Art at ISP
Thanks for your comments. While I agree that there are some preferred members who act like "royalty" as you put it, my experience has been that they are in the minority. Most of the fellow US1's I meet and talk to are more like me than them.
While I see your position regarding selling more Y seats, as it applies to the 757, I am not sure it will result in improved yield. Selling more $99 seats isn't really going to help, and to be frank, that is what the leisure passenger is looking for. I wonder if you fill the whole cabin with $99 seats, what the break even load factor would be? I hate to say this, but the company should be doing what it can to attract the few business travelers left, rather than take a step back and cater to the once a year travelers (who, by the way, are much more of a problem during irregular ops than those of us who know the deal). This would include rational business fares, and enhanced rather than gutted premium cabin services.
The vast majority of us do appreciate you folks, and I for one am very vocal about it--to other passengers as well as to CA. I can only apologize for those who you refer to as self proclaimed "royalty", but now that you mention it, since I fly 99.9% of my travel on US Airways, it almost is like a personal airline to me--one in which I feel I have a vested interest.
Good luck and keep up the good work.
Thanks for your comments. While I agree that there are some preferred members who act like "royalty" as you put it, my experience has been that they are in the minority. Most of the fellow US1's I meet and talk to are more like me than them.
While I see your position regarding selling more Y seats, as it applies to the 757, I am not sure it will result in improved yield. Selling more $99 seats isn't really going to help, and to be frank, that is what the leisure passenger is looking for. I wonder if you fill the whole cabin with $99 seats, what the break even load factor would be? I hate to say this, but the company should be doing what it can to attract the few business travelers left, rather than take a step back and cater to the once a year travelers (who, by the way, are much more of a problem during irregular ops than those of us who know the deal). This would include rational business fares, and enhanced rather than gutted premium cabin services.
The vast majority of us do appreciate you folks, and I for one am very vocal about it--to other passengers as well as to CA. I can only apologize for those who you refer to as self proclaimed "royalty", but now that you mention it, since I fly 99.9% of my travel on US Airways, it almost is like a personal airline to me--one in which I feel I have a vested interest.
Good luck and keep up the good work.