the mechanics in this division to receive bonuses if profitable. If not, pull the plug and the company will be allowed to outsource as planned. It's you guys chance to put your money where your mouth is.
* Better scheduling to eliminate sit time.
* F/a's break off from pilots, making bases more flexible.
* NO ITD fence.
These are for image:
* Sponsor for new uniforms who will modernize our look. In exchange, free publicities on seat trays and inflight magazine. Get rid of those 18 yo uniforms.
* Sponsor for inflight snacks with same advertising. Done on three month cycle.
* A/C tail advertisement. Would provide needed revenue to pay for inflight entertainment and new modern inflight lighting. Limit of 20 a/c to start.
* Sidewall lights multi color to add some color to those gray interiors. Done right and it would be sharpe and set us apart.
Awards for employees.
1 complimentary letter = $25
5 complimentary letters = pay egual to one day off (pilots and f/a's) or day off paid
6 straight months with best on time of majors = $25 each employee
6 straight months with best on time of all = $50 each employee
1 year best on time of majors = $100 each employee
1 year best ontime of all = $150 each employee
Top complimentary letter employee per month wins a car..again, sponsored by pool of car dealers or car companies with, yes, advertsing.
*Bring back the booklets for the f/a's to offer items for those customers who need pampering for legitimate complaints.
Well, guys, I can type no more...just ideas. Just trying to provide solutions instead of complaining. Any other ideas?